Unable to create poser companion files in Daz Studio 64-bit

lamoid_5f20d3e469lamoid_5f20d3e469 Posts: 301
edited December 1969 in New Users

I am unable to create poser companion files.

Using: Windows 7 x64 Ultimate, SP1, i7 4770K @ 3.5GHz, DDR3 16Gbytes, Daz Studio v4.6.3.52 64-bit.

If I select "DAZ Studio formats" in the content library and try to create poser companion files I get this error message:

A source path could not be determined based on the currently selected container in the content library pane. Use the content library pane to navigate to a folder under the DAZ Studio Formats container and try again.

OK so I selected "Daz3D" under "DAZ Studio Formats" and tried again. The source base path was correct. I selected All *.duf files in the current folder" and checked "Include all *.duf files in all sub-folders." The destination base path was correct. I selected "Use metadata to determine library distribution and file extension(s)." A supplemental path was listed as /DSON Conversions. I selected "Copy relative source path(s)." The "Trim" option was grayed out. I hit "Accept". After a few seconds Daz Studio disappeared and I go this:

DAZ Studio has encountered a fatal error and must close. Exception Reason: DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\QtScript4.dll" at 0033:00000000EB52E29C, QScriptEngine::signalHandlerException()+18380 byte(s)

So I restarted DS and retried it, this time with the subcategory "Daz Studio formats > Daz 3D > People". Did the companion file make as before but this time with the "Trim form relative source path(s)" checked, since it was now available. Same as above but with the new address: 0033:00000000F3FBE29C.

Once again I restarted and this time selected "Daz Studio formats > Daz 3D > People > Genesis 2 Female." This time, the program did not crash but I got a list of 637 errors of the type:

The following list of files could not be converted because they are of an unsupported content type and/or file extension:

I:/Daz 3D/People/Genesis 2 Female/Shapes/NPM_V6/NPMV6_8_OFF.duf
I:/Daz 3D/People/Genesis 2 Female/Shapes/NPM_V6/NPMV6_8.duf
I:/Daz 3D/People/Genesis 2 Female/Genesis 2 Base Female.duf

Aren't .duf files the files that DSON uses? What gives? I have other questions that may be related to this. But I'll ask them separately.


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited June 2014

    I have never needed to create PCF yet, so I can't be of much help. A clearer explanation of what you are trying to do would maybe help, and what exactly you are trying to convert?

    This may also help : http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dson_importer/poser/userguide/dson_content_conversion/tutorials/creating_dson_companion_files/start


    I also found this video on YouTube which may be helpful:

    Post edited by JimmyC_2009 on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841
    edited December 1969

    "Use metadata to determine library distribution and file extension(s)." asks DS to use the Smart Content type to decide what kind of file is being processed - it may be that either the NPM files don't have a content type set (do they have a coloured border with a word indicating type at top-left of the thumbnail?) or that they are of a type that DS doesn't know how to convert to Poser files - though strictly the content type doesn't matter, the PoserCFs are the same anyway and if you are keeping them in the current folder structure rather than distributing them to the Poser libraries you don't need it. That doesn't, however, shed light on your crash - one obvious question, does the path to your content directory include any non-standard, for the US, characters?

  • lamoid_5f20d3e469lamoid_5f20d3e469 Posts: 301
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, Jimmy and Richard for your replies. I submitted the same question to tech support. They confirmed the crashes and submitted a bug report. No one has, however, answered this question:

    I got a list of 637 errors of the type:

    The following list of files could not be converted because they are of an unsupported content type and/or file extension:

    I:/Daz 3D/People/Genesis 2 Female/Shapes/NPM_V6/NPMV6_8_OFF.duf
    I:/Daz 3D/People/Genesis 2 Female/Shapes/NPM_V6/NPMV6_8.duf
    I:/Daz 3D/People/Genesis 2 Female/Genesis 2 Base Female.duf

    Aren’t .duf files the files that DSON uses? What gives?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841
    edited December 1969

    My reply was a tentative answer to that.

  • LynZemLynZem Posts: 22
    edited December 1969

    I am learning to generate PoserCF, for example I bought an outfit with PoserCF included, but the texture-addon lacked PoserCF (example: Boudoir Bliss outfit and Romantic Nights textures).

    I've found manually selecting the output type (such as Pose - pz2) more predictable than the meta-data ... no doubt because I have yet to see a good explanation of what that means, so I can't :). Still, I've now managed four successful conversions, and in all cases the auto-from metadata failed (with the "unsupported content type and/or file extension" error), and manually selecting the expected output created working PoserCF files.

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