material issue

ginonovantaginonovanta Posts: 63
edited December 1969 in Poser Discussion

Hi,here again the pest ^_^
i was trying to create a room in poser with just primitives (i must be totally deranged) and to make an elevated floor i imported an external obj object.i wanted to apply to it a brick wall texture but when i render this is what i obtain
can someone explain me why??how can i have a texture map wic follows the shape?

1366 x 768 - 548K
1366 x 768 - 680K


  • jurajura Posts: 50
    edited December 1969

    Hi there

    You will need UV map those primitives,you can download free version of the UV mapper and create UV maps and then texture them in any paint program(Gimp or any other program)

    Without this will never look so good there or you can try in yours modeler program assign any material of yours choice and them again import to the Poser,but best way is UV map them in UV Mapper


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