Experimental DazUERig Converter script



  • If you only have a few animations you are working with, retargeting is probably your best bet.

    This script makes it so the bone hierarchy matches close enough so you can use the animations without creating all the duplicate animations.

    Retargeting can cause some weird finger twists that have to be manually tweaked. Using the script doesn't seem to have the same issue.

  • dtoxodtoxo Posts: 6

    I tried this method and the script for the fun of it. I have to report that, that animations are really wonky after this. There is random movement in the Z-axis, movement that is not present at the original animation. If the character was not "jumping" up and down after, this method would be quite neat. I think it happens because of the different size of character.

  • Thanks UpL8Rendering for your script! Is really what I was looking for, thanks for your time and dedication.

  • Hey All. I was going through the setup tutorial of this script, but when I got to the part where you need to change some of the plugin settings, I couldn't see the daz to unreal plugin in the plugins section of the settings menu as shown in the tutorial. Could this possibly be because I have it already installed in the engine folder? Is multiple instances of a plugin not suppreted in unreal engine? I assumed the plugin in the project folder would override the engine one but I guess this is incorrect. Can anyone confirm that removing the daz to unreal plugin from the engine folder will allow the one in the project folder to work correctly and show up in the settings menu? Thanks.

  • WayneXWayneX Posts: 52

    UpL8Rendering said:

    I had seen several request for a script that would change the Daz Skeleton to make it compatible with the Unreal Engine Manneguin Rig and animations

    So I wanted to see if it would be possible.  A few users and I over on the Daz to Unreal discord server have been testing it out and so far it looks like it might work.

    I now have the script on Github for you to try.

    The documentation is in the ReadMe.md file but I will post it below as well

    Again. This is experimental. It does work with the Daz to Unreal Plugin but is not officially supported.


    Nice! I've just tried this beautiful plugin and it works super well! Thank you genius coder who writes code to help people! Thank you so much! This really simplifies a ton for me between the two softwares! 
    Thanks a ton 'UpL8Rendering'! smileyyesheart

  • dtoxo said:

    So could someone explain to me what is the benefit of using this, instead of just retargeting required animations/poses from UE4_Mannequin to G8 inside the UE?


    it simplifies the retargeting process for the user... all the names will be the same, instead of wasting time trying to figure out with daz bone goes to the unreal bone for a succesful retarget...!

  • UpL8Rendering said:

    If you only have a few animations you are working with, retargeting is probably your best bet.

    This script makes it so the bone hierarchy matches close enough so you can use the animations without creating all the duplicate animations.

    Retargeting can cause some weird finger twists that have to be manually tweaked. Using the script doesn't seem to have the same issue.


    Hi there, I'd like to know is the script still working for 2022 ? i looked at github recently and i see that it has not been updated for awhile, so is this script still a thing ?

  • catmastercatmaster Posts: 226

    Better to bake animations including morph animations directly to the deforming bones of Daz skeleton inside Blender and not change the original Daz skeletons, the expressions, morphs and JCMs would lost if the original skeleton was reduced, there's no need to use UE4 or UE5 skeletons in Unreal either, and no need to use mannequin animations especially if the characters are females, the female version of Daz skeleton works best for them.

  • hi UpL8Rendering, thanks for your work on this project! it's remarkably helpful.

    i had a somewhat similar problem to someone above if you have any insights -- i can understand the process up to the changing of additive settings, but what is the proper workflow for complex animation blueprints? will batch editing the base poses be sufficient? i suppose i wonder what the case would be if the given animations already have additive settings that you're committed to? i'm still a complete novice and trying to soak in as much information as i can, but it seems like some of the blueprints i'm working with pretty heavily utilize the additive animation settings. should i just... find new animations? cheeky

  • I'm excited to try this!  Thanks for your efforts.  I've run into an instance where after updating to Unreal 5.3, my DAZ characters all lost their animations, and the solution is to replace with a Unreal Mannequin (in theory)!.   So to answer the above question, it makes replacing skeletons that have pre-made animations associated with a particular Unreal Mannequin, well it makes that a breeze.  So I'll give it a go.  Fingers crossed.

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