mcjClosestVertex - get a marker at the position of the closest vertex of something to your camera Fo
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July 11 2014 2:22 pm release
July 11 2014 5:52 pm removed debugging code which was called up to 8000 times!
this could be usefill for scripts that set the depth of field based on the position of a null node !
or it could be useful if one of your figure needs to scratch something off a friend's nose with precision
1 - select something
example a character's head
run the script
the script goes through up to 2000 faces and keeps the closest vertex
it then creates a node named mcjMarker at that position
( if need be, change that name in the script's code which is human-readable )
You are awesome. Thank you for this script and all the other amazing stuff you do!
Neat idea, I'll definitely give that a try.