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And the other half bought it on Steam.. yeah..
*twiddles thumbs* *twitches*
<thread derail>
I would have just bought it on Steam but I don't play DOTA 2 enough to merit trading a cool tshirt for an announcer pack. Darc got it on Steam though 'cause he does play DOTA 2 almost every day for at least an hour or two. I've been watching him play after my work hours the last couple days but it's not the same.
</thread derail>
For Honor, Syndicate, and Horizon Zero Dawn. I'm probably going to have to wait a bit longer, lol. Jason Vandenberghe sold me on the first one with that E3 presentation.
And because it's the top of the next page, lol. Here is the two renders again, from the end of the last page.
Just to recap what was done so far. There is still a Keyhole dress, and two more figures to work with.
In separate news, I think Windows 7 update just trashed the past hour of what I was working on. The universe hates me, lol.
I think I have a vague idea of where I was with the shader settings, lol. The last thing I was working on was Destiny's eyes, as the maps are a tad different from others I've fussed with. The Iris is separate from the rest of the eye, so those maps don't work if there just dropped into the eye template. I had just tossed Phoebe's AltShader on her to get things going. As for that outfit, ah, I'll just do that all again as none of it was in my last save point.
On the right is FWSA Paloma (my alt shader for the moment) with the Keyhole dress using one of the add-on textures by ShanasSoulmate. I'm really not sure about that Pose from a pose set, needs some adjusting, lol. The hair is Endless Summer Ponytail for G3F. And my mistake, head shape at 75% body shape at 50%. She is all at 100% in the next post.
I think there is another Olympia around. L to R, Wachiwi 2, Zaniyah, FWSA Paloma, and Destiny for Olympia 6. I do have 'AltShaders' on Zaniyah, Paloma, and Destiny, for the moment as I'm still working on some stuff with the outfits.
With Destiny, I simply loaded the mats, then applied Phoebe's alt shader (R-click, Ignoring maps). The eyes needed a tad more work to get the hazel eyes back (Different maps in the Iris and Cornea zones). The skin, I did also brighten the Diffuse and Specular backing color a tad more after all that.
Here is a slightly closer view of Paloma and Destiny. I'm actually using different maps for the bump and diffuse on Destiny's outfit from the others.
I'm going to have to work on Destiny's AltShader skin tone some more, as that is nothing like the promos.
omUberSurface, Back to basics, sort of.
Not the one sold in the store, the basic one included in Daz Studio.
The first thing I did, was set a dark Diffuse so I could easily see the affects of the other settings. This is on a Primitive Sphere 1 foot in size, with a single menu light on default settings (unless noted otherwise).
Specular (1). Not much is new from the Daz Default shader. Specular Strength, color, and Glossiness all still work the same (for the most part, regarding dial direction vs amounts of effect).
Specular strength and the Specular Color work together to control how bright the spot is (overall), and the color of the spot. White color or 100% strength is the brightest, and lesser values for a darker spot.
Glossiness controls how big the spot is on a curved surface (again, nothing new). 100% makes a small spot, and less makes the spot bigger.
Specular Sharpness, controls how soft the fade-in is of the spot at the edge. 100% is practically an on/off edge, and less makes the edge softer.
Anasotropic Active, appears to make the spot bigger horizontally or vertically, depending on the Anasotropic Direction setting.
Sounds good so far, now what about the "Specular2" settings.
Specular2 looks very diferent in the surface tab.
There is NO, Glossiness to control the size of the spot??? Just some obscure "Roughness" dial, assuming that the others even work the same at all
Yea, the names of the dials are very confusing when doing this on complex geometry. "Specular2 Roughness" is not at all what it sounds like, and behaves more like a "Glossiness" dial (including the dial direction). And here I thought it was supposed to 'add noise' somehow.
At least the "Specular2 Sharpness" dial still dose indeed behave the same as the "Specular Sharpness" in the first Specular channel.
Anasotropic2 Active and Anasotropic2 Direction appears to also function the same. For the sake of a little fun, I decided to try this with green in diffuse, red in Specular1 set to U (horizontal), and blue in Specular2 set to V (vertical). This may possibly be useful for things like a crosshatch weave with two separate colors in the Vertical vs Horizontal threads, Possibly.
Also, I put the same exact numbers in both Specular channels. 50% in Glossiness and "Specular2 Roughness", and 25% in "Specular Sharpness" and "Specular2 Sharpness". It appears the only difference is in the names of the Specular Dials.
U vs V. Here it is day three of this, and it just dawned on me what the 'U' may possibly be. V is obviously for Vertical, tho I often think of 'Horizontal' rather then calling it "Unilateral" . I still have my doubts, as Unilateral is not exactly a 'Cartesian' term I'm familiar with the existence of (whatever). 'U' is the 'Horizontal'. This is the case with "Map Tiling", and the "Anasotropic Direction" settings.
What is that "Multiply Specular Through Opacity". Opacity maps can be used to make holes in a mesh (like for Lace cloth), when the Multiply Specular Through Opacity setting is off, Specular will ignore any Opacity mapped holes in a mesh. I do not see a second Multiply Specular Through Opacity setting, and the one setting appears to affect both specular sets.
(Intermission for proofreading)
Velvet, is fairly simple,
except for a small quark if set wrong for some things.
Velvet Color and Velvet Strength control how bright and the color of the 'Velvet effect', similar to Diffuse Color and Diffuse Strength.
Velvet Falloff controls how much the 'Velvet effect' is spread out. Lower number is more spread out.
Why is the inside of the sleeve glowing, lol. If the Velvet Color and Velvet Strength is set to high, it can produce an ambient effect of sorts. Especially on the 'Back side' of a surface normal, when a sleeve dose not have a folded in edge to prevent that. The following is in my test chamber with a simple test vase, as the inside of the test vase is the back of the normals (Back side of the polygon surface), and some of it is in shadow.
(Intermission for making screen-caps)
is fairly simple, except for a "Diffuse Roughness" setting, and it also affects some other settings as well. Or dose it, I distinctly remember it did in the past with something?
Now That looks like a very interesting effect, as it almost makes the Diffuse another Specular of sorts. Or it may be useful for adding some hint of Subsurface transmission of light, possibly. This effect dose not allow a light to illuminate a surface out beyond the line-of-sight of the light, it only affects how soft the boundary is at the edge of a lights illumination area. Shown here with three lights 90 degrees apart (Red light to the left, Green light in front, and Blue light to the right of the sphere).
I'm still not entirely sure yet what channels the Diffuse affects, however without a map in diffuse it dose not appear to affect Specular or Velvet. With a map blotting out the diffuse, the specular can appear rather dull, and diffuse colors can tint things like inlay silver done with maps. These tests was done with a simple pond ripple map (borrowed from a search for pond ripples), and a negative of that map in the other channel, that kind of look like this.
The only interesting one out of the bunch so far is the Specular one, as all the others don't appear to be blotted out entirely or dull. The specular almost looks disconnected at the edge of the red and cyan, appearing as if it's another layer or something.
As for the rest, they do not appear affected much by the map in diffuse.
It's getting late, I'll continue this tomorrow after some rest.
omUberSurface, in closing.
Some skimmed over stuff. Opacity, Ambient, etc. There are a few things that don't appear to operate any differently from the DazDefaultShader. Opacity is one of them, 100% (white in a map) is completely opaque, and 0% (black in a map) is completely transparent. Ambient is also quite familiar, the color and color map controls the color of the ambient, and the strength dial controls the intensity of the ambient effect. Both can have a mask map of sorts to control where the effect is on a surface, and the gray-scale of both is similar (white is 100%, and black is 0%).
So, that I think is a rather small sampling of Omni Uber Surface shader. There are many other dials and switches I have no idea what they do, tho this appears to be a good start for making simple things like cloth. One thing I stumbled on many times during the process of making the screen-caps, is all the On/Off switches for each channel, lol. I kept forgetting to turn on the one I was testing, or turn off the last one I had just finished testing.
Some things are not that demanding on render times, and others can be incredibly painful to work with. In all it appears to be a good shader with some very nice features to work with (especially for things that need some Velvet effect). As for the more advanced things like SSS, there are threads all over the place that go into considerable detail regarding that for different things. Like this one.
I was having considerable difficulty just getting the basic stuff to behave, and now I know it is because the dials are labeled in a very confusing way, giving them the appearance to not be working properly.
This was done with Ambient, Diffuse, ray-trace Reflection, and displacement. It rendered in a reasonable amount of time, unlike the one at the beginning that I canceled after the 40 minute mark, lol. That canceled one was using everything (Ambient, Diffuse, Index of refraction, Opacity, ray-trace Reflection, etc), except SSS. This appears to be an incredibly versatile shader, however some discretion may be needed to get the best results without making the surface impossible to render in a humans lifetime, lol.
UV mapping is a "flat" version of UVW mapping... the "vertical" V is a happy coincidence. These letters are said to have been chosen because they come right before XYZ. =)
Thank you Kettu, Good link, I never would have guessed it was something that simple. The names are giving me some grief learning this stuff. Especially the ones that don't exactly match up with what my pocket-dictionary indicates it should be, lol.
I started throwing some dials last night for redoing the former renders (I got it closer), and got distracted by a thorn in the foot (per-se). That thorn dealt with, I'll look at Uber Surface a bit more for cloth today.
I also have a few ideas I want to try, given that extra dial on Diffuse. I'm thinking it may be helpful for mimicking some rather exotic cloth, possibly, tho I want to try it first (It may just be useless for that). The extra Specular channel is going to be very useful, now I know what direction the dials are spun to increase/decrease the effect.
My new sig text. I tried to get the Auto-translator to spit out the same thing in reverse. The words for "Must be" can also imply that it has already been done, so I had to compromise a bit.
Ceterum auto sequi oportet esse figi -> But the car must be fixed to follow (lol)
However, auto follow must be fixed. -> Sed sequi auto constituendus -> But to follow the car set. (Wrong, lol).
Ceterum auto sequi debent quod debent figi -> However, auto follow that should be fixed.
Ceterum auto-sequi oportet esse figi -> However, auto-follow must be fixed (I was missing the dash)
Enough said, There is at least three pages over there, moving on.
So, this is where I left off last night before falling asleep on the keyboard.
I turned off "Trace Displacements" just to see if it made a major difference with the revised settings. I also moved the Texture map ("LDFbcBscs_Knit1V_Tex" from Fabric Basics Mix and Match for Iray) over to bump from Displacement. Then started adjusting the Gloss and velvet a tad.
Scott is correct about the values of the dials being different from the Daz Default Shader on some things. (Lets see if I can quote that here)
I have one dial set to 7, if I had the corresponding 'Glossiness' set to that in the Daz Default Shader, the entire thing would be glowing, lol
What fuss with 'Trace Displacements', well it's the poly-shaped shadow on the left side of the Vases. And it looks like it is not helping at all with the texture in Bump (Even with Displacement On with no map).
I'm going to try this on an outfit, and see if it's any better.
This is starting to look good, as I don't see any hint of that geometry stepping in the shadows, anywhere on this outfit.
FWSA Paloma, Strappy Bikini, and Endless Summer Ponytail.
Mind you, I did not try to fuss with any of the fit adjustments, I was more interested in seeing the new cloth shader settings in action. (EDIT) I tried to move the right hand a tad to show the palm-shading a bit better, and I still didn't get that in this one (Sorry Fred and Sabby). I'll try to get that a little better on the next render of her, as the shading (lighter toned palms) on the mats really is phenomenal.
Much better. Discript in a sec.
I decided the skirt mask map made a cool looking random set of circles on this Dynamic Circle Skirt. The colors are different, tho the shader settings are mostly still what was posted above with minor adjustments to specular and velvet.
...and are those vases subdivided in these renders?
I don't think so, ah. I made a Primitive cylinder, sent it to hex and cut out the top an bottom, back to studio to D-form it, and exported it as a OBJ. Months later I figured out how to save it as an Asset. It is in this as a "Trinket".
I've been using that DUF as is, unaltered. SubD of 1. It looked good for other shaders, I guess (cringe).
I'll try increasing that, and see what happens. (EDIT, nope, it didn't touch that stepped shadow). Very odd.
Thanks for the link, Zarcon; I downloaded the vase, will try to look at it during the weekend. I don't have the fabric set, though - the displacement map you're using, what is its bit depth? 256-level grey, or true colour, or?
In lue of the can of worms I'm looking at now, I'll go check (I think it is a JPG, aka 256-level).
Here is all the "Explicit Details" of the texture map used. 215 unique colors. It's a Difuse color mask, and I'm using it as a 'Displacement' map (not what it was intended for). The set dose have 'Normal' maps for Iray, that I tried out as well. Given thread density, vs the map size, I think it is suficent color depth.
In referance to some of the thread maps I baked up in MS Paint, where I'm going from max hight to min hight in less then eight pixels across a map, 256 values of gray is overkill, lol. Case and point (from my other thread).
Yeah, the bit depth looks just about fine. I'll see if there's the same stepping shadow issue with similar maps that I have.
As-is, the steps are fairly scary. But it's perfectly fine when subdivided...
I'm looking at your screenshots and - why does it say "Base" in the mesh resolution level dropdown? Like here?
It should be "High resolution".
Either it's a DS glitch, or... are you sure you didn't forget to do the "Edit - Object - Geometry - Convert to SubD" command?
Didn't know. Daz studio primitives kind of only had a "Base" in that drop-down menu before, so I never bothered to look at it for the vase (warped can).
That gives me some choices to make, and the need to remember how I did that 'Save Asset' thing months ago. lol.
(EDIT) looks like I need to do that Edit thing as well.
If it isn't a glitch, then saying Base means that it isn't being subdivided...even if it is was saved as a subdivided item. Base means that it either was never subdivided or it is turned off. To create morphs that load you need to purposefully turn off subdivision by setting it to the base resolution...
Got it Subdivided. Thanks Kettu for that menu instruction.
Do I need to delete everything else in the scene before I save the WorpedCan as an Asset, or can I just select it in the Scene tab and save it? Or wold a "Scene subset" keep the "High Resolution"?
It should all be there now (uploaded and ready to go, I hope). Just added a DUF and an icon to the Props folder. Same Link as befor.
Just select it in the scene tab
Warped vs Worped, Yea, I can't spell, sorry. Thanks Fisty, Kettu, and mjc1016.
Thank you for re-up, Zarcon; works great now =)
Thanks Kettu. Sorry for the half-hearted icon, It's on my to-do list.
As for the project on hand, I'm looking into making Adjustment Morph dials for an outfit, to save me the grief of making D-forms every time I use the thing. The included "Expand All" is inadequate for most of these (It puts gaps on all the edges), and it dose nothing for the groined. So I've been asking questions, and digging around allot regarding turning D-forms into morph dials (This is not my cup of tee).
So I dialed in a few figures all at once that were giving me grief, so I could count out Polygons of where on the outfit needed to be adjusted. It's kind of like counting pixels in MS Paint, just in 3D, lol. Today I hope to get to the making of the D-forms that will eventually be turned into Adjustment Morph dials (I'm still going over the documents for that).
DG is not in reference to DestinysGarden, it refers to "Dance Gear" as in the outfit that came with the TJ7 Pro bundle. I have no idea whom Nikisatez and Sarsa are, tho I am sorry. This is not your fault as it is rooted in a deeper underling characteristic of the lower mesh density of generation seven.
Why must I do this? I have spent the past few days removing all traces of Studio, and G3F from my computer, and downloading new zips for everything (via DIM) and installing everything again from scratch. Nothing has changed regarding this or other close fitting outfits (Not upset, I just wish that's all it was).
< Sarcasm detected >. I brought the lack of a groined adjustment issue to the attention of tech support, and they informed me that it is my responsibility. It is my fault that I had the audacity to purchase a non-daz original figure from the daz store, and then I was completely insane enough to try to put an outfit from the daz store on that figure. It is up to me to address any malfunctions caused by my acts of incomprehensible behavior. < end of Sarcasm > lol.
It is up to me to make the necessary adjustment morphs dials, as Daz3d is working on more difficult tasks and dose not have the resources to deal with all the non-daz stuff out there. Got it.
I don't know why you count vertexes, there is no need to do that.. just put the magnet zone where it needs to be so the red dots are where the problem is and feathers off to yellow a bit outside the problem area. I know you like math and calculations, but working with deformers is almost comepletely visual with a bit of trial and error with zone size.
Because, (If memory serves, tho it's not the best) If I save the D-form as a morph, with any other dial active, they will all get saved into a jumbled mess of sorts. So when the D-form thing is saved, it must be by itself with no other dials set. It was also a preliminary survey of sorts to determine where the bad areas are that needed to be addressed. First time for this, I don't want to be making major mistakes.
I also want to be able to save each adjustment D-form setup, so I can go back to it if I need to see what the values were in the future.
I'll take this as marginal beginner success.
Now all I need to do, is make some icons that can visually remind me what they do, and somehow save them to the outfit, lol. Ah, where was that article.
Do morph dial DSF files contain more then just the d-form info, that makes it illegal to share?
It doesn't, deformer save only saves the deformer. (If you bridge it to hex and send it back and try to save it that way it's another matter entirely) But if you're worried about it just set up your deformer with the body morph active and then zero the body morph before you save the deformer as a morph.