DAZTools inside Maya
Posts: 12
Haven't seen anyone discuss this but the DaztoMaya github was recently updated with "DAZTools" MEL script.
It creates a rig for you and also gives you the option to export your animaiton created in Maya.
After you finish your animaiton, it gives you an option to export the animation and import into DAZ via .DUF file format
Pretty cool update. I actually see potential with this one.
Hopefully more useful updates like this keep coming!
Post edited by nvisuals on
Yes, I am familiar with this. A friend of mine is the owner of that. Great tools. Couldn't recommended enough.
Great. Do you think you could ask him to reach out to me as I've been unsuccesfully trying to conact "him"? (or anyone from KM) I have some crucial questions about the worflow that the demo videos on YT don't address in that much detail. I'd like to purchase the plugin but I need to understand how it works. I tried sending a email and dropping comments on YT. Nada. I mean, if he doesn't want my money, that's okay too.
Tried it but couldn't get the maya animation to export to daz. It said error see log, and in the log it said "unexpected character"
Been trying to get into contact with him recently but I'm assuming he's been really busy.
Also, I take back about what I said about the stretch controls in IK. I understand how they work now, but it would be a bit more intuituve if pulling the IK hand did the strecth rather than going into the channel box.
Not sure what's up with that, seems to be working fine for me. What character are you using?
I tried it with just a basic G8 female. I did the "rig file" on an exported fbx then tried to export an animation with that rig back into daz and got that error. I wonder what went wrong.