It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, And I Feel Fine!



  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    AtticAnne said:
    I don't want to be the only one not reporting in. It's so good to see everybody again. Where's Andy? I've got to go find some coffee. I'll be back later.

    I think Andy is off playing with New Users and might even be out plaing WOW with Barry.
  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    I don't know whether to worry about Barry or just shrug it off. You're certainly bouncing around in the forums, Jeff, and just look at that post count. That is really a WoW! You are good at helping people.

    I haven't been outside in 2 days now. Houdian (the baby) and I watched Born Free on TV today and even though it was in Kenya, I thought about Harry and wondered if he ever gets to see lions roaming around.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    AtticAnne said:
    I don't know whether to worry about Barry or just shrug it off. You're certainly bouncing around in the forums, Jeff, and just look at that post count. That is really a WoW! You are good at helping people.

    I haven't been outside in 2 days now. Houdian (the baby) and I watched Born Free on TV today and even though it was in Kenya, I thought about Harry and wondered if he ever gets to see lions roaming around.

    Part 0ne: Anne I have my helping stuff, I feel I owe it because I got so much help when I started. Why should people flounder when they can get the help they need? I also have my Stupid Thread in the Commons, come get stupid with us. Chohole does, next to the last page now or maybe on the last page of the Commons Forum. I have the Son of the Complaint thread, and the Avatars thread, all of which I play in from time to time. Then I post in threads that say things I have things to say something about. After that I'm in MOST of the Art Studio Forum threads, that is/was my home, lots of posts in them. And Lastly the Plat Club. Not hard to get a good post count when your home all day, propped up in front of a PC with nothing much to do. Heck I even post as I render. This PC handles it very well. I don't think I move away from the PC more than 4 or 5 hours a day unless I'm bed ridden. :gulp:

    Part Two: I went outside for about thirty minutes today total. Most of that was in my car as I went to buy beer and cig's. It's WAY Humid right now. I do not breath well in that stuff, it's probably the cig's but I blame it on all the stuff they dope me up with at the clinic. I never had this issue untill that all started so.... I can't take cold anymore eather. I was the last one to put on a jacket in the Before days, now I'm the first to put one on. BRRrrrr....

    Part Three: Mr. Harry D. I'm sure he has seen lions in the wild, if he has not he is not living the way I would in a land like that. I would have went out of my way to see it all. You got to live!! Heck I live in boring old Alabama but I've been Baracuda and Shark fishing, I've been in the desert and in the swamps (two different states). Seen croc's and gators, every kind of snake, bobcats and one cougar, skunks in the wild and hunted boar with a bow and arrow. Life is for living and people should see and do all they can where they are. With all that in my past I still have a Bucket list. I'll start on it when my pension pays out in FULL. Not long now. WORLD WIDE JADENESS.
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Posts: 376
    edited June 2012

    Meh, Lions get boring when you grow up with them on your doorstep. :cheese:

    Not really but we do take the wildlife for granted. They do not roam the streets as many folks that side of the pond seems to believe though. We have parks and reservations of which the largest is the Kruger National Park. The town where I grew up has one of the access gates to the park so many weekends we would go look at the game. I also spent quite a few school holidays with friends living in the park (staff are housed in the many camps within the park) and we would tag along when they were thinning herds or treating the animals. Ever had an Elephant walk past your car so close you could almost touch it? Welcome to Africa. ;-)

    I'm testing Octane render today. I've heard only good things about it and they have a plugin for DAZ Studio in Beta phase. I downloaded the demo to see how the quality compares to Reality / Lux as it is a full GPU renderer specifically created for GPU's. They talk about render speed increases of 10 to 50 times faster than conventional renderers and it supposedly delivers very realistic results. It has a price tag of 99 Euro which is quite steep but so it will have to be very very good to seal the deal. It's this or Reality though but Reality is even more slow than 3Delight so I'm looking into other options first.

    Post edited by Harry Dresden on
  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Part 0ne: Anne I have my helping stuff, I feel I owe it because I got so much help when I started. Why should people flounder when they can get the help they need? I also have my Stupid Thread in the Commons, come get stupid with us. Chohole does, next to the last page now or maybe on the last page of the Commons Forum. I have the Son of the Complaint thread, and the Avatars thread, all of which I play in from time to time. Then I post in threads that say things I have things to say something about. After that I’m in MOST of the Art Studio Forum threads, that is/was my home, lots of posts in them. And Lastly the Plat Club. Not hard to get a good post count when your home all day, propped up in front of a PC with nothing much to do. Heck I even post as I render. This PC handles it very well. I don’t think I move away from the PC more than 4 or 5 hours a day unless I’m bed ridden.

    More people should have your attitude, Jade. I've made a stupid post or two in your Stupid Thread. It's Stupid. Have you abandoned your walking everyday? I'm a fine one to talk...I don't take walks, but I need to. My daughter goes to the Y at least 3 times a week for the aquatics classes. She feels much better physically and mentally. I don't know if she has lost any weight, but her clothes are fitting better and her shape's shaping up.

    Part Two: I went outside for about thirty minutes today total. Most of that was in my car as I went to buy beer and cig’s. It’s WAY Humid right now. I do not breath well in that stuff, it’s probably the cig’s but I blame it on all the stuff they dope me up with at the clinic. I never had this issue untill that all started so…. I can’t take cold anymore eather. I was the last one to put on a jacket in the Before days, now I’m the first to put one on. BRRrrrr….

    I usually send my son-in-law for my cigs. That way I don't have to leave my computer.

    Part Three: Mr. Harry D. I’m sure he has seen lions in the wild, if he has not he is not living the way I would in a land like that. I would have went out of my way to see it all. You got to live!! Heck I live in boring old Alabama but I’ve been Baracuda and Shark fishing, I’ve been in the desert and in the swamps (two different states). Seen croc’s and gators, every kind of snake, bobcats and one cougar, skunks in the wild and hunted boar with a bow and arrow. Life is for living and people should see and do all they can where they are. With all that in my past I still have a Bucket list. I’ll start on it when my pension pays out in FULL. Not long now. WORLD WIDE JADENESS.

    Jeez, Jade--desert and swamps in two different states? We have both in Texas. Growing up I spent 9 months out of the year in the desert (El Paso) and the other 3 months in East Texas near the swamps. I've been swimming with sharks, water moccasins, and probably an alligator. When we'd get tired of fishing at the farm, we jump in and swim. No sharks at the farm, they were in Galveston. I thought I was through with wildlife when I moved from Crockett to Austin. I've had a skunk at the patio door, ground rattlers in the yard, possums in the garage, and coons in the attic. I love going with my 7-yr old grandson for a walk. We even went through a culvert under the street on our way to the grocery store. Kids, being shorter, see the neatest things.

    I may be racking up the years, but I'm not through yet.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Meh, Lions get boring when you grow up with them on your doorstep. :cheese:

    Not really but we do take the wildlife for granted. They do not roam the streets as many folks that side of the pond seems to believe though. We have parks and reservations of which the largest is the Kruger National Park. The town where I grew up has one of the access gates to the park so many weekends we would go look at the game. I also spent quite a few school holidays with friends living in the park (staff are housed in the many camps within the park) and we would tag along when they were thinning herds or treating the animals. Ever had an Elephant walk past your car so close you could almost touch it? Welcome to Africa. ;-)

    One of the big problems in the Austin suburbs is deer. Herds of them They really love the gardens and think they were planted just for them. Some areas are so bad that potted plants by the front door have to have wire around them to keep the deer from devouring them.

    I thought the whole world was familiar with our #$%^&*() governor. He lives in a gated community (at taxpayers' expense) in the 'burbs. He went out jogging, with his dog, one day and shot a coyote that was trying to get his dog. Good? thing he jobs with his pistol tucked in his shorts. Coyotes have killed quite a few pets. The latest I heard about was beavers cutting down trees in yards.

    I love elephants. When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to go in the elephant area at the El Paso Zoo and play with the elephant. She was just a baby still and was absolutely fascinating.

    Welcome to Texas! :)

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It seems some of us have had pretty full lifes so far. That's good. Anne the Desert/Swamp thing was just supposed to read Swamps in two states. Only been to the Painted Desert as a young man.

    Now it looks like everyone has Piss-a-deered. Hello! anyone home?

  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Posts: 376
    edited December 1969

    It's the time zone thing mate. By the time you're fully awake I'm fast asleep.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It's the time zone thing mate. By the time you're fully awake I'm fast asleep.

    I wasn't talking about just you Harry. I was talking about everyone. It just got very very quite all of a sudden.
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Forum team is very busy elsewhere, which could account for Frank and I not posting much here.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I know you Admin's have your hands full, I was just noticing that everyone was out now. Wendy and Jacob, even Harry was gone for awhile. I'm just thinking this thread will die off now that Barry has fled the Coup, so to speak. We all seemed to rally around him, or post more when he was still active. Dont feel bad, I understand. I have other Threads but this one is still the one I check for all my close friends.

  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Posts: 376
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    It's the time zone thing mate. By the time you're fully awake I'm fast asleep.

    I wasn't talking about just you Harry. I was talking about everyone. It just got very very quite all of a sudden.

    Ouch. :down: Sniff, you don't love me no more! Whaaaah! Sniff. :cheese:

    Hehe, don't worry too much mate. Weekends are usually dead around here for some weird reason. I guess with you guys having summer people prefer to be outdoors on weekends. Which is healthy mind you.

    What's keeping me busy is that I went ahead and purchased Octane render and I'm learning the ropes. It's still in beta which is why early adopters get half price but after I tested the demo I was already sold. Imagine Reality / Lux being 100 times faster. Octane works much the same in that it's unbiased and that you have to tinker with some materials to get the best results as it also uses 'real' light. The difference is it can render a simple scene at 16000spx in 5 minutes. I kid you not. And the quality is on par with, if not better than Lux.

    I'll try to post some renders today once I get the materials to look good enough.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,092
    edited December 1969

    we can always post in the "Jaderail does it again" thread, and there IS the stupid thread!!
    I had a real life friend who I fell out with because she prefered online gaming to my company (was Quake back then)
    from what I see Searching her on Facebook, she now plays Zynga games.
    so long as it keeps her from the pokies (slot machines)
    she was size 28 when I last saw her.

    I tried socializing today, had two beers, first alcohol for 3wks, felt ill, had to go home and throw up
    I think I need to accept I am now allergic to alcohol too! (as opposed to being an alcoholic, utterly no danger of THAT!!! sadly)
    hope I do not become one of those bubble people,
    shopping make me sneeze violently due to people's fragrances and I smell like pinetar as it all I can wash in.
    wish I could wear makeup.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Well, I'm just going to say this to all the BBSFFC's who would like to keep the BBSFFC friendships going, as Wendy pointed out I have two threads that are running right now. The Stupid Thread II is in the Commons and doing much better than Stupid Thread I ever did but we might miss each other between posts. It's not real fast but it does grow in spurts from time to time. the Jaderail is at it Again thread is in the Art Studio Forum. I'll never miss you in it because I'm a Art Studio Forum nut. But I started it to do my random render posts. And some folks you may not know yet pop in from time to time.

    I'm still going to check this thread in hopes BARRY will pop in from time to time. But if you visit one of my threads I would be more than welcome to have you. Four out of Five BBSFFC's (think dentist) already visit the STUPID Thread. One of the largest threads in the Commons right now. BRAG!!! I need FLAG's to get my Art Studio thread back to the old days but that will happen. :coolsmile:

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Jeff's stupid thread can be found here although at the moment it seems to have deserted stupidty with a few posts trying to sort out someone's computer woes, but that is very friendly, so I guess it is still OK. If not very stupid.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I find computers that go WEIRD for no reason STUPID!! So it fits very well in my book. Besides everyone needs help from time to time.

    Question Chohole, Was my help over the top in the New Users Contest or the kind of thing you was hoping for?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    You are doing fine there, Jeff, it's great seein people come in and add their opinions/ critque/wotever.

    THanks for helping us out.

    BTW, do you have any ideas of themes for future contests, we are struggling a bit thinkining up some topics that can be truend into contests which also offer help/ hints/ tips.

    So far we are tossing around possinbly going for an action shot next time, in some form or the other, to cover some of the basics of posing or maybe thinking of something along the same lines with 2 people interacting with each other so there is some movement etc depicted, a moment frozen in time, sort of thing.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    chohole said:
    You are doing fine there, Jeff, it's great seein people come in and add their opinions/ critque/wotever.

    THanks for helping us out.

    BTW, do you have any ideas of themes for future contests, we are struggling a bit thinkining up some topics that can be truend into contests which also offer help/ hints/ tips.

    So far we are tossing around possinbly going for an action shot next time, in some form or the other, to cover some of the basics of posing or maybe thinking of something along the same lines with 2 people interacting with each other so there is some movement etc depicted, a moment frozen in time, sort of thing.

    Before I finished reading this I went, Posing. Now that would be hard to get across without examples. I find most standing poses to be SOO FAKE. If you look at real pictures of people just standing they mostly (80%) will put most of thier weight on one leg and the other leg is much more relaxed, with the body weight shifted over the supporting leg. Then you have hands, just posing the hands so ALL the fingers are on top of something and not one or two inside the mesh is another thing I see lot's of.

    I think a ACTION render with TWO figures interacting would be a good Contest. It could be as simple as one figure leaning into the other to as far as a fight scene. It would depend on the User what the Action was. Then they could get tips on posing and studing real life for the best examples. Real life or the Net. Lot's of images to study and learn from with help.
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Posts: 376
    edited June 2012

    It's good to see ya'll up and about. I decided to get Reality 2.2 as well because Octane, fast as it is, is a bitch if you have no clue how these kind of renders work. Also 1GB video ram puts a severe limit on things. But I see Octane as an investment that will pay off in future. In the meantime I need to learn all about materials and lights and I want to be able to do complex scenes as well so hence the plunge into Reality. I got the bundle deal that includes the videos so I can learn all Paolo's secrets. Mwahahaha.

    I must say though I was dissapointed in the ACSEL database. I really thought it would be a lot more comprehensive than what it is. It's not a deal breaker but I expected more I guess.

    Also if you're into making morphs check out the Genesis Head and Body morph resource kits here in then store. It's really really good. It adds a whole lot of morph targets and you find yourself wondering how you managed without them. I think the only thing I now need to get is LadyLittleFox' tutorial series on modeling clothing for Genesis. Then I need to lock up my credit card. Lol. :lol:

    Post edited by Harry Dresden on
  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Well, I think I'm back! Had a wild ride lately with my health. Everything hurts, it seems I've had an allergic reaction to something the doc gave me (Naproxen) which didn't help, and also wasn't diagnosed quickly so part of the dizziness and sicknes I was experiencing was down to that. Basically I've been either in bed, in hospital or in the comfy sofa feeling sorry for myself and trying to control my blood sugar and pain together, while dealing with an infection from an injection, the allergy from the meds, and my general overall pain.

    Things got so bad I was very woozy one morning, leaned out of bed to pick up my phone, fell out, landed on my face and broke my nose! According to Carole it looked very funny, and yes I can laugh now myself, too, but at the time it was rather unpleasant! That was about a week ago and I still have a black eye and carpet burns on my face. I've never been a pretty boy, but now I look proper ugly!

    I did send a message to Jeff a while ago letting him know I was still alive, didn't want you thinking I'd REALLY abandoned you (haven't even been playing WoW 'til this morning). My phone didn't like the new forums for some reason either, but I have a new phone now, it arrived on Saturday, so maybe that will be better. It's a HUGE thing though, not used to it yet. Samsung Galaxy Note. I figured since I use it for internet and games more than calls, I'd get a good sized screen. About the size of our coffee table!

    I noticed that Harry posted just a short time ago, but this thread was still on page 10, does it still not go to the front when people reply? Is that a setting, or something that's being worked on, or just something I'll have to get used to?

    How is everybody? In spite of my last few messages, I've missed this place!


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,092
    edited December 1969

    we would love a photo of the broken nose and black eye so we can laugh and make up captions too!
    (joking! hope you are feeling better soon♡♥♡♥♡♥♡)

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    YEAH!!! Barry is back! I'm so glad your doing better. I just got up and have not had my coffee yet.
    They are working on the threads moving to the front when we post but it's not working yet.
    I'll give everyone else a chance to pop in and say hello. That way I can run and get some coffee.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Yeehah our BBS is back, if not quite in the same shape as he used to be.

    Wendy, now would us devoted fans really want to make funny captions to put on phots of poor Barry's black eye, now would we ?

    (well yes of course we would, but only because we love him so much, friendly joshing like)

    You just get yourself back to health Barry and then come and enliven our lives with your sparkling wit and demanding questions, we did miss you.

  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Here's a quick question that's probably been answered a fair few times already but I'm kind of busy doing some work so can't go hunting round the forums...

    Does my June Platinum Club $6 token exist? If so, where does it live? I've tried adding things to the cart but it doesn't take any discount off. Or at least it didn't a few days ago when I tried.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Here's a quick question that's probably been answered a fair few times already but I'm kind of busy doing some work so can't go hunting round the forums...

    Does my June Platinum Club $6 token exist? If so, where does it live? I've tried adding things to the cart but it doesn't take any discount off. Or at least it didn't a few days ago when I tried.

    Yeah I think you might be member number 5,342 who has asked.

    Simple answer no, it hasn't been issued yet, they are having problems with getting the coupons to work right, so are delaying the issue until it is fixed.

    Other anomolies with teh PC have been fixed though.

  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Posts: 376
    edited December 1969

    Oh, look what the cat dragged in. Yayh.

    Anyway, it's almost time to go home then I can get to rendering stuff. And learn to model from a master. And learn all about lights from another master. Oh boy, anyone got some spare time for sale? :cheese:

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I would give you some of mine, but the time deference would throw your whole schedule out of whack.

  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Posts: 376
    edited December 1969

    Meh, schedules are for people who plan their lives. I just go with the flow. That's the problem when you've lived your dream. You don't really know what to do with the rest of your life. Lol. :lol:

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I just nabed the Bryce 5.5 free items. I now have some tutorials to watch also.

    Stupid question time. Why do some people get Zip files and Some get Exe. Still? I was so hoping for zips, it would have made the installs so much easier. Blah :long:

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,092
    edited December 1969

    I am wasting mine with flu in bed, (on the droid) when I DID venture out to go to the doctor I crashed into someone, so wish I had just stayed here and missed a day's sick pay, it would have been much cheaper.

This discussion has been closed.