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The other free hair links on 3DZ I could find, in case they are not in your links?
Boy Hair style #1 for Nana
Winter Hat Hair #1 for Nana
Mine says it expired, is it right? :(
Yes, it has expired.
What do hair fits mean? You need to have the hair to fit the character or something like that? :/ If I don't have Dusk it won't work in mine?
Hair fits are custom morphs for a hair prop/figure originally designed for one figure to allow it to fit on a different figure. For instance, If i have a hair set for Victoria 2 (a really old generation figure) and want to fit that hair on Kids 4, I would use a Kids 4 hair fit for that hair in order to fit the hair to K4.
Oh I see... Shouldnt it all work when a hair is for V4 that is the same as Genesis?
Genesis hair doesn't normally autifit to Dawn or Dusk. Those are third party figures and aren't set up with Genesis clones for Autofit. Thus, the need for Hair Fits to fit Genesis hair to Dusk and Dawn.
Specular Hair for Pranx
"Hair shader for Scampixie Pranx(Renderosity)'s default hair, scalp and tail." (top row, left column)
I see... Thanks for explaining :)
Fisty has uploaded her hairs to sharecg! :o)
And now the Fuji Hair for Genesis - thanks Fisty!
Thanks for the links, Kerya
Thanks so much for all the links to these amazing hair freebies!!!!
Now here's a question. Does anyone remember a free hairstyle that might (but on the other hand, might not) be called Simple Hair? It was designed (I think) for one of the Vickys and was a hair style with a stand-off ponytail. The colour was blond with a reddish tint. I had it at one time and spent some time working on it so that it fitted K4 perfectly and looked really good. But I'm ... errrr .... badgered of I can find it now.
Any help would be appreciated.
I think it was by Mareek.
Simple hair by Mareek
Carrara hair
Carrara A3 Procedural Skin Shaders
includes dynamic Carrara hair eyebrows and eyelashes
Carrara V4 Procedural Skin Shader and hair
includes dynamic Carrara hair eyebrows and eyelashes
Hair textures
Touchable Bentley
Hair textures
To Dye For - Choya
Basic density maps for G3F hair
G3F eyebrow density map
Eyebrow and Eyelashes
Genesis 1 Female
Gone's Face and chest Male Hair
Genesis 1 Male
Gone's Mid-Length Colourful Male
Genesis 1 Male
Gone's Wild Male Hair
Genesis 1 Male
Lion Head and Mane
Millenium Big Cat LE
Mid-Length Strawberry Blonde Female
Genesis 1 Female
Mid-Length Styles Male
Genesis 1 Male
Pony Tail Blonde Female
Genesis 1 Female
Short-Length Red Blonde Female
Genesis 1 Female
Short Platinum Blonde Female
Genesis 1 Female
This Site No Longer Available!!
The link was getting mangled by the Froum; the below link should work...
Fixed your link for you Kerya
Those hairs work in Daz?? :O
Yes, with the Garibaldi plugin....unlike the Look At My Hair, plugin, there is no 'player' for Garibladi, though, you would need the full version.
@mjc1016 thank you :)
Really cute new one for Anime! Short Ponytail for Chibibel!
(Note: Pixiv has a lot of NSFW!)
Direct OneDrive link:!124&authkey=!AGo9zbhPtlm0e6A&ithint=file%2czip
Download from Renderosity: Part 1 | Part 2
Download from ShareCG: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
by ModernWizard [Elizabeth A. Allen]
Daz Studio only
Tested only in Daz Studio Pro 4.6 64 bit.
This bundle contains 4 hairstyles, Ailsa, Beileag, Liziko, and Zsoka, representing some popular hairdos for Western women in the 1820s [plus or minus a few years], constructed with reference to period likenesses. Updos inspired by those of Ancient Greece were popular, so there were a lot of headbands, curls gathered at the crown of the head, and loose ringlets artfully dangling down the neck.
Ailsa has 7 material presets for the hair, 4 for the band, and 8 movement and styling morphs.
Beileag has 7 material presets for the hair, along with 9 movement and styling morphs.
Liziko has 6 material presets for the hair, 3 for the bands, and 8 movement and styling morphs.
Zsoka has 8 material presets for the hair, along with 10 movement and style morphs.
NOTE: My amateur construction of these hairstyles depends on lots of little high-poly curls, so they hog resources. But hey, they look nice. :p
After installation, find the items in My Library > People > Genesis 2 Female > Hair > ModernWizard, in folders labeled Ailsa, Beileag, Liziko, and Zsoka.
This freebie uses resources from the following:
Hair Designer by PhilC
Biscuits Hair Merchant Resource 01
This freebie is modeled by Michaela, a custom dialed character on the Genesis 2 Female base. She uses Saiyaness’ lovely Mahala head morph and body texture [available at Daz3D] and various head and body morphs for further shaping.
Use for whatever purposes you like, commercial or non-commercial. Attribution is always nice, but not necessary. Just don’t repackage and call your own. Have fun!
the tacky trove, repository of all my digital freebies:
Powers of Creation, home of my digital art and other creative endeavors:
Thank you very much 3dOutlaw for the link and ModernWizard for the cute hairs!
Added to the Wiki (as I still can't edit the first posts from the old forum ...)