M4/H4/F4-G3M Bi-directional Pose Transfer

richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,940
edited November 2020 in Freebies

This post is the first half of the promised bi-directional pose transfer between M4/H4/F4 and G3M. This bit being M4/H4/F4 to G3M.

The scripts assume you apply the desired pose to the source figure, load in the destination figure, start the script and identify M4/H4/F4's hip in one drop-down combo box and G3M's hip in the other and then run the script. If all goes well, the destination pose will be very close to the source pose. If it isn't, then maybe limits need to be switched off & try again. You will almost certainly need to tweak the pose after the transfer, but hopefully not too much - similar to the tweaks you need when applying a base pose to a character with G3M.

So, here's evidence that the M4 zero pose is fairly accurately converted to G3M: (both started in their zero poses)

And here is a before & after view of the M4 pose being transferred to G3M:

Hope it's useful.



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  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,940
    edited November 2020

    This post is the first half of the promised bi-directional pose transfer between M4/H4/F4 and G3M. This bit being G3M to M4/H4/F4. 

    So, here's evidence that the G3M zero pose is fairly accurately converted to M4: (both started in their zero poses)

    And here is a before & after view of the G3M pose being transferred to M4:

    Hope it's useful.

    I suspect this is my last script for a while. I think I have reached the limit of my current scripting knowledge and need to learn rather more before I can offer anything beyond these rather simple (if long) scripts. Also, I need to return to doing some C++ programming to help some CNC machinists with G-Code CNC cutter path generating programs whom I've been putting off in order to get time to complete these scripts.



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    941 x 911 - 640K
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • jedijuddjedijudd Posts: 606

    Thank you for all your scripts

  • Got them and thank you so much for all the scripts.

  • My pleasure. Have to confess that these scripts all originated in an accident. I was creating a few poses for G8F, using some V3 poses as a reference. I had finished one and was intending to go on to the next when I accidentally applied the V3 pose to G8F, and it all went a bit wrong:

    But.. it made me realise that the pose could be used as there were areas where the pose looked almost right (left hand for one), and maybe a script could correct some of the errors. Then, after I tried correcting the pose, I realized information was lost because V3 and G8F have different bones and I wondered if the pose transfer route was a way to avoid that loss. Fortunately for my minimal knowledge, it's not very difficult to do and is a problem that may be solved using the brute ignorance and force method.

    I do hope that the scripts will be useful.



  • Well I'm glad for a happy accident and you solved the problem and gave us the solution.

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