Is anyone game?



  • WOW. It`s amazing what you all are doing here with this....and I love the Imagination of you all.

    NGartplay, you`ve got a beautiful Idea to create this. I`ll try to do one too.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985

    YellowPen, please do.  I love seeing everyone's take on this.  So much creativity.

  • huberthubert Posts: 410
    edited January 2021


    some more fun results. Using 2 Mats (with varying scaling and rotation) to drive Coloring and Bump. And a lavender Sky (which impacts those larger arches, caused by the bump channel). 

    Limelight Series

    Here are the corresponding BR7 workfiles to play with:

    Enjoy :)

    Post edited by hubert on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985

    thank you Hubert!  I like the last especially. Thank you for sharing the files.  I've already played with a couple of them.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,192
    edited January 2021

    Wow Hubert another awesome set, I love the colors, thanks for sharing your files

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    Hubert - great examples. Thanks for the files. I haven't had the time to give them a try.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hubert : thank you for the files.

  • That's not my Favorit Theme... sorry about it.

    But I show you what I've done:

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Yellow Pen : cool image, very well done.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    Yellow Pen - that looks great.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,192
    edited January 2021

    Yellow Pen - that's a great render, very nicely done.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985

    For not liking the theme you have done an amazing piece of artwork.  I like the techno look of this.  The materials are perfect together.

  • hubert - another nice set, looking at these they remind me of musical clefs.

    Yellow Pen - that's really nice! (You should do abstracts more often!)

  • ohhhh.... you are so friendly all. Thank you so much for your nice comments smiley

    And, I think I try to do some more abstract Work....

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,192

    Yellow Pen said:

    ohhhh.... you are so friendly all. Thank you so much for your nice comments smiley

    And, I think I try to do some more abstract Work....


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304
    edited January 2021

    I got inspired by Yellow Pen. I only used the original file, gave the sphere and torus self made materials and both radials gels. The sphere is transparent and reflecting and the torus is also partly transparent with a low refraction index and some reflection. Additional light and colour by an HDRI made once from an astronomy image of m16 Eagle. The fun goes on ...


    1200 x 795 - 395K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985

    Hansmar, don't give up!!

    Horo, that is Absolutely awesome.  Very intricate design created by the material.

  • Horo - that's really nice, I love your materials there.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,192

    Wow Horo an excellent render

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    NGartplay, MelanieL and mermaid - thank you.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : that's awesome, cool material.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    adbc - thank you.

  • Horo.... this is beutiful too.

    (I've spend many hours trying different Materials for this... but,  at the end I used a very simple one, cause I don't want to make a neverending story with this wink)

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985

    Yellow Pen, did you mean to attach a new image?

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,804

    Horo: Thanks, too many possibilities! Your latest is very sci-fi and great to watch.

    NGartplay: thank you. I don’t give up, but I think I’ll move on. Though, perhaps when the itch starts again, I’ll make another one.

    Mermaid010, adbc: thanks.

    MelanieL; Thank you. I just try out new textures and camera settings and sometimes something nice appears.

    Hubert: another set of wonderful variations.

    Yellow Pen: This is marvelous. Spectacular use of textures.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    Yellow Pen and Hansmar - thank you.

  • huberthubert Posts: 410

    Yellow Pen: Cool techno texture and lighting.

    Horo: An interesting result. I like that interaction of the mats and the subtle coloring. 


  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,804
    edited January 2021

    Thanks to the support by NGartplay and the great idea for lighting by S Ray (in the contest), I decided to do another one. The first one has the original positions of torus, sphere, lights and camera. Only the lights have a multicoulored gradient setting. The second one is the same, but the camera turned to face downward and with 360 º panoramic render. Looks like a dragon eye again, I think.

    The rendering is with premium render, soft shadows, blurry reflections, blurry transitions and true ambience. The sphere is fully reflective and the torus is 'mother of pearl'.

    I should say, that I first made one with the lady in the Gazebo with a multicoloured gradient in a sphere dome light. The effect is not spectacular, but that will be shown in the general 'show us your renders'.



    1200 x 800 - 1M
    1200 x 800 - 1M
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,804
    edited January 2021

    As an afterthought, I made yet another one. I changed the camera settings and the lights. See small pictures. Also, I did not do blurry transmissions and changed the texture of the torus to perfect mirror with full diffusion and full specularity. This is 'inside the eye'.

    278 x 345 - 32K
    735 x 559 - 68K
    733 x 545 - 68K
    1200 x 800 - 556K
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,804
    edited January 2021

    Final one for today. I added four fully reflective planes.

    1200 x 800 - 928K
    Post edited by Hansmar on
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