load HTML file in a script
I was looking in the example file for "Simple Text Browser Dialog", and I noticed at the end of the script, it's loading a HTML file from inside the DAZ Studio application folder. What if I want to open up a HTML within a script file. For instance, I have a DAZ script file and a simple HTML file in the same folder within my Library.
at the very end, I found this script section where it's loading the file.
( String("%1/DAZ Studio").arg( App.getDocumentationPath() ), "what_is_studio.htm" );
What I am trying to do is to load the HTML file from the same folder where my DSA script file is. I tried this code to no avail.
( String("/Scripts").arg( App.getAbsoluteScriptPath() ), "MY_HTML_FILE.html" );
Any idea of a way to point the script to load the HTML file within my script folder?
Post edited by mikey186 on
Have you looked at http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/general_ui/display_document_dynamic/start ?
I did, but I wanted it to open in a typical browser in DAZ, not in a other browser.
I tried using this code and ended up a parse error
You have an error on the last line. It should be
to resolve the error, but that still won't do what you want.
You don't want to call App.showURL here, and g_sSCRIPT_LOCATION is not accessable here either.
Here is a quick rework