I want to parent an item to another item, not FIT it to another item

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

Okay so I'm doing some kit bashing and an odd thing is happeing...

I the past I've been able to load (for instance) 3 individual crates into a scene and parent 2 of them to the "Main" crate which allowed me to move all three at the same time if I select the main crate.

What I'm running into in this scene now is this...

I am working with a Trailer in a trailer park. It has back steps, front steps and an overhang, all seperate props. I have them positoned and when I went to parent them to the trailer so I can move the trailer and all it's parts where I want it, VOOOOP, all the pieces shoot to the center of the trailer and I have to reposition. This also happened with the beer bottle a young gentleman is holding. I got it positioned right and then parented it to his right hand VOOOOP it changed it's positioning and I had to re-rotate it.

It didn't use to be like this. Did I toggle something off? And I'm sure I'm selecting "Parent to".


****I trademarked "VOOOP" as the sound of props moving where they shouldn't. It's mine, you can't say it. If you do, you have to give me a dollar.


  • I'm not fully sure if I picked up your intention correctly but why don't you just group the whole lot together?

    So select the figure(s) you need to 'combine' and then use create -> new group. The advantage here is that the individual props (or figures or.. you get the idea) don't lose their individual settings. In other words: select the group (from the scene tab) and you can move the whole lot together. But select an individual member of that group and you still have full control over the way you want to pose that specific figure.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Okay so that didn't really tell me why what I used to do stopped working or how to change it back but it DID make things a lot easier. You can even HIDE all the selected items with one click! Thank you for the tip on that. I've been doing it the hard way this whole time lol

    ShelLuser...I'm giving you unlimited lifetime rights to use the term "VOOOP" whenever you see fit, free of charge.

    Thanks again!

  • You'd probably turned Parent In Place off, which causes the centre point of the child to snap to the centre point of the parent. It's a check box at the bottom of the Change Parent dialogue and a checkable option in the Scene pane option menu (both doing the same, it's global setting).

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