Geoshell for body AND assets
in New Users
Hi, is there a way to apply 1 geoshell to a character with other assets attached to it? i.e. I've made a male figure and added a beard, mustache, necklace, body jewelry, and hair and want to give the whole thing a unified look with a geoshell, but want to avoid having to make a separate shell for each aspect above. is there a way to bunch em all togeher and apply the same geoshell? Thank you!
you should be able to as its no different than adding clothing to a geoshell
I suppose I'm haha. Whenever I apply a geoshell it only works on 1 thing at a time, in this case the base figure (genesis 8 male). nothing parented to it is affected by geoshell so I basically have to create a new one for the beard, a new one for the hair, etc. and adjust all paramaters each. wondering if there's a faster way I'm just not seeing?
ok thanks y'all
Not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but you could probably achieve this effect by using dForce to shrink a sphere primitive around your charcter with hair, clothes, and whatever other assets you want. This method would be very difficult unless you've experimented with dForce and understand it's various settings really well. Use lots of real divisions on the sphere if you're going to attempt this. EDIT: Much better to use a cube. I forgot how strangely a DAZ primitive sphere responds to dForce. Even still the best I could manage looks more like a shrink wrapped bag.
Alternately you could export your character, with all it's clothing and additional props as an OBJ. Reimport that, use a push modifier to separate it from the original model, and add a smoothing modifier, or increase surface smoothing for the imported OBJ. This method is likely much easier, although it may not be as animateable (is that even a word?), and would definitely look different. You might be able to apply more basic dForce settings to this newly created OBJ shell and animate the original model.
If you're just trying to make a character with clothes and hair have a unified surface like a statue or something, you can just select all of the surfaces and apply a shader of your choice to the whole thing. You could then use a push modifier, smoothing modifier, or adjust surface smoothing to get the look you want.