Unable to use character (DA-15Y Lvl 4) in Cinema4D (r20/r21/r22)
Hello everyone. After 2 month of trying every possible way to get the DA-15Y Lvl 4 HD Character into C4D (r20, 21,22), I am out of options and ideas.
I simply want the character get into c4d with the pose i made with it but whatever i try it would never keep the GEO-Shell attached to the Shape or HIP of the GN8 Female.
I even tried to RE-Texture everything in Octane (inside DAZ) and then exported - no luck
I tried to manually export into all possible files and FBX version and and i also tried the C4D-bridge eventhough it says it is only compatible with the Unity Bridge - but non would work
The end result is always the same
It is not even taking over the colors of the geo shells.
Please i need some help here.