remove shading domain
Mosk the Scribe
Posts: 888
Hi. I created a custom vertex object in C8.5 Pro. I then assigned several shading domains and put shaders on them.
Is there a way to remove a shading domain? (not just the shader but the actual domain)
I tried reassigning the polygons to one of the other domains, but I need to remove the shading domain entirely.
In the Vertex Modeler, select the Global Tab and you should see the list of shading domains. There is an Add button and a Del (Delete) button. Select the domain you want to get rid of and press the delete button.
You know, if you keep helping people around here your moniker is kind of gonna lose its sting. :)
I haven't posted my library of twisted videos I've produced during my time with a video camera and editing software. :ahhh:
Yes. The shading domains will be listed under the "global" tab in the vertex modeling room. I made a quick vertex cube and assigned two shading domains (zone 1 and zone 2). I then used delete under the global tab. Note that the red color was no longer limited to the original zone so you may need to make additional edits.
Yes. The shading domains will be listed under the "global" tab in the vertex modeling room. I made a quick vertex cube and assigned two shading domains (zone 1 and zone 2). I then used delete under the global tab. Note that the red color was no longer limited to the original zone so you may need to make additional edits.
Ha! I beat you to it! Bwahahahaaaaaaaa! ;-P
How's that for evil. :cheese:
Man, am I slow on the draw. :ohh: Not only did EP type faster, the two of you even had a couple of additional posts.
RE: Evilproducer's moniker. Agreed. Not very evil.
Got it - thanks.
And we should give Evil Producer the benefit of the doubt, maybe he's just having a good day >:(
Not evil you say? I just made a snow angel and painted the face with yellow snow! I would post pictures but I can't find the damned cord for my camera!
Edited to add that I hate karma! ;-)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually, my standards for evil are quite high because I grew up in Philly where we throw snowballs at Santa Claus and boo dogs that drop frizbees - and we love Mr. Claus and dogs! So unless you were planning on making snowballs from the yellow face and throw them at some guy in a Paul Bunyan suit, I'd have to say not very evil. ;-)
He's evil alright!
But he's a nice evil guy! Or, rather, a Nice EvilProducer!
Thanks guys. :)
I'll get you bastards yet!:coolsmile: