SOLVED: PoserPro2014 x64 Install - 32 bit Files Install Needed?
Hi all...
I finally caught up by purchasing Poser Pro 2014 (sidegrade from P9) during the awesome 20th Anniversary sale over at SM.
I am installing on Windows7 x64, and on the first screen (after EULA) where to intstall to is a secondary line from the x64 install directory with a checkbox that states: "Install 32 bit files"
If I check the box, a new statement appears: "Setup will Install 32 bit application files in the following folder.", and a secondary directory appears for my x86 Program Files.
Now, I am well versed in x64 and x86 installs for my x64 PC, but this is the first x64 version of Poser I have owned, so I do not know if these are extra x86 files, needed x86 files, or checking this box will supersede my x64 install and Poser thinks I want to install the 32 bit version on this 64 bit PC instead.
Please advise...
They are optional.
Thank you, Richard.
I suspected as much, but I wanted confirmation I wasn't about to tell the installer to install x86 instead.
Thanks again.
***EDIT: Update - I installed, and just in case anyone who moves up to PoserPro2014 64bit from 32bit previous installs; Checking the box installs the 32bit version as well. It uses the Preference settings set up in the x64 version.
I've never installed the 32-bit files.
Hey WandW...
After pouring over the manual last night after install, all the necessary information is right there, even for how to use the download manager. Too bad they believe you need this info only after complete install, and have access to the PDF.
I checked everywhere before I even started this thread for download and install instructions with nothing to be found. I even tried the ZIP extraction trick for EXE's to have early access to PDF's before install, but everything was raw file coded instead of complete data sets for install.
Regarding the 32 bit install files. Like I said above, checking this is to literally install x86 PP2014 alongside of x64, and the rationale for doing so in the manual's instructions was for full backwards compatibility, and plug-ins which might not work with the 64 bit version.
I don't mind having the 32 bit version installed as well, but I don't see a reason yet why I'll ever use it instead of the 64 bit version.
Gotta' love hindsight.
SM used to put the full manuals online, but they have not for Poser 10 nor PP2014... :roll:
It takes a search, but as to installing:
Thank you both.
A downloadable manual would have been nice, and I guess I wasn't looking hard enough on their sites for the solutions.