Hot point axes for modifiers
Posts: 180
If you set a modifier for spin, do you have to accept the positions of the axes, or can you change them locally? I want to spin a part of an object along a different axis that is not aligned with the "global" axes. As the rest of the object moves, the part should spin relative to the object, not the screen axes.
(Also, how do you delete a modifier? I click on the minus sign but it stays.)
(Carrara6 in Windows 8.1)
Thanks for any help!
The modifier will respect the location of the hot point, using the chosen axis.
To change the location of the hot point, use Caps Lock, move the hot point, deselect Caps Lock to lock in the hot point again.
To get the minus sign to work, click on the title bar of the modifier. You can tell if it's selected by a color change (gets brighter)
But my problem is that I want the axes to be different than what they are! I would like to say, tilt the X axis up 30 degrees and spin on that.
Then set up the hot point at the axis where you do want it to spin on - you may have to tilt the object to do so, since the current hot point always keeps the world x, y, and z
Then set the spin modifier
then group the object (even if it's the only thing in the group) (Cntrl + G = Group)
Then tilt the group back the way you want it.
I put a spin modifier on the wheel of a car. I know that I want it to spin on the x (or is it y?) axis. So I set the spin modifier on the wheel for the x axis. No matter how I maneuver the car, the wheel always spins on the same axis.
So I have to move the whole object so the axis of my part is aligned with the global axis and then set the modifier?
Thanks, Dartanbeck, that seems to work. I didn't imagine that the reference frames would be kept for each moving part.