What's up with VOOTW?



  • When I installed FPD Alex for Gen 9, every character loaded in after words was using 1% of both the head and body... Wasn't really that big of a deal, but it was enough to bother me so I uninstalled it.  Will above methods fix that too?

  • I am also annoyed with VOOTW.  I purchased the Fay bundle a short time ago and it has the duplicate forumlas that've been known for many months. Sadly I found this out AFTER I bought it.  And now I am sitting on it, waiting for updates while it's uninstalled.  Created a ticket and for over a week no response from Daz.  I would like the product to work correctly so I haven't yet requested a refund or store credit, but as I write this, I might do exactly that.


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