Backdrop made easy problem

WolfmanjimWolfmanjim Posts: 33
edited December 1969 in Poser Discussion

I can't get the edge of my BdME to go beyond the tenth morph. I've re-installed it, but I still can't make it work. And when I load the prop versions but they do not lad the textures.

Any suggestions?

I am using Poser 10, BTW.


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    The first thing you need to load is the CR2 from the Figures menu (Figures > BackdropsEasy > Backdrop.CR2) That should load with textures, but I have no idea what you mean by 'I can’t get the edge of my BdME to go beyond the tenth morph'

    And when I load the prop versions but they do not lad the textures.

    The ones that you will find in 'Props' are just edges, and there are many materials available for them in Pose > B9999 > BackdropsEasy, select one and apply it from the PZ2 file with the appropriate edge selected.
  • WolfmanjimWolfmanjim Posts: 33
    edited December 1969

    OK, you know the edge and how there is a dial that lets you change the morph. Well, the newer morphs (12 and 13) are not available when I try the dial.

    So I load the prop version, but when I click on the pose the material does not load..

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Do you mean the slider in the parameters pane when edge01 is selected?

    The bottom one is labelled EdgeChange, is that the one you mean? It adjusts from 0 - 7, and makes changes to the Edge only?

    All of the textures in the Pose folder work for me as shown below, without loading a Prop first. The Props are extras I think, but the MAT Pose files will work on them as well as on the loaded CR2 file from Figures.

    I am also using Poser 10 on WIndows 7.

    1366 x 768 - 191K
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