Genuine Newbie Questions
Hello everyone and thank you for having the courage and patience to view this thread!
I just have some very basic questions as I am still exploring the feasability of a hobbyist like me to bring his favorite DAZ character to life in a simple little superheroine game in Unity.
Question #1: Do I need to purchase an Interactive License for every DAZ product that I bring into Unity so that it will function, or is the license for commercial purposes?
Question #2: I have worked through many tutorials for bringing a DAZ character into Unity 2019... but the only Unity download that I could find is Unity 2020.3.10f1. It seems that the IRAY material settings: Settings>Materials>Diffuse Profiles>IRAY has migrated to where I am unable to locate it. Is this setting still necessary, if so, where is it now?
Question #3: My character has the "white eye" issue. I've worked through a couple of "easy fixes" and ventured out into trying to re-assign material surfaces... and made no progress. Does anyone know of a fix for this in Unity 2020.3.10f1?
Question #4: My character has a rather sophisticated mash up of clothing, lots of overlap and transparences. Transparences are so easily made transparent in Unity. Would it be prudent to simplify the characters outfit as much as possible and delete the transparent geometries before bringing the character into Unity?
Thank you for taking the time to conisder my questions!
You need Interactive Licenses for all content included in the game as distributed. You don't need interactive licenses during your own development process, and you don't need lnteractive licenses for content that is shown only in pre-rendered 2D format (e.g. an intro or cutscene animation, or chapter transition images) and isn't included as data in the game
Thank you, Richard, for clearing that up for me. It's nice to know that I can experiment without having to purchase Interactive Licenses before I know that it is going to work out. Thanks for answering!
RH is known for his ability to help without making me feel newbish, so props to him.
So, what am I doing here? Newbie type thing: I open DS, load a figure. select it in the scene pane, but where there should be File> Send to > Unreal... nothing. Sen to Unity - check. Send to Maya- check. Unreal is listed as active in Plugins, but no go on the menu? Ideas?