Please fix the itemised Order History DAZ!!!

StealthWorksStealthWorks Posts: 40
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Grrr, this is sooo frustrating in the new site. Itemised Order history is listed alphabetically rather than chronologically.
Previously when I bought a store item and wanted to re-download it I could be assured that it would be at the top of the list but now as everything is alphabetic I have to remember what the item was called and search through the hundreds of items I bought.
In addition you have now removed the ability to link directly from an order to the item in the store if we need to be reminded what that particular item looked like.
Finally, if I am painstakingly working my way down the order history and decide to reset an order for download, the window loads the downloadable orders list and then I have to click on my order history and painfully navigate through it again you get to where I was before.

Honestly DAZ, you couldn't have made it more inconvenient for us to navigate our previous orders!!! Have you any intention of fixing these issues. These problems weren't there in the old web site and now its a nightmare to find anything :-(


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,700
    edited December 1969

    This issue has been much commented on, DAZ is aware that it isn't satisfactory. I would hope, though I don't know, that once more urgent issues are dealt with it will be possible to enhance the system.

    The URL can be edited, once you are on the second or subsequent page, to jump to nay page by changing the number at the end and hitting enter. If you set the display to 50 items per page even a mammoth history like mine is pretty quick to negotiate, as long as you do remember the name in the way it is entered in the system.

    As for the reset links - if you right-click and select open in new tab, or open in new window, you won't lose your place in the order history.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited July 2012

    I feel your pain. My Itemized list, even at 50 per page is 62 pages long. I PRAY they add a search feature. In the meantime, here's my (somewhat clumsy, but better than nothing) solution to clicking links forever.

    I've found that the easiest way of zipping through your history is by using the address bar, not the navigation links on the page. Examine the link: (Spaces added to prevent hyperlinking.

    h ttps:// shop /customer/ account/ itemizedHistory/ ?limit=50&p=33

    50 per page, and this link is for page 33 of my history.

    So, for example, if I know0 through the start of A products are on page 1, and Z is on page 61, it's relatively easy to get NEAR your target product in just a few shots at the target by thinking about it's placement in the alphabet. For example, if I was looking for "Medusa V4," I'd know "M" is somewhere in the middle of the alphabet. I could pick, say, page 31. Going there shows I'm in the middle Ls. Bounce over a few pages -- 33 -- and Voila! Medusa appears. (But not really, or I'd be a statue.)

    And its easier if your history isn't 62 "50-items-per-click" pages.

    Hope this lends some relief until DAZ fixes this. We can dream, right?

    Post edited by Karibou on
  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    The URL can be edited, once you are on the second or subsequent page, to jump to nay page by changing the number at the end and hitting enter. If you set the display to 50 items per page even a mammoth history like mine is pretty quick to negotiate, as long as you do remember the name in the way it is entered in the system.

    As for the reset links - if you right-click and select open in new tab, or open in new window, you won't lose your place in the order history.

    Great minds think alike!! :)

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,893
    edited December 1969

    If you're running Windows, here's a freeware tool that makes it easier to manage the history:

  • StealthWorksStealthWorks Posts: 40
    edited December 1969

    Hey Taozen, nice catch there - definitely a very useful program. Great to be able to see my whole order history and do searches.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,893
    edited December 1969

    Hey Taozen, nice catch there - definitely a very useful program. Great to be able to see my whole order history and do searches.

    You're welcome! The one you've downloaded will expire in a few hours btw, depending on your timezone, but I've just uploaded a new version which will last a couple of months more.

  • s l fs l f Posts: 147
    edited December 1969

    Taozen said:
    Hey Taozen, nice catch there - definitely a very useful program. Great to be able to see my whole order history and do searches.

    You're welcome! The one you've downloaded will expire in a few hours btw, depending on your timezone, but I've just uploaded a new version which will last a couple of months more.

    Thank you for continuing to provide these essential tools that enable us to view our order history without going into nuclear meltdown. :coolsmile:

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited July 2012

    My fix works a bit differently, and I'm still making it semi-user friendly, but it works like this:

    Sign up for the web app.
    Do an automatic import of your purchase history.
    Install a user-script (like the one in my sig, but a little different, and customized for each user).

    After that, whenever you visit an item page for something you've already bought, about a quarter of a second later, a little note pops up above the 'Add to Cart' button.

    I've imported all the current DAZ items, and fine-tuned my 'sales' import, wishlist import, and purchase history import. The code all works, I just have to make it something anybody other than myself can understand and use easily. Good UI is my kryptonite. ;)

    There's other really cool stuff in there like filtering your wishlist by price, discount percentage, artist, custom tags...or doing the same to your purchase history ('What are all the items I bought from ARTCollaborations?')

    (Back-end stuff that you'll never need to see follows, showing the kind of things the service can do...)

    Item.joins(:purchases).where(:purchases => { user_id: }).tagged_with('ARTCollaborations').map &:title
     => ["Recess!", "Sam for V4", "Garden Escape Arbor Gate", "Garden Escape Bridge", "Temple of Light",
    "Garden Escape Patio Furniture", "Garden Escape Pergola", "Summer Gazebo", "Garden Pavilion",
    "Garden Escape Well", "Sweet Dreams", "The Tent", "Celestial Pool", "The Backyard", "The Loading Dock"]

    That query took's pretty darn fast.

    -- Morgan

    700 x 623 - 319K
    700 x 623 - 319K
    688 x 530 - 102K
    Post edited by CypherFOX on
  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Taozen said:

    If you're running Windows, here's a freeware tool that makes it easier to manage the history:

    Manna from heaven!! This is the best thing to happen to me all day!!

    After that, whenever you visit an item page for something you've already bought, about a quarter of a second later, a little note pops up above the 'Add to Cart' button.

    I've imported all the current DAZ items, and fine-tuned my 'sales' import, wishlist import, and purchase history import. The code all works, I just have to make it something anybody other than myself can understand and use easily. Good UI is my kryptonite. ;)

    If I can get THIS on my browser, I'll send you virtual, imaginary chocolate chip cookies. Or peanut butter. Or oatmeal. Whatever is your favorite. :lol: PLEASE explain how I can get this to work. I'm familiar with scripting, so might I be able to customize this by just browsing your source code? Will YOU provide the web app which I'd need to"sign up for?" I was fuzzy about what "sign up for the web app" meant.

    I WANT this. BADLY. If I can help in any way, let me know.

    To both of the kind souls working on this (and quite possibly preventing me from blowing up my computer) PM me your paypal address. I'd like to donate for your effort.

  • StealthWorksStealthWorks Posts: 40
    edited December 1969

    Taozen & Cypherfox, I'm blown away by your skills and your kindness to the community in making these tools available for us for free. If anyone from DAZ web development is listening, maybe you should give these guys something for doing what the site should have done in the first place. After all, these tools only stimulate more people purchasing from your site and you are the ones getting the profit! Just saying...!

  • Jeanne MJeanne M Posts: 652
    edited December 1969

    Taozen said:

    If you're running Windows, here's a freeware tool that makes it easier to manage the history:

    Manna from heaven!! This is the best thing to happen to me all day!!

    This very nice piece of work and his content downloader! They both are awesome!! Thank you again Taozen for creating and sharing these tools!!

    Love, Jeanne

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:

    Sign up for the web app.
    Do an automatic import of your purchase history.

    How do I do this? I've figured everything else out.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969


    Cypherfox said:

    Sign up for the web app.
    Do an automatic import of your purchase history.

    How do I do this? I've figured everything else out.

    Just to ping on in this, I've not forgotten about it. I'm still working (actually shockingly hard) on it. I just had the 'Oh...HELL yeah!' moment, when I was grabbing DM's stuff for the sale, and was about to add something to my cart when I noticed the little red text over it. I laughed for nearly 3 minutes. :-) Saved by my own tool...

    The answer will be that you sign up on my web site (which I'd be happy to PM to you when I've got it working marginally for non-programmer types, if you'd like to alpha test it) and give it access to your purchase history. After that, install in Chrome or Firefox a plugin, and it should 'Just Work' from there.

    What browser do you use, out of curiosity?

    -- Morgan

    245 x 246 - 16K
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,893
    edited December 1969

    s l f said:

    Thank you for continuing to provide these essential tools that enable us to view our order history without going into nuclear meltdown. :coolsmile:

    You're welcome, and stay cool... ;-)

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,893
    edited December 1969

    To both of the kind souls working on this (and quite possibly preventing me from blowing up my computer) PM me your paypal address. I'd like to donate for your effort.

    Well thank you, that's very kind of you! :-) A DAZ gift card will be fine as well, if you like.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,893
    edited December 1969

    Taozen & Cypherfox, I'm blown away by your skills and your kindness to the community in making these tools available for us for free.

    You're welcome, hope it makes things a bit easier until DAZ gets their stuff to work...

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,893
    edited December 1969

    JeanneM said:
    This very nice piece of work and his content downloader! They both are awesome!! Thank you again Taozen for creating and sharing these tools!!

    Love, Jeanne

    You're welcome!

  • chiefarchonchiefarchon Posts: 34
    edited December 1969

    Will DAZ please sort out the itemised order page... It has become a TORTURE to use it.

    At the very least, please put a search function in it ASAP...

    Its no good making us have to reset things then making those things imposible to find.

    Thank you

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Merging your post with one of the other threads on the subject

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    Greetings, shows all current discount prices, from the perspective of a PC member, and let's you narrow by discount price, and sort various ways. Hopefully tonight I'll be able to add filter by artist/vendor also.

    It also gives an idea how wishlist (and itemized history next) management can work. I already have all the vendor/artist information, I just need to expose it the same way.

    It also provides a web service that tells you, like my earlier screenshots, if you've already bought an item, even if it was in a bundle.

    It's very raw right now, but if you want to give it a try and live on the edge, feel free.

    -- Morgan

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,966
    edited December 1969

    Taozen said:

    If you're running Windows, here's a freeware tool that makes it easier to manage the history: beautifully.

    My one question is how do you get the list into Excel? There is no copy/paste function (the default right mouse click doesn't work either) and when I attempt to import from Excel (Data - Get external data - Import text) nothing shows up in the Programme Files folder where I installed the utility (I'm using XP32). Is there a different location or folder where the list is stored after it is saved?

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,893
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Taozen said:

    If you're running Windows, here's a freeware tool that makes it easier to manage the history: beautifully.

    My one question is how do you get the list into Excel? There is no copy/paste function (the default right mouse click doesn't work either) and when I attempt to import from Excel (Data - Get external data - Import text) nothing shows up in the Programme Files folder where I installed the utility (I'm using XP32). Is there a different location or folder where the list is stored after it is saved?

    There is a "data" folder in the program folder, the list is stored in the history.csv file there. Looks like I forgot to name the last column, it contains the number of the DAZ page where the product is listed, when it's set to 50 items per page.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,966
    edited December 1969

    ...found it.

    Thank you.

    Now I can enter the latest RRRR challenge.

  • JeadorJeador Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I haven't looked at my Itemised Order History for a few months..not since the big 'Changeover'...and got a big shock at how difficult it is to use. What happened at being able to sort by date? Trying to find something I purchased, but can't remember the name of (only that it's hair), roughly 3 months ago is impossible the way it is. It would take days to sort through by date. Also...why is there no way to set the default result to 100..more would be much better. And...why go back to having Mac stuff mixed in with PC downloads?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I am merging your post with one of the existing threads about this issue

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