How do we Speed Up DAZ Studio 4.7??

I'm wondering if I'm missing some configuration because my DAZ is very slow to load scenes and often painful to manually pose characters. So far I only made figures and played around with morphing and wardrobes. I didn't even get to importing my 3D environments yet and I'm really thinking about not doing that if only 2 characters brings the program to a crawl. For example, if I want to manually pose one of the characters in the scene, every nudge I make on the sliders have a delayed reaction. No real-time movement at all once the characters are developed. And it's not like I have tons of clothes on them. My render times is very good though.
I have a decent rig that runs all my other 3D rendering programs very smoothly.
Windows 7 Pro 64bit
Gigabyte X79-UP4 LGA2011
EVGA NVidia Geforce 760 2gb
16gb RAM
What is DAZ doing in the background that makes it so darn slow? What are the best optimization solutions to get it running at it's smoothest?
That's not normal. Does it lag even if you don't run any other programs at the same time?
My work machine is very similar to yours (except that I don't have nearly as good a graphics card and my CPU is a bit older), down to the 16gb of RAM, and I don't have that problem. It's normal to have a little viewport lag on a lower-RAM system if there's tons of stuff in a scene, but with two figures? Nun uh.
Turn off all mesh smoothing for any object that attach to your figure while posing.
Don't use high resolution sub-division until you finish posing.
Also try to set the affinity to not use all your CPU cores. Leave 1 or 2 of CPU cores out of DAZ Studio.
Thats not normal for DAZ Studio. It should be pretty fast with your rig. Is there anything running in the background that is taking up your RAM? Check by going to Task Manager and then processes. Look and see what all is using your RAM. I could be antivirus or some other app. Also do you have the latest graphics driver from NVidia's web site.
Are you using Reality 4?
I encounter similar problems since DAZ Studio 4.7 using Reality 4; even with the latest Reality 4 Update loading a scene is slow comparing to the Speed of DAZ Studio 4.7 without Reality 4.
Under Preferences -> Interface, what is your Display Optimization set to?
I use the Default Optimization Setting it is "None"
Use Best, if that crashes, step down to better, but that is the problem you are having, none=dreadful lag.
changed it but that wasn`t the Problem... it takes 30 seconds to load only a Genesis 2 Base Female... bevor I installed Reality 4 it takes only around 5 seconds
Have you installed the R4 update from his site?
yes, I did. After installing the update it is a little faster but not much (before the update loading G2 Base Female needs around 40 seconds)
If you uninstall Reality, back to normal then? Then you know where the problem is.
that`s what I say... if I uninstall Reality 4 everything is loading a lot faster
There are logs from Reality, send them I Paolo or make a comment in the official Reality 4 thread where Paolo reads.
I post it in the official thread.
Thanks for helping.
Thanks for the tips. Good to know its not normal. I will check my configuration in preferences after my Christmas dinner and report back later. Also I want to add that my CPU seems to get a good workout while using Dad. How much does Daz use GPU?
While rendering it will hammer your CPU pretty hard.
The GPU is used for the viewport and for OpenGL (hardware) renders, the CPU for 3delight (software) renders.
Thanks everyone! I think I found the problem. Turns out my display optimization was set to none. I think I set it like that following some advice I was reading when I first installed DAZ. I put it at "Best" and everything is a lot smoother now.
If I encounter anything else I will report back.
Special thanks Totte.
EDIT: BTW, I tried the OpenGL rendering for the first time. It's like snapping a picture compared to 3Delight! Can OpenGL render modes get as crisp with higher resolution like 3Dlight?
Nope, OpenGL works only for really simple scene with few lighting and shader.
I was having a similar problem and I have a pretty beefy rig. I set my display optimization to best and now it's running buttery smooth.
get Daz Studio 4.8 ;-)