ST Fanart 2015

patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
edited May 2015 in Freebies

Okay ... I have a few items now available over at Deviantart.

I must say that I'm very pleased one can so easily create props now in D/S.

atm this is the 3D model folder I have: click here.

I have included .obj files for some of them.

Now, as most here know yes I use Hexagon and even when using other programs, tend to wash things back through Hexagon as it and D/S communicate well together. One of the programs I am sometimes using is not licensed for commercial purposes SO, please to accept that when I say "non-commercial" use even for "just a chair" [for example], yes that is what I mean. This for me is a hobby, not a money making venture. If somebody seriously wants to use my freebies for commercial purposes, said somebody needs to send me hundreds of dollars to buy a commercial license. ty.
My free Star Trek stuff is of course always only for free image renders [still or animated]. I am not modeling for 3D print, nor for games.
Star Trek is copyright/trademarked by Paramount Pictures and/or CBS Studios which are not affiliated with me.

"Happy Trekking" through 2015 :-)

Edit to update: I have retired several links. Some are on the drawing board for a redo others are not. Altogether TOS Trek seems to be very not too popular OR everybody already has everything they want.

Post edited by patience55 on


  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited December 1969

    Thank You. If I only could download all things i planed :) but I will be working on it hopefuly, and will try making some pictures and learning how to do it better.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    Okay ... I have updated the "Cookie Cutter" collection that was previously released. Remade them all using .obj files washed through D/S as it will make a smaller file than Hexagon's. Also, I have included .obj files for all of the items. Several zips, all sharing the one cover image. See the readme for more info.

    Cookie cutter collection has been retired.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited December 1969

    I will have to get this :) Thank You very much, it looks like things i just needed.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    gulan7 said:
    I will have to get this :) Thank You very much, it looks like things i just needed.

    You're welcome, the "cookie cutters" are a little experimental modeling. Hope they work for people.

    Today's item is the Wall Decoration piece. Can be used "plain" or with a sculpture or some type of artwork added to it.
    One may wish to add a burlap texture bump to the main colour. The frame part is 3D.

    Wall Decorations are retired.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited December 1969

    Thank You for this. I am big fan of ST TNG, but i like every ST very much.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    gulan7 said:
    Thank You for this. I am big fan of ST TNG, but i like every ST very much.

    You're welcome. i grew up with TOS ;-)

    Have started watching through the DVDs I have and hoping to make lots of little things along the way this year.

    Eventually I would get to TNG too.

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited December 1969

    Sounds good. I think i have started to watch TNG on TV around 14 or before and it is one of my fav shows of all time and 1st SF. I also have watched a bit of DS9 and Voyager. I am still new to TOS :)

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    TOS Bridge's Main Viewer.

    Link retired. It'll be moving into the Bridge set ;-)

    D/S prop file. D/S .obj file. D/S mats.
    Textures, template and a mini-tutorial included.

    Enjoy ;-)

    If anybody wishes to post renders, they are welcome too.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    One of the very pretty ladies in an episode has a triangular decorative piece on her forehead, so I made one ready for texturing.
    I've applied a basic metallic image texture, feel free to use or replace that.

    Link retired.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    In the model folder, the familiar shape of an alert Beacon.

    D/S prop file.

    Link retired.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    And to match off with the alert beacons, a desk speaker.

    Link retired.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    Interesting number of scene quirks when looking at "minor details" in older T.V. shows, like benches suddenly having cushions lol ...

    Here's a mirror to the above Desk Speaker and also a flat version for the arm of a chair or wherever else one wants one.

    Link retired.

    The texture image and template are the same as the first release.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited December 1969

    Those look good. But I was thinking about commercial use, nothing really special maybe some fantasy or other SF if it ever happens. Would it be ok to use maybe some of those props like for example TOS Bridge’s Main Viewer, i surely would like to have my ships have screens like that, or any other usable things that could fit in my probably Fantasy/SF spaceships.

    To be honest I most of the time don't download things that are not for commercial use except in very rare case when they are done really great. And though i really like ST somehow i would like to have my own versions of SF probably, something like Star Trek Aurora project but original. Though it would probably be more fantasy and SF mix like that is done in Spelljammer but i would probaly be my own original SF. For now I was thinking to use DAZ SF material and add some more that i could eventualy find or make. Anyway i like ST so I will donwload this :)

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    gulan7 said:
    Those look good. But I was thinking about commercial use, nothing really special maybe some fantasy or other SF if it ever happens. Would it be ok to use maybe some of those props like for example TOS Bridge’s Main Viewer, i surely would like to have my ships have screens like that, or any other usable things that could fit in my probably Fantasy/SF spaceships.

    To be honest I most of the time don't download things that are not for commercial use except in very rare case when they are done really great. And though i really like ST somehow i would like to have my own versions of SF probably, something like Star Trek Aurora project but original. Though it would probably be more fantasy and SF mix like that is done in Spelljammer but i would probaly be my own original SF. For now I was thinking to use DAZ SF material and add some more that i could eventualy find or make. Anyway i like ST so I will donwload this :)

    Sorry, absolutely NOT. All the Star Trek stuff is not for commercial use, sometimes for 2 or 3 reasons.

    What can be done though, because yes I realize that many things are not only found in the Star Trek Universe is to simply have some new, very safe to use items made for commercial use too. Okay.
    A basic main viewer is an easy project. For commercial use you might wish to consider something of a design for it though?
    I often think a ruler grid or something might be useful [like we do for maps] but hay, that's probably 'cause I'd spend more time lost in space than orbiting a class M planet lol ... the PM system here works.

    Okay ... I have made some new D/S files for the BOP Bridge parts that were previously released. New out are a couple of working station walls. Gadgets will follow after they are uvmapped ;-)

    Model Folder

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited December 1969

    Ok, thanks for that. I am trying to figure out how to use Bryce now and will soon move to Hexagon :).

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    gulan7 said:
    Ok, thanks for that. I am trying to figure out how to use Bryce now and will soon move to Hexagon :).

    No problem, thanks for asking first ;-)

    Here's a square viewer which CAN be used for commercial renders.

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited December 1969

    Thank You! It is just perfect for my renders that I mostly do in square shape. It will just fit great, I am hoping to use it soon. Here is one of my latest works btw just what I needed, it can be even used as a frame for a picture, but also as some screen device even in fantasy :D

    Just one question, can that rain prop and G2f socks be used commercialy?

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    gulan7 said:
    Thank You! It is just perfect for my renders that I mostly do in square shape. It will just fit great, I am hoping to use it soon. Here is one of my latest works btw just what I needed, it can be even used as a frame for a picture, but also as some screen device even in fantasy :D

    Just one question, can that rain prop and G2f socks be used commercialy?

    You're quite welcome.

    Yes the raindrops and boot socks can be used for commercial image renders and I've added a note to their DA pages to that effect.
    Normally IF/when something of mine cannot be used for commercial anything, I say so. In case I ever forget though, all fanart is by its nature, non-commercial use only.

    And here's a teaser for the wip uvmapping of some gadgets for the Working Stations on the BOP Bridge.

    Edited to remove pics, item now retired.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited January 2015

    Very nice, thank You. I am working on a picture atm but i hope that i will try to work a bit on modeling. That Shape Magic program looks interesting, and it has some tutorials too. I guess i could give it a try before working with Hexagon or Blender. Btw i am really surprised with my progress :)

    Post edited by MilosGulan on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    gulan7 said:
    Very nice, thank You. I am working on a picture atm but i hope that i will try to work a bit on modeling. That Shape Magic program looks interesting, and it has some tutorials too. I guess i could give it a try before working with Hexagon or Blender. Btw i am really surprised with my progress :)

    Shape Magic program??

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited December 1969
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    gulan7 said:

    Thanks ;-)

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    Okay ... package 01 was released the other day ... here's package 02 with the rest of the items for the same section of wall.

    Link retired.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited December 1969

    Thank You, It looks good. :)

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    Thank you. Hope it works well for folk.

    Here's another freebie for the TOS collection.

    link retired

    Texture image is NOT included. Template included. D/S prop file.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955
    edited December 1969

    I am sure it will work :) thanks for those wonderful freebies.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    Now for the Wall Speaker. Includes the on/off button. This is loose so it can be used with any of the speakers.

    Link retired.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    Okay ;-) Here are the rest of that wall's gadgets and viewers. Viewers are single paned.

    Links retired.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    Link at DA retired ... and due to the overwhelming lack of interest the rest of the wall decorations will not be made available.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited February 2015

    [strike]Yes! This is still on sale at the moment[/strike]:

    Hope those that wanted it got it. I'm working on some textures for it.

    Today's find are some free roses. If you sign up for their newsletters you'll be notified periodically when they have a new samples page too.
    Just a note about downloading. Go easy. One at a time, and yes there's a limit per something. In other words if you "buy" the whole page, it could take a few days to download it all. Some files are very large.

    Free Roses - no longer free.

    Here is where one can get a photo of the original cloth used all over the various ST sets. Click here.

    Post edited by patience55 on
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