Create Objects in Blender based Daz Figure
Hopefully someone can help me with this - or point me in the direction of the right information. I am an intermediate Daz user but a fairly beginner Blender user. I am trying to make a mask to fit my Genesis 8 character. My workflow is as follows: I use DaztoBlender to move my genesis character to Blender. In Blender I duplicate the facial vertices and create a new mesh. Model the mask on the new mesh. My problem seems to be getting things back into Daz. Right now I have been exporting my new model as an obj and then importing back into my Daz scene. My mask in this case isn't positioned properly on my character and it's annoying to try and get it lined up with my character with appropirate rotation etc. It seems like there should be a simpler way of doing this - but I'm not sure how to do it. Any advice? Thanks in advance to anyone that can guide me.
I have not used the DaztoBlender, so do not know what scale/rotation it is using. I would suggest using a different workflow when creating props to send to DS.
In DS, load the figure.
With figure selected (Make mesh resolution "Base") "File > Export" as Wavefront .obj. Set scale to 1 unit = 1 meter (1%).
In Blender "File > Import > Wavefront(.obj) Select the figure. The default import options are OK (-Z forward / Y up) (optional: In geometry dropdown menu, select "Keep Vert Order". That is not needed for what you are doing, but it is a good option to always use. It is needed if creating morphs and sending them back to DS).
You can then create the prop on the model.
To export Prop from Blender.
Select only the prop, then "File > Export > Wavefront(.obj)". In export window options, select "Selection Only"
(Note: this is only needed if exporting a morph but good to get into the habit of, is in Geometry dropdown, select "Keep Vertex Order"
To import into DS.
"File > import" select the prop. In import option set scale to 1 unit = 1Meter (10000%)
Just export your Daz character as an OBJ file without textures in its default pose. Since you're not posing it, the rigging and textures are irrelevant. Export it at 100%, Daz scale. Don't bother trying to convert it to Blender units; just work with it at whatever size it loads into Blender as.
Once you've imported the OBJ into Blender, use Vertex Snapping and/or the Shrinkwrap modifier to build the geometry directly atop the imported model.
Study this video for more info:
Then just export your finished mask as an OBJ and import it back into Daz Studio. Since you exported the figure in a default pose at 100% scale, it should match perfectly.
I don't know if you're still interested in getting an answer since it's been a few months since you made this post but, yes, there is a "simpler way" of doing this.
Unlike DAZ Studio, Blender can do almost anything (I'm using Blender 3.1.2, DAZ to Blender Bridge 2.4.0, & DAZ Studio 4.2 to demonstrate this).
Once you're finished creating your mask in blender,
Select your mask, then use Object > Apply > All Transformations (better known as Crtl + A on your keyboard).
This will freeze all the transformations you made on your mask so when you're exporting/importing, all the transformations you made would carry over as well.
Make sure your mask is still selected and Export as a Wavefront(.obj) file.
I don't know if you noticed but, the DaztoBlender Bridge converts the scale of models to 1/100 when importing into Blender.
At some point we would need to rescale your mask to the 'DAZ Studio size' when exporting out of Blender or importing into DAZ Studio.
Personally, I would re-scale when Exporting from Blender.
Select 'Selection Only' next to 'Limit to' and type '100' next to 'Scale' to re-scale your mask.
Those two things are the most important when exporting from Blender in my opinion (you can select 'Keep Vertex Order' in Geometry as stem_athome sgueested but it isn't really necessary for non-morphs).
Since we did all the important things, press OK when importing back to DAZ Studio (There's no need to change much of the importing settings in DAZ Studio).
I have my import settings set as 'Custom' and 'Scale: 100%'.
Hope this helps anyone who was wondering about this as well.