
Does anyone happen to know a light set that contains good mesh lights?...its important that they be mesh lights.


  • Good is surely going to be context dependent - a good set for lighting a dungeon is going to be less good for a children's party scene, a good set for an office will not suit a romantic dinner.

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,143

    You can make you own very simple.

    The short version is;

    1) Create>New Primitive>Plane

    Select new plane in the "Scene" pane

    2) "Surfaces" pane 

    change "Emission Color" to anything other than black to "turn it on". Full White is a good place to start.

    "Two Sided Light" is "Off".

    Change Opacity to 0.0001 to hide.

    Change "Luminance Units" to kcd/m2

    Done, you have a basic mesh light.

    Some adjustments and fine tuning will be needed for your specific scene.

    Once you've had a chance to play with the basic ones you make yourself; you will know more of what you want from a commercial set.

    Don't be afraid to turn the knobs and move the sliders.

    It's iray, so you'll need to use the iray preview render to see the changes.

    File>Save as>Scene Subset and put a check mark next to the things you want to keep if you make something you like.

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