Show us more of your 3Delight renders

JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281
This discussion was created from comments split from: Show us your 3Delight renders.


  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    That is *really* nice. People who sneer at 3DL sometimes don't have a clue as to what it can do.

  • JOdel said:

    That is *really* nice. People who sneer at 3DL sometimes don't have a clue as to what it can do.

    Thank you, Jodel!  I agree, I think so many people have leapt onto the realer-than-real train, they're missing some of the really awesome advantages that 3DL can give.  That's why I share my pics with you guys, because you know there's another world out there :-)  I love seeing what everyone can do, because it doesn't have to all look the same!

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    Huh. I wasn't actually the person who started this thread, but I guess that post was at the top of the page where they decided to split it. 

    Now that we've got a new thread, I've got illos from a couple of projects that I was holding onto, since I didn't want the thread to split in the middle of a series. 

    This set is from one of the projects that I was actually able to post. So It's over on the Red Hen Publications  site (in the Publications collection) if you want the full contexrtt. The project is called '3rd Star to tthe Right' and I'm not going to post the title page here since that was mostly just composited in Photoshop. Although it does feature Noggins's old Poser croc.

    The frontspiece however, is a legitimate render. I turned off the analog art filter that's used in the posted project. 

    Several years after the war Hermione Granger goes to Spinner's end to clear it out. SHe's the only member of the Order of the Phoenix who was willing to do it. Snape's body was never found, but enough time has passed for him to officially be declared dead.


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  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281
    edited August 2021

    Hermione is relieved not to find the missing body of the former Headmaster in the house at Spinner's End. But in the smaller of the two bedrooms, the bedding is bloodstained. Among the detrius of a collapsed bookcase of children's books, Hermione finds a copy of Peter Pan and Wendy.

    Opening it, she gets a paper cut, and everything goes black.

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    Post edited by JOdel on
  • juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556
    edited August 2021

    This my old project which combine DAZ Studio and VUE if I remember correctly , The Second -Third - Fifth- Seventh -Eight and Nine done in DAZ Studio + 3Delight with touch up in photoshop 

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    Post edited by juvesatriani on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    Nice. I never got the hang of Vue and finally gave up. Back then, Studio wasn't really set up for producing large landscapes. Much better at that now, except that you'll spend three days converting the materials back to 3DL.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited August 2021

    ..well, just another girl...

    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    She finds herself falling. Under a starry sky. She hit somethig like a trampoline, bounced, and continues to fall. Landing in the sea. 

    There is a splash and fingers wrap around her wrist, drawing her to the surface. 

    Her rescuer is Headmaster Snape. Hooked nose, black eyes and all. 

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  • The hair looks really ncie on that one, Sven!  JOdel, I love the wide-open eyes of surprise :-)

    I wasn't going to do any more, but I had a rough week with teenage girls that demanded tubekittens.  So, here are my kitbashed ayakashi from Kakuriyo (Bed & Breakfast for Spirits), an anime I enjoy.  I used Littlefox's Rufus and Toon Ghost 2.0 and squashed 'em together.

    May no one else's week involve sobbing teenage girls and a wretchedly incompetent hairdresser...!


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  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    Well *that's* interesting! Did a splendid job of concealiing the join lines.

  • JOdel said:

    Well *that's* interesting! Did a splendid job of concealiing the join lines.

    I have never used the 'healing' brush so often in PS!  :-P  They weren't too bad, though, really; joined at the hip, and then I ran the render twice - once with a mostly-solid ubersurface layer, and then the second using PWGhost (very slow render!)  Then composed the layers in PS until I was happy with the mix.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    pwGhost. Right. That stopped working for me some time ago. It applies, and the surface appears nicely luninescent, but it no longer has any transparency. I finally gave up and started doing my ghosts in post.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited August 2021

    My entry for this month's "render a month challenge"/glass..

    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    JOdel said:

    pwGhost. Right. That stopped working for me some time ago. It applies, and the surface appears nicely luninescent, but it no longer has any transparency. I finally gave up and started doing my ghosts in post.

    What DS version are you running? 

  • Sven Dullah said:

    My entry for this month's "render a month challenge"/glass..

    Oh, so the glass is the goal?  That's an interesting chellenge!  Well, your bottle looks very realistic :-)

  • JOdel said:

    pwGhost. Right. That stopped working for me some time ago. It applies, and the surface appears nicely luninescent, but it no longer has any transparency. I finally gave up and started doing my ghosts in post.

    I stopped upgrading at 4.10, terrified my toys would stop working... I now own a very nice Oso figure I can't use because it needs 4.12, but them's the breaks...

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Misselthwaite said:

    Sven Dullah said:

    My entry for this month's "render a month challenge"/glass..

    Oh, so the glass is the goal?  That's an interesting chellenge!  Well, your bottle looks very realistic :-)

    Heh tks! Feel free to join at any time, guidelines in the opening post;) 

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Misselthwaite said:

    JOdel said:

    pwGhost. Right. That stopped working for me some time ago. It applies, and the surface appears nicely luninescent, but it no longer has any transparency. I finally gave up and started doing my ghosts in post.

    I stopped upgrading at 4.10, terrified my toys would stop working... I now own a very nice Oso figure I can't use because it needs 4.12, but them's the breaks...

    There's always the possibility of using the beta, won't break anything as far as I know... 

  • Sven Dullah said:

    Misselthwaite said:

    JOdel said:

    pwGhost. Right. That stopped working for me some time ago. It applies, and the surface appears nicely luninescent, but it no longer has any transparency. I finally gave up and started doing my ghosts in post.

    I stopped upgrading at 4.10, terrified my toys would stop working... I now own a very nice Oso figure I can't use because it needs 4.12, but them's the breaks...

    There's always the possibility of using the beta, won't break anything as far as I know... 

    I am risk-averse when it comes to my toys :-)  I enjoy making my doodles, and I would be sad if something got broken.  I use lots of older items, so there's never a guarantee.

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,186

    I also stopped upgrading at 4.10. I have later versions squirreled away in case I decide to try them, but I've developed a workflow and it's simpler to stay where I'm at. I also usually render 3DL. Cheers to all that!

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,186

    Misselthwaite said:

    I am risk-averse when it comes to my toys :-)  I enjoy making my doodles, and I would be sad if something got broken.  I use lots of older items, so there's never a guarantee.

    Your renders look nice, Your little Covid guy is adorable :)

  • Torquinox said:

    Misselthwaite said:

    I am risk-averse when it comes to my toys :-)  I enjoy making my doodles, and I would be sad if something got broken.  I use lots of older items, so there's never a guarantee.

    Your renders look nice, Your little Covid guy is adorable :)

    Oh, thank you!  I'm glad you enjoyed him :-) 

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    I think 4.5 was the last version that I got pwGhost to work properly in. Maybe 4.6? It was quite a while ago that I last needed to use the ghost shader for anything much, and when I needed it for a fanfest image a couple of years ago it flatly was not going to give me anything more than an opaque luminous-looking blob. I think I was up to 4.10 or 11 by that time.

    I tend to keep at least one older version installed as well as the current one, but nothing I had installed at that time gave me any better results. I think the oldest version I had available at that point was 4.9.  

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    4.9 is what I use and have no problems with pwGhost or any other pw shaders...just saying...

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    Well, the computer that I had at the time had issues. In any event, postwork is my friend.

  • JOdel said:

    Well, the computer that I had at the time had issues. In any event, postwork is my friend.

    I use PW in 4.10, and the only issue is a little longer render time as Daz recompiles it each time.  Postwork, however, is both friend and amusement - so many ways to alter or enhance a render, to make it more than the sum of its parts :-)

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    Folks, you could try doing a reinstall of pwGhost; it works fine in the latest DS beta, so it should be okay in any earlier version. I just rendered all the pwGhost presets, no issues whatsoever (outside the recompile message, but the impact is negligible)

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  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    I'll give that a try. Not going to count on it, but certainly won't be worse off than I am.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    Mr Smee (who looks like a male version of Professor McGonagall) finds a dress in a trunk, and Hermione is glad to be able to change into something dry. Her wand is missing, too. 

    She goes up to speak with her rescuer. He does not recognize her. He admits that the ship *had*been a pirate ship. But that it wasn't such any more.

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  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,905
    edited August 2021

    Posting this here because it's probably the best place to get answers for this. I just started experimenting with pwToon on a G8F Centaur, and I'm finding that the geoshell torso surface seems to be inseparable from the actual figure's torso surface. Is that the normal behavior for pwToon? Or maybe even 3Delight in general? I'm almost strictly an Iray user, so I don't know if this is just some weird bug or if it's normal and I've just never experienced it.

    What it looks like so far:

    If I apply the opacity map and centaur UV to the geoshell:

    Any change I make to one surface affects the other, so applying an opacity map to the geoshell adds it to the figure, and removing it from the figure removes it from the geoshell.

    centoon 1.png
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    centoon 2.png
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    Post edited by Gordig on
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