Pose Builder & Pose Converter Support Thread [Commercial]



  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,941
    edited May 2015

    Thanks for responding Draagonstorm. Here are two really simple reasons why a batch convertor is a big selling point:

    1 . By converting everything to duf at the library stage, it eliminates the need to keep bouncing back and forth from the poser and DAZ libraries. I imagine that most folks are like me and have some Gen 4 pose sets in my DAZ libraries and some in the Poser ones. New poses are all saved to duf, but the older ones are mostly in pzs, so to use all of them Pose Builder I have to bounce back and forth constantly between them. That's literally a pain as I'm starting to get carpal tunnel. I've done what I can to eliminate the back and forth by consolidating all of my daz format pose sets into a single separate Pose Builder library to speed up the process, but when I want to mix elements from the two libraries there's still the constant jump back and forth between the two. Therefore, what I really need is to convert everything into DAZ format so that it's all there at once.

    2. It also makes the original Pose Builder much more powerful and easier to use. These days my primary use for Gen 4 poses is on Gen 5 and Gen6 content in Pose Builder. I can do a batch conversion to Gen 5 through cridjits old Posemaster and get a basic Genesis pose in duf, but it's usually a little off and then applying it to Gen 6 throws it even more out of whack, so it generally works out better to apply straight from Gen 4. Converting all the Gen 4 poses straight to duf would mean that I could apply them directly to Gen 6 in Pose Builder and then only have to do one correction pass on the feet and hands with Handy Dandy. Unfortunately, the original Pose Builder looks at poser format files and goes "huh?" So, as soon as I saw that Posebuilder for V4/M4 handles all the older poser formats, I thought: this is the fix. Except... no batch convertor. Ugh.

    Read back up through this thread and you'll see other people saying similar things. I suspect you'll find that there's a decent market for a batch conversion tool, and it's certainly something that I'd pay for separately.

    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for responding Draagonstorm. Here are two really simple reasons why a batch convertor is a big selling point:

    1 . By converting everything to duf at the library stage, it eliminates the need to keep bouncing back and forth from the poser and DAZ libraries. I imagine that most folks are like me and have some Gen 4 pose sets in my DAZ libraries and some in the Poser ones. New poses are all saved to duf, but the older ones are mostly in pzs, so to use all of them Pose Builder I have to bounce back and forth constantly between them. That's literally a pain as I'm starting to get carpal tunnel. I've done what I can to eliminate the back and forth by consolidating all of my daz format pose sets into a single separate Pose Builder library to speed up the process, but when I want to mix elements from the two libraries there's still the constant jump back and forth between the two. Therefore, what I really need is to convert everything into DAZ format so that it's all there at once.

    2. It also makes the original Pose Builder much more powerful and easier to use. These days my primary use for Gen 4 poses is on Gen 5 and Gen6 content in Pose Builder. I can do a batch conversion to Gen 5 through cridjits old Posemaster and get a basic Genesis pose in duf, but it's usually a little off and then applying it to Gen 6 throws it even more out of whack, so it generally works out better to apply straight from Gen 4. Converting all the Gen 4 poses straight to duf would mean that I could apply them directly to Gen 6 in Pose Builder and then only have to do one correction pass on the feet and hands with Handy Dandy. Unfortunately, the original Pose Builder looks at poser format files and goes "huh?" So, as soon as I saw that Posebuilder for V4/M4 handles all the older poser formats, I thought: this is the fix. Except... no batch convertor. Ugh.

    Read back up through this thread and you'll see other people saying similar things. I suspect you'll find that there's a decent market for a batch conversion tool, and it's certainly something that I'd pay for separately.

    OK.. I will create batch conversions for V4 and M4 poses from .pz2 to .duf.... Keep in mind that this does not mean that it will convert the pose (make adjustments) so that the poses will work with Genesis or Genesis 2 out of the box.

    I'll submit these to DAZ this weekend. I'm not sure how long it will take to go thru QA and be released. But will keep you up to date.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,941
    edited December 1969

    excessive nattering removed for space reasons

    OK.. I will create batch conversions for V4 and M4 poses from .pz2 to .duf.... Keep in mind that this does not mean that it will convert the pose (make adjustments) so that the poses will work with Genesis or Genesis 2 out of the box.

    I'll submit these to DAZ this weekend. I'm not sure how long it will take to go thru QA and be released. But will keep you up to date.

    That is fantastic to hear. I continue to be blown away by the customer service that you and Zev have provided on these products. Pose Builder is really shaping up as a powerful tool, and while I'll still have to use Blackfeather's G1/G2 upgrades to Powerpose and the Parameter dials for fine adjustments and things like fingers, with the addition of the head controls PB is now at the point where I'm comfortable using it as my default posing system.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,064
    edited May 2015

    Updated version now live. :cheese:

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • yunababy2010yunababy2010 Posts: 4
    edited December 1969

    I am having problems with the Pose Builder. Since switching to 4.8 the controls to process is missing. Is there any way to fix this?
    Thank you

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,064
    edited December 1969

    Can you post a screenshot? It shouldn't make a difference if switching to 4.8. Is your screen resolution the same?

  • yunababy2010yunababy2010 Posts: 4
    edited June 2015

    Yes it is the same Any idea's as to why I can't use it anymore. It's the same way even in 4.7. I tried adding it again still the process button is not there. Thank you

    1366 x 768 - 422K
    Post edited by yunababy2010 on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,941
    edited December 1969

    Okay, just to confirm: we're getting the gen 4 Pose Batch pose batch converter (in today's store) as a separate item, not an add-on to Pose Builder V4/M4? The price is low enough that it makes no difference to me, but I want to make sure that I'm not buying something that's going to be superseded or made irrelevant by something else.

  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited December 1969

    Okay, just to confirm: we're getting the gen 4 Pose Batch pose batch converter (in today's store) as a separate item, not an add-on to Pose Builder V4/M4? The price is low enough that it makes no difference to me, but I want to make sure that I'm not buying something that's going to be superseded or made irrelevant by something else.

    Correct. It is a separate item. I did it this way since the .duf format is not necessary for Pose Builder for Victoria 4.2 and Michael 4.

  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,225
    edited December 1969

    @Zev0 and Draagon Storm

    Couldn't resist the Batch Convert Gen4 because your tools are so useful :cheese: And will pick up the Pose Builder for Gen 4 when I have more money :-P

    Pose Builder was more than dead useful: it was a lifesaver ;-P

    Am doing cover art for a project and used it like so :)

    1000 x 1071 - 2M
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,941
    edited June 2015

    As promised, I bought Batch Convert yesterday and it's fantastic. (Extra points for the resource quick load buttons.) So far I've converted somewhere between 4 and 5 hundred poses (about 20 sets) and the only real issue I've found is that there seems to be a finite limit to how many folders it can handle at once before it crashes DS. (Not files, folders, so I think it might have something to do with Windows Explorer, which I tend to keep open most of the time.)

    On the other hand, I wanted to point out that you've missed what I think is a major selling point in both your Catalog page text and manual: you don't have to actually install the files into either DS or Poser in order to convert them. Rather than digging through all the runtimes looking for whatever esoteric name the various poses are under (like putting a ! in front of the folder name, or using strange acronyms), I'm just unzipping the files into a separate folder and doing the conversion direct from there, so I don't have the baggage of bunch of duplicate pz files clogging up my runtime. Obviously if there are things like props included in the zip you'll still have to install those, but it really simplifies and speeds up things things, especially when you've got a lot of small sets that came as add-ons or freebies with different products.

    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • ModernWizardModernWizard Posts: 850
    edited December 1969

    Re Batch Convert -- is it only limited to Gen4 figures? I don't see why it would be, as it's not reading figure info [right?], just doing a .pz --> .duf conversion. I have an EXTENSIVE collection of V3 poses that I'd love to crunch, but I'm stopped by the V4/M4/K4 seeming limitation.

    Also re Batch Convert -- how does it work on partial poses? Does it convert partial pz2s to partial dufs?


  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited December 1969

    Re Batch Convert -- is it only limited to Gen4 figures? I don't see why it would be, as it's not reading figure info [right?], just doing a .pz --> .duf conversion. I have an EXTENSIVE collection of V3 poses that I'd love to crunch, but I'm stopped by the V4/M4/K4 seeming limitation.

    Also re Batch Convert -- how does it work on partial poses? Does it convert partial pz2s to partial dufs?


    Only Gen 4, as I have to load in the figure to then apply the pose, to then save it out as .duf.

    Sorry, partial poses are lost with .pz to .duf conversions.

  • ModernWizardModernWizard Posts: 850
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the quick response. If I have to load the figure to apply poses and then save out as .duf, where does the batch conversion come in? I'm probably misunderstanding something basic. Are you saying that the script has to call the Gen4 figure as part of its batch conversion? I can't fool it into thinking V3 is V4? :D


  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,941
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the quick response. If I have to load the figure to apply poses and then save out as .duf, where does the batch conversion come in? I'm probably misunderstanding something basic. Are you saying that the script has to call the Gen4 figure as part of its batch conversion? I can't fool it into thinking V3 is V4? :D


    What DS means is that the program has to actually pull up V4 or M4, apply the pose and then re-save it as .duf. All you have to do is select a folder containing poses, set where you want the dufs to be written and hit convert. After that, it runs itself.
  • ModernWizardModernWizard Posts: 850
    edited December 1969

    What DS means is that the program has to actually pull up V4 or M4, apply the pose and then re-save it as .duf. All you have to do is select a folder containing poses, set where you want the dufs to be written and hit convert. After that, it runs itself.

    Got it! Thanks. I think I'll give it a try!


  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    edited December 1969

    Any idea for what is causing this error and how I can fix it?

    It happens whenever I try to apply a pose. It doesn't matter what pose. When I hit Process, up it comes.

    H: is where my content is now.

    I is where it use to be before I had to delete and reinstall everything.

    732 x 860 - 188K
  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited June 2015

    Legionair said:
    Any idea for what is causing this error and how I can fix it?

    It happens whenever I try to apply a pose. It doesn't matter what pose. When I hit Process, up it comes.

    H: is where my content is now.

    I is where it use to be before I had to delete and reinstall everything.

    Check to see if I:/NewDAZContent/Temp folder exists on your computer.
    I use the folder assigned to Temporary Files from Edit->Preferences as a working space for the script. But that folder needs to exists.

    Post edited by DraagonStorm on
  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    edited December 1969

    The H drive was at capacity. All items were uninstalled through DIM. The H drive was then completely cleared of all files. The I drive was also cleared. The two drives were then combined into one. Everything was then reinstalled with DIM.

  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited June 2015

    Legionair said:
    The H drive was at capacity. All items were uninstalled through DIM. The H drive was then completely cleared of all files. The I drive was also cleared. The two drives were then combined into one. Everything was then reinstalled with DIM.

    After looking at it some more I changed my question above. And this response pretty much tells me that you probably no longer have I:/NewDAZContent/Temp folder. You need to recreate that folder. Or change your preferences to a folder that exists.

    Post edited by DraagonStorm on
  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, that did the trick. Odd that I didn't have any errors previous to this. Need to check my other computers for the same settings.

  • 01i01i Posts: 20
    edited December 1969

    I have a quick question about the batch conversion utility. I've just gone through and converted the entire structure under \Runtime\libraries\Pose using the M4 conversion script. My main purpose for purchasing the conversion tool was to make all my ps2 poses available for Genesis using Pose Builder.

    As I plan to use these poses with Genesis and G2, is there any real benefit to repeating the process using the K4 and V4 scripts?

  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited December 1969

    01i said:
    I have a quick question about the batch conversion utility. I've just gone through and converted the entire structure under \Runtime\libraries\Pose using the M4 conversion script. My main purpose for purchasing the conversion tool was to make all my ps2 poses available for Genesis using Pose Builder.

    As I plan to use these poses with Genesis and G2, is there any real benefit to repeating the process using the K4 and V4 scripts?

    M4 is to convert poses made for M4.. K4 is to convert poses made for K4... And V4 is to convert poses made for V4. If you used M4 for poses made for K4 and V4, they might not have converted properly.

  • 01i01i Posts: 20
    edited December 1969

    So it's best to run the script 3 times and keep the best version?

  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited December 1969

    01i said:
    So it's best to run the script 3 times and keep the best version?

    Best to select M4 poses to convert when using the M4... Then select K4 poses to convert when using the K4... and then select V4 poses to convert when using V4.

    You can copy the original poses any where on your computer and separate them out by M4/K4/V4 and then select them from there to do the conversions.

  • 01i01i Posts: 20
    edited June 2015

    Based on how much stuff got converted that wasn't even a pose I'm in the process of re-doing this. Spending a bit of time sorting first saves a lot of time converting everything in the pose folder pointlessly (regardless of whether it was actually a pose or not). No wonder the process took over an hour lol.

    I was wondering, what's the best way to convert pz2 files that are poses designed for genesis rather than one of the generation 4 figures? For example Laticis's `When Watchers Fall` poses?

    How would you recommend converting poses for A3, A4, H3 and H4? It turns out I have quite a few of them as pz2 files. Same goes for the Val3dArt `Fantasy Warrior` Genesis poses (DSB) and the Victoria 4 `V4 General` poses (also DSB). Neither script seems to want to convert them to duf.

    Post edited by 01i on
  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited December 1969

    01i said:
    Based on how much stuff got converted that wasn't even a pose I'm in the process of re-doing this. Spending a bit of time sorting first saves a lot of time converting everything in the pose folder pointlessly (regardless of whether it was actually a pose or not). No wonder the process took over an hour lol.

    I was wondering, what's the best way to convert pz2 files that are poses designed for genesis rather than one of the generation 4 figures? For example Laticis's `When Watchers Fall` poses?

    How would you recommend converting poses for A3, A4, H3 and H4? It turns out I have quite a few of them as pz2 files. Same goes for the Val3dArt `Fantasy Warrior` Genesis poses (DSB) and the Victoria 4 `V4 General` poses (also DSB). Neither script seems to want to convert them to duf.

    For Genesis poses other then .duf format, Pose Builder has a built in converter, last tab named "Convert Pose to .duf"

    A4 and H4 are just morphs of V4 and M4, so they will convert fine.. As for Generation 3 (A3 and H3) I make no promises if they will convert.

    I'll have to look into .dsb format, I thought I had included that format.

  • 01i01i Posts: 20
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the advice regarding A4 and H4.

    On the subject of converting Genesis poses with Pose Builder, there are some pose packs that were originally designed specifically for Genesis (rather than a generation 4 character), but saved with the poser pz2 file format rather than a native Daz file format.



    Pose Builder doesn't detect pz2 files at all, so can't be used to batch convert them for the genesis figure, and the new batch conversion tool only has scripts to convert generation 4 pz2 files to duf.

  • Digital TouchDigital Touch Posts: 187
    edited December 1969

    I tried using the batch converter, notification says it's done converted. But the converted path folder is empty. Any tutorial on how to do the batch conversion ?

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,064
    edited December 1969

    Can I see a screenshot with your paths assigned?

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