[WIP] Mad Scientist Laboratory (Formerly: Something's going on at the old mill...)

I had planned a fun storyline thing to introduce this set, but then the weeks ticked by and the project grew to ridiculous proportions, and now that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, I thought I'd better give an update on the progress.
This is a mad scientist's laboratory. The basic building is modelled after an an actual old mill that is near the village I live in. Of course, I've added my own architectural insanity. :) The walls, floors, and fixtures are all highly optimized geometry instead of texture map illusions, so you can shoot from any almost any angle and you'll see the shapes of the stones, or the gaps between the wooden planks, but they'll render lightning fast. There's a roof with a trap door that opens to the sky, so you can let the lightning down for your...um...experiments. All the parts are modular. Hide what you don't need, remove a wall to make room for your camera, you get the idea. The structure is basically keyhole shaped, with the rounded part serving as a sort of operating theater.
Over the "operating theater" you'll find a fully rigged lighting array, as well as cage lighting in square section.
There are a whole assortment of electrical machines representing the finest in analog science, included in this set. They are all highly detailed, with 4k hand-painted textures, and fully rigged. Flip all the switches, spin the dials, move the needles on the meters, adjust the lights, move the parts. The electrical arc you see in this shot is one of the many included props. It has 50 bones, and is fully poseable. Bend it into any shape you like, scale it up or down, make it arcing off anything you like. What's a mad scientist lab without electrical arcs? Of course, there are more machines than just these.
Right now, you've got two pieces intended for the center of the "operating theater", this operating table (modelled after a real Victorian-era brass operating table). It's fully rigged of course, tilt the table top, turn the wheels, press the foot pedals. There will be a foot rest and arm restraints as well...mua ha ha ha...
I also created this reinforced specimen tank. It's also fully rigged. You can take the top off when it's time to free your creation, or feed the unfortunate mermaid you're keeping prisoner, or whatever. If your story involves some sort of aquatic creature, you're all set up.
There are more machines and more props, like furniture, books, papers, chemistry glassware, surgical instruments, a human skull, a brain in a jar, and so much more. By this time, I've sort of lost count. But I'll update this post in the next few days with even more pictures.
ETA: As promised here's some more shots of various things you'll find in this lab. I'm just sort of piling things on tables at the moment, but the final set will come with a preset to load everything in the lab in one go. For those of you with robust GPUs of course, ha ha. The lamp you see is fully rigged and adustable. Pull the test tubes out of the rack, take their corks off. The pestle and the mortar are fully functioning too, so you can...um...grind things.
Here's a close up of the main switching panel. Adjust the angle of the lamps, turn the dials, flip the old-fashioned knife switches. Most of the electrical stuff was inspired by Kenneth Strickfadden's iconic props from the original Frankenstein, but there's quite a bit of Steampunk influence, and quite a bit of Penny Dreadful, too.
Another machine, and some more props. The retort stands are fully adustable, so you can make your own chemistry experiments, or cook up your zombie animating serum. Adjust the height of the flames in the alcohol lamps. The syringe is easily operated, and comes with a parented liquid core (not shown here) that scales from the base of the syringe, so you can fill the syringe as much as you like, and make the fluid volume diminish as you press the plunger, if you're animating. Oh look, there's the mortar and pestle again...
Here's a closeup of the syringe, for you syringe lovers:

Spiders not included. :D
Very Fun!
What, no big clunky Frankenstein style "Main Switch" to throw to activate the 1.21 gigawatts it's going to take to power the experiment?
Is there a release dated penciled in yet?
Yes, at least six of them!
No date penciled in yet, but nearing the end of the modelling and texturing now. Things should progress normally after that.
Yes, at least six of them!
No date penciled in yet, but nearing the end of the modelling and texturing now. Things should progress normally after that.
Original post updated. More to come...
The set looks amazing!
Could you perhaps also add a chair like the following one to the set?
Are poses for G8 / G8.1 included in the set?
I realized I should have shown the tank with something in it, so here are a couple:
Thank you! What an interesting chair, too. I don't think I could model it effectively from just this drawing, though. I would need more rreference images. But it might work for a standalone prop with included poses...
You are welcome! Perhaps it would be possible to use a modified dental chair ...
Added a crate and a barrel. So you can open your own Crate and Barrel.
I will see myself out now.
Added a crate and a barrel. So you can open your own Crate and Barrel.
I will see myself out now.
Finished up the last of the machines.
Have you tried the latest DS Beta version? Did you see the comment about Iray 2021.1.0, build 349500.7063:
Improved texture compression for low-variation areas, including "wobbly" behavior of some normal maps.
No, I usually don't touch anything Daz related until I finish a project, just to avoid the...unexpected...
Ah, the head in the sand approach.
That is not unusual for PAs during development, I think. There have been some significant changes in DS 4.16.1 that have been giving Beta testers fits. NIVIDA has made some major Iray changes that impact some Daz Studio products.
Love it.
This is just the type of equipment my mad scientist has been looking for.
Ahh, that's so great to hear, and thank you!
It's weird how just the words "dental chair" send a chill up my spine.
I like the create, but I'd like to see an option to chain it shut like in Game of Thrones or Creepshow.
That shouldn't be a problem. Can you send me a visual reference?
Sure thing. Ignore the monster.
Low light render test, 1477x881 in just under seven minutes. Pretty close to the target I was shooting for, so I'm happy.
That's fantastic! Bravo!!
Thank you!
Decided to render a similar scene using custom shaders. Mainly iMetal.
Just needs something hideous in that tank. Mua ha ha ha! *thunder noises*