Odd shift in my menu?
Formerly when I wanted to customize a characters appearance, I could select the part of their body I wanted to work with in under Actor>Body Part and the menu would populate with ALL the options under that part. For example, we'll say I want to work with his back. (See attached)
As it stands now, I have to select Actor>Back>Each individual drop down under it. It's kinda messing with my flow. All the options are there but it's taking me extra clicks. I know it's not a tragedy but you know how it is. When you Daz a lot, you get used to where things are on various lists and you depend on them being there. A lot of times with things like posing, I can select the hand but there are no posing options until I select ALL at the top of the menu. I used to be able to click on the hand and "Side to side" "Bend" "Twist" would be available aready. Then more intricate poses were under a "Poses" drop down. Why do I suddenly have to get REALLY specific about what I'm looking for in order for it to be available? Did I spaz out and hit some button and change a setting? Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Check the Show Sub Items at the bottom of the pane.
Yup. Spazzed out, hit a button and changed a setting. Thank you Jestmart.
For the sake of avoiding confusion, that is a pane (or tab) rather than a menu.