"Error During Rendering"

Been rendering the same scene for a few days, changing poses as needed to fit the flow of the conversation.
Suddenly, every render is coming out black. The only change prior to this beginning to happen was adding one character to the scene. Eventually, I hid everything except her hair, which was the only part actually visible in the scene, and then i get "Error During Rendering!"
This is the log entry for that:
2021-09-13 14:40:13.195 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - API:DATABASE :: 1.0 API db warn : Transaction is released without being committed or aborted. Automatically aborting.
2021-09-13 14:40:23.459 Total Rendering Time: 2 minutes 9.44 seconds
2021-09-13 14:40:46.278 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Device statistics:
2021-09-13 14:40:46.279 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER): 0 iterations, 2.754s init, 0.025s render
Any ideas? I'm not terribly knowledgable when it comes to this sort of thing, unfortunately.
Prior to adding her, the geometry memory consumption was 2.546 gigs. I am using Kensington hair for her. The weird thing is that I hid literally EVERY node on her, except the hair, and the geometry consumption was still 3.678 gigs with just her hair visible. It seems like hiding nodes no longer reduces their impact on the geometry memory. But yeah, I deleted her from the scene and it rendered just fine.
Thtt doesn't leave much room for the textures (not much at all)
On an RTX 2070 Super, you can have Geometry, Textures and Working Space reserve some 5.7GB's of VRAM for it still to render in Iray and usually textures are the ones taking 2-3GB's.
Geometry and textures allowing, the working space reserves 1.75GB's, if it gets less than 1GB, you will notice the rendering slow down, the lowest amount of working space I have seen with the card still rendering in Iray was 300MB's.
With a freshly started W7, only DS and GPU-Z running, the VRAM base load was 370MB's, but I think that is bigger on W10 and the scene reserves some for it as well.
You need to find out how to make the geometry load of that hair way smaller, read this;
I use IMA (Iray Memory Assistant) and Scene Optimizer to manage textures, for that shot, they were down to 401 MB
You didn't say how much RAM you have? You may have run out. Read the thread about the little puppy that brought down the computer.
Kensington Hair is strand-based, which means each hair is modeled as an actual mesh instead of a plane with a texture on it. I'm afraid it's not for us mere mortals with RTX 20X0 cards, unless you're doing a glamour headshot.
Read the article, I may have to see if Kensington hair has some sort of hair density like the dog fur did, but to answer your question, i've got 16GB Sys RAM, and 8 GB VRAM ... IMA states, prior to rendering, that i should still have about 12GB of sys ram unused. The hair density settings give me hope though, I'll check them out.
16BG's is not much, I have had renders take more than 32MB's of RAM while still rendering Iray on RTX 2070 Super, and those renders were light on resources.
Edit; I put a chart of RAM and VRAM usage on this post https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/7018676/#Comment_7018676
Well, I take that back. I only have 1 16GB RAM stick, but I just ran IMA on a blank scene, and it said i had 48GB of unused system memory. Not really sure what it's pulling from to get that number
....are you sure that's not the virtual memory partition on your HDD/SSD? Don't have Iray Memory Assistant so not aware of what it all measures.
That's virtual memory on you storage drive, and judging from the messages here on the forum, DS doesn't necessarily like using it, not to mention it being slow as melassis compared to real memory.
...when I was still rendering large scenes with only 12 GB of RAM in CPU mode Iray would often drop to Swap mode using virtual memory. Indeed, it made watching guys playing poker on Fox Sports seem as faster paced than a hockey match.
Heh, yeah. It can get pretty slow, i end up watching a loooooooooot of YouTube while the shots are rendering. But this section is nearly finished, so soon i can get back to smaller scenes. I've looked into the idea of using billboards, but can never find a set that has the look that im happy with.
"Error During Rendering" is often caused by loading an HD figure, which will change your render settings without asking permission. Check if your Render SubD level is higher than 1.
Oof, yeah normally i do that. The Scene Optimizer lets me drop the subD level of all objects in the scene in one go, i usually keep them at 0 in preview, and 1 during render, but i loaded this model in and forgot to adjust her native subD levels. Setting her down to 1 did the trick. She wasn't an HD figure as far as im aware though, just a standard G8 Female, with the Rocker outfit and Kensington Hair. I only really use the HD models if im gonna make them a static character, and this one only makes a 2-render appearance, and you never even see her face.
That's one of the reasons IMA and Scene Optimizer have become so important to me ... My PC doesn't handle it well, when i run out of Memory. If it has to swap to CPU rendering, then it hard locks the system, until it eventually blue-screens with a driver_power_state_failure error.
I've got an i7-9700, 8 cores, overclocked to 4.3-ish GHz, and it still just locks the hell up if it has to swap over to CPU rendering :/
..I. tend to create scnes where detail i important so the Scene Optimiser is pretty much a last reosrt. Again don't have IMA but I do use MS Afterburner to monitor the render process. I also have a Titan-X with 12 GB of VRAM and work in W7 which has a smaller WDDM footprint.(with just tthe OS running, only about 290 MB of VRAM is being used and that's with dual displays).
Sorry to resurrect an older thread. I am having this error of "Error During Rendering" after creating a new scene. I've never heard of or adjusted my SubD level before. I don't even know how to check this. It sounds like this should be a setting somewhere on the Render Settings panel, but I'm not seeing it there. Any help on how to check this would be greatly appreciated, as I really don't know what to do. It's a brand new scene with a lot of meticulously placed props and details, and a couple figures, and I don't know why it's failing to render. How do I check my SubD level?
I'm also have this issue and I've only been tinking with Daz for a couple weeks. The scene is almost 12mb but is just 6 characters lined up and no props at all. Just clothes, hair, and poses. But I etiher get the same error message or it just hangs and gives the (not responding) stuff windows does when it hangs.
I'm looking for that SubD level thing referenced but I can't figure out where it is in the settings. Anybody out there with an idea? Thanks.
Six characters, if they all hae different materials, is quite a lot of data in itself - they presumbaly aren't all close to the camera, so you could probably reduce the texture sizes (e.g. with Scene Optimiser from the store, though it can be done manually) or remove somce of the unneeded maps (are they clothes? if so you may be able to remove the elgs maps, maybe the arms or body maps depending on coverage) or simplify the materials (they may not need the detail maps, for example, or normals/displacement maps). This can be done through the Editor tab of the Surfaces pane.
Parameters pane, look under Mesh Resolution.
Found the SubD, thanks. All 6 were close to the camera but I figured that my RAM is not at a good level to render that many at once anyway. I'll see what I can cut up. At worst, I'll just photoshop it all back together in GIMP afterwards.
I am in the middle of a creating a story of scenes and literally out of nowhere I've been stopped dead. I cannot render anything with the same characters in the same scenes anymore because this evil "Error during rendering!" error. I don't know what the heck has caused it, and how to resolve it, because the exact same scene that rendered yesterday, without ANY changes to it after re-loading, now refuses to render.
There was an nVidia Studio driver update yesterday which may have destabilised things, but I've rolled back the driver to the previous version. Restarted the computer multiple times, all to no avail.
It is extremely discouraging to be thrown a curve ball like this by DS, especially when one has planned a whole day of work around it.
My system specs are very high: Top end Ryzen CPU, 64GB system RAM, RTX 3090 water cooled. System and GPU RAM are nowhere close to being maxxed out.
UPDATE: I was able to load an earlier scene and then reconstruct the newer one by saving poses, and then get the new scene intended to render again. So something about the new scene became corrupted. I have traced the issue to an item of clothing that had a mesh resolution of High instead of Base. Adding that alone caused the failure to render. Reloading and setting that item's resolution back to Base allowed it to render again. What makes no sense is I then set it back to High Resolution and it rendered also! That and the fact this item showed no problem yesterday. I feel very much on edge after losing a whole morning to this, and wondering when I'll be blind-sided again with this error. At least now I know more about it, I guess.