Tutorial re Seam issues - Released :-)

Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,382
edited October 2021 in Freebies

The Link, hosted at Sharecg.

need a little assistance here for to make a free tutorial re Seam issues {assistance has been rec'd, thank you}

Having seams show on renders is a pain so ... the usual solution is to make sure that the buffer zones are textured as well. However if one is applying great levels of SubDivision - it can be that the uvset is being pulled out of place.

SO possibly that could be "solved" with a new uvset with "as little change as possible" to all areas except the seams. Such would of course NOT be redistributable so yes, technically I could put together a tutorial on the topic BUT I cannot actually make the rendered images for before and after work is done because my little ol' gaming laptop crashes D/S if the figure is subDivided too much.

So I am asking if somebody could [Iray] render me out a couple of images showing perhaps a shoulder/arm seam "as it should look" and how it looks when it is SubDivided to the designed high level, and also a screengrab of the textured wireframe again "before" SubDividing and "after" SubDividing.

Thank you.

Post edited by Catherine3678ab on


  • For what it's worth, the clean-seams UV set ought to be distributable so long as it's passed 'round as a UV set, and not an independently useful mesh.

  • KainjyKainjy Posts: 830

    How many subdivisions ? What figure (G3, G8..) ? Male or Female ? What resolution you want  Every Generation Figure has a different UV.. Male and Female are almost always compatible and interchangable but the mesh is different.

  • Sample Iray renders making use of just one figure is fine, preferably G8 [male or female, doesn't matter]. Base resolution and then HD with SubDivision as high up as your system will take it. Trying to get the uv slippage to show so that the seams will show. If perchance you happen to use a .jpg template [showing the mesh lines] with a nice red background all the better as red showing would indicate seams showing. If that can be accomplished with a couple of renders [showing the placement of the mesh lines] then the screengrabs won't be necessary.

    Resolution of renders ... I'm putting these into a .pdf tutorial so 1000 x 1000 is usually quite enough. If higher is required to show the lines then 2,000 x 2,000 tops.

    Basic lighting, nothing fancy ... just need to be able to see the model ;-)  Close-up on the shoulder/arm seam or a head/neck seam -- wherever it is that these seam issues are best showing [keeping it family friendly of course].

    Thank you :-)


  • Eustace Scrubb said:

    For what it's worth, the clean-seams UV set ought to be distributable so long as it's passed 'round as a UV set, and not an independently useful mesh.

    Well it's quite possible that some would disagree with that as they would be derivatives from the original uvsets. As each character with its own uvset would have to be done [if covering all figures] then permissions would have to be had from all concerned creators of those original meshes including of course The Company. 

    What I have is an idea that should work. Next week I expect to have time to put idea into action and make the tutorial.

    Historically speaking, sometime after I launch an idea ... and sadly only have the hard way of doing things 'round here ... some nice PA comes along with a script which can do the work which would be awesome for those with a full collection of characters with individual uvsets.

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,382
    edited October 2021

    This is where I'm at with this project atm. G8M.

    I have also attached the templates with a red background to facilitate the arrival of a render that I can use in the tutorial :-)


    001 Base Resolution.png
    1557 x 742 - 569K
    002 can't do this.png
    1560 x 744 - 279K
    G8M arms.png
    4096 x 4096 - 3M
    G8M torso.png
    4096 x 4096 - 3M
    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Catherine3678ab said:

    Eustace Scrubb said:

    For what it's worth, the clean-seams UV set ought to be distributable so long as it's passed 'round as a UV set, and not an independently useful mesh.

    Well it's quite possible that some would disagree with that as they would be derivatives from the original uvsets. As each character with its own uvset would have to be done [if covering all figures] then permissions would have to be had from all concerned creators of those original meshes including of course The Company. 

    What I have is an idea that should work. Next week I expect to have time to put idea into action and make the tutorial.

    Historically speaking, sometime after I launch an idea ... and sadly only have the hard way of doing things 'round here ... some nice PA comes along with a script which can do the work which would be awesome for those with a full collection of characters with individual uvsets.

    I believe that's still authorized under the EULAs:  the main thing seems to be that Daz doesn't want their base meshes recoverable by any old Joe and Fanny who downloads the derivative product.  Maybe a mod or current PA might have a clearer answer, but I still don't think it's a problem.  If there is one, you could use RTEncoder or the like to encode it against the source file.

  • Eustace Scrubb said:

    Catherine3678ab said:

    Eustace Scrubb said:

    For what it's worth, the clean-seams UV set ought to be distributable so long as it's passed 'round as a UV set, and not an independently useful mesh.

    Well it's quite possible that some would disagree with that as they would be derivatives from the original uvsets. As each character with its own uvset would have to be done [if covering all figures] then permissions would have to be had from all concerned creators of those original meshes including of course The Company. 

    What I have is an idea that should work. Next week I expect to have time to put idea into action and make the tutorial.

    Historically speaking, sometime after I launch an idea ... and sadly only have the hard way of doing things 'round here ... some nice PA comes along with a script which can do the work which would be awesome for those with a full collection of characters with individual uvsets.

    I believe that's still authorized under the EULAs:  the main thing seems to be that Daz doesn't want their base meshes recoverable by any old Joe and Fanny who downloads the derivative product.  Maybe a mod or current PA might have a clearer answer, but I still don't think it's a problem.  If there is one, you could use RTEncoder or the like to encode it against the source file.

    Okay but first things first. Apparently there is no way Hexagon is going to co-operate with a HD smoothed .obj export of G8.  So if/when later on this week hopefully I can get in the mood I will try to make the tutorial using another mesh .obj. 

    I am trying to save for a monster computer so I can really use one of the larger modeling programs however glasses broke so one step forward, slide 2 back, that's life eh.


    Also for those who are not really aware of all what goes into making textures, remember that the Normal, Bump/Displacement, SSS, etc. textures all also have to have the buffer zone aka seam allowance textured appropriately, in particular the Normals and Displacements which can really move the mesh about. Some say normals don't but yes they do - esp. if/when used on the displacement channel. And, as experience has shown, even if 'all surfaces' don't need a normal for example, all must either have none, or have one because one surface with a normal jutting against a surface with no normal, is not going to look right.

  • Okay :-) Somebody has a better laptop than I do and the requested image has been received. So if all goes well, it normally takes me about a week to get a tutorial put together so we shall see if it happens again!


  • KainjyKainjy Posts: 830

    Sorry if I didn't help but I was out this weekend.. Give me update about it.

  • Kainjy said:

    Sorry if I didn't help but I was out this weekend.. Give me update about it.

    Oh your help is still welcome. Sent a PM.

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,382
    edited October 2021

    Whipped together a little tutorial - it's in my proof-reading basket. Does illustrate how to make a new uvset. Does illustrate why one should use the bridge to get the figure to use [even if then going to export it out again from Hexagon to use it in certain other modelers]. While buffer zones are necessary to catch the seams, if the mesh is not with the template - the uvmap lines needed to be brought closer into the island. And there is a little bonus eye information too.

    Making UVsets promo.png
    533 x 688 - 329K
    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • And here it is :-) Sharecg link


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