Daz To Maya 1.8
Daz 4.15
Maya 2022 - Python 3
When you export the character, with Subdivision Level to 1 flappy wing artifact is generated.
Attached is the issue
Scale is set to default X1
Any resolution to this issue.
Acceptable Ways of Handling Nudity
The image is attached.
It works well with Level 0.
Are there any additional steps required.
It looks as if the weights are not applied to the additional vertices created by the SubD - can you not export at base resolution and apply SubD in Maya?
I leave export morphs off and it works
True one could subd in Maya / V-ray attribs. There was another thread detailing the subd method used in Daz and its compatbility on Maya export.
Any reason why the Level 1 and Level 2 options exists. Also does exporting HD characters work ?
Morphs off with Level 1 or Level 2 chosen ??
Will try the same. Just new to finally testing out Daz, got hold of a Maya machine with vray stack for a couple of weeks.
daz4.15 - maya 2020 daztomaya does not work - Nothing to import , for fuck sake, there is no even option to route to the location fo the file, what the hell is wrong with you guys ? ive purchased scritp daz to maya and he was working now thatnks to you :) mentioned as out of date and cannot be run, and your script does not work....
In all that muddle you never mentioned the Daz To Maya Bridge version, python interpreter version for maya, stack trace on either Maya / Daz..
Hope these links are useful
File path variables | Maya 2022 | Autodesk Knowledge Network
Myself am new to 3d space, perseverance is the key mate.
its not showing in pluggin list in maya 2019 when i try to do manulay its showing these erorrrrr
Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2019/scripts/others/pluginWin.mel line 935: No initializePlugin() or initializePlugin2() function