Xsens-Gen8 floating feet in Unreal
I'm trying to bring in some mocap from xsens into Unreal and retarget it to a gen8 Daz character. I'm having a huge issue with the feet floating around. I think this is an issue others have had with Daz characters in the past, but I don't know if there's any solution out there. This is making Daz character unusable for this project. I really don't want to have to start using Reallusion characters...please...no. lol. For real though, any help would be super...um...helpful.
you can see the issue here:
Issues like this are pretty common with mocap because the data is generally applied as rotations on the bones. Since the XSens skeleton and the Daz skeleton don't match, the result at the end of the leg and arm chains tend to miss a bit. Tranditionally, these things were given a cleanup pass in a program like Motion Builder (or 3DS Max, or Maya). I've got a Rokoko suit I'm starting to play with. I'm trying to put a bit of IK solving in there in Unreal to fix the foot and hand positions. I'll share when I have it working if I can. I don't have an XSens, so I can't give more detailed info about it unfortunately.