Character Spins When Parented to Static Object
I'm working with a genesis 3 female. I want to parent the figure to a primitive(plane) and move the plane forward so the character moves but once parented, the genesis 3 figure spins around. The plane is not animated. I have found that sometimes this happens and sometimes it doesn't. I am using the Y & Z Translate and the X Rotate on the figure and they are not drastic changes at all. When I un-parent the figure from the plane, the animation goes back to how it should be. I also noticed that if the plane is scaled up before parenting, it affects the genesis 3 figure shape slightly. This usually doesn't happen. Not sure why it is now. Any suggestions to make it so it simply parents without all these changes?
Can you just not create a group with the plane and character but without the parenting to one or the other? And then move the group?
Try ensuring that you have "Parent in place" checked when doing the parenting. That should parent the figure without moving it.
Thanks y'all. I appreciate the help. I scrapped the project but if this happens again(it's rare) I'll try these methods and write an update here to say what worked.
May not be the same thing but when I experience a spinning figure when trying to animate it is generally due to applying a pose with hip rotations (instead of figure root rotations). Something I have complained about for years. I have no idea how and why an added plane should affect it however.
Its just strange because it seems to happen at random. I had created the exact same animation before and it doesn't always spin when I parent it. It is literally under the exact same circumstances. So maybe I accidentally changed a setting or something. If it happens again, I'll post here so we have the information, especially if one of these solutions works. It makes me think it's a bug but I'm not one of the technical experts here.