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wow, Daniel, after editing my questions above i found your reply. but still thank you for that info. i'm sure it will help in the future. what i did was just start from scratch again and found that the VR core template doesn't even offer HDRP shaders, so that solved a major problem. at least i couldn't find them in Project Settings. so i was able to import into a previous 2020 3D project and they came out fine. right now i'm about to attempt to import into the 2021 VR project and i bet that'll be ok, too. i'll let you know if not. some of my problems were my own stupidity, like not remembering to change the folder the characters were going to. i'm terribly sorry to have taken up so much of your time, but like i said, its all really great info for me while i'm learning all this. thank you again.
It's so good to see you're interested. :)
Thank you very much for your interest. Please write if there is any progress.
Hey, this looks great, but I'm having an issue with the JSON library. I import my own JSON library because Unity's kind of sucks, and I'm getting the following error when I use the DTU bridge:
Assets\UnofficialDTU\Daz3D\Scripts\Editor\DTUConverter.cs(2469,15): error CS0433: The type 'JSON' exists in both 'Assembly-CSharp-firstpass, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' and 'Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
It's also causing some of my shaders to break - A simple shader that just colors everything flat green is now failing to compile with the error:
Shader error in 'VertexGreen': Invalid conditional expression. at line 54
The offending line is:
Also getting a couple other shaders failing with the error:
Shader error in 'VacuumShaders/The Amazing Wireframe/Physically Based': invalid subscript 'sh' at line 294 (on d3d11)
Though I'm not using that shader so it's less important.
Just PM me with the information when you decide. The additional information is helpful because many hair and clothing ittems use custom shaders instead of standard Iray Uber shader. Additionally, on the Unity engine side, there are multiple versions of the IrayUber DTU shader depending whether the original Daz material uses the Specular pathway versus the Metalllic pathway, and whether it uses Transparency and/or Emission and/or Translucency/SSS. There are several thousand lines of code in the DTU just to analyze and intelligently decide what Unity sub-shader would do the best job of reproducing the look of the original Daz material, and then how to mathematically map the values in the original Daz shader to the sliders in the Unity shader.
The DTU plugin uses the third-party SimpleJSON library by Markus Göbel (Bunny83). If you are also using this library, then that would explain the above error message, which basically says that Unity doesn't know what to do, because there are two files trying to define the JSON type. You can find the SimpleJSON.cs used by DTU in "/Assets/Daz3D/Vendors/SimpleJSON.cs". If this is the same version that you are using, then you can safely remove one of the SimpleJSON.cs files. If it's not the same, then you'll have to merge the two to be compatible with DTU and whatever other code you have dependent upon it.
Sorry, I need more information to help you here: Please let me know the exact Unity version (20xx.x.xx) and which render pipeline you are using and the exact version of the render-pipeline (found in the package-manager). Please also include more information about your shaders: what shader language? If you don't know, then please at least tell me the full filename with extension. If it is an open-source file, then please send a link to the file so I can examine it. These answers will help me narrow my focus rather than looking at all possible combinations for bugs. Thanks!
Hello ! I've been into a little trouble in URP , i don't think it has something to do with Udtu but as i use it to import , maybe.
While Importing a new character into Unity URP character weight won't transfer properly . I have no clue why it happens , My workaround to avoid this trouble is to always start a project in built in and then add URP modules. and doing so won't cause any trouble to character weight and it can bend normaly again. I haven't tried with HDRP. and i use 2020.3.22f version. i assume it's an unity problem
Hope this can help !!
I've never seen this problem before. Thanks for including the screenshots and your Unity version. I will try to reproduce it on my system and get back to you after I analyze the issue more clearly.
Confirmed the bone weight problem with URP. I solved it by going to Edit->Project Settings->Quality->Other->Skin Weights ==> then change "2 bones" to "4 bones" or "Unlimited".
Original unity forum post with solution here:
HI, I have split off the Unity-plugin side of the uDTU bridge into a formal Unity Package. It is available here:
The benefit of it being a separate project is that changes can be made to individual files without having to worry about integrating the changes and embedding new files into the Daz Studio DLL. It makes Github management a LOT easier. When I have time, I will try to figure out how to build an "installable package" and embed that installer into the Daz Studio DLL.
To use this package, you will have to install directly from GitHub, or clone the repository to your harddrive and then install from that directory. Instructions are on the GitHub page.
Also, the latest version has updated Hair shaders for HDRP and URP.
Hi Lots of problems, i don't know if it's Unity Bridge 1.2 or what. So please help. I'm getting GRAIN and like CROSS PATTERNS in all of my shadow areas even when i switch back to HDRP Default settings. At first i thought it was something wrong with my settings, but then i tried switching to The default HDRP and i get grain PLUS if i have Bloom turned on, the Hair (some hairs) make these shiny sparkles as you can see here. Do you know if this is a problem with UDTU bridge 1.2 or if i have a problem?
Hi Daniel, here's a problem i'm having an I confirmed it and i know exactly when it happens. When i press the Accept button in UDTU, it goes from disaplying the character with Clothes quite Ok,,,to showing the Character with Poke through..> ANd i noticed when it shows the pokethough it says "applying smoothifier" on the bottom of Daz studio.
And Look, here again, sent to Unity and there's alot of poikethrough.
I get that shadow problem sometimes too, but I don't think this is related to UDTU. It looks like the shadow renderer has somehow gotten confused and is rendering the low quality shadow up close and the high quality shadow far away. Look at the attached pictures. I don't know what causes the problem -- maybe it is baking lights or adjusting the light sources or shadows. I've tried to play with the shadow settings in the Volume node: I can get the shadows to become solid, but it's only because I have decreased the Max Shadow distance to 1, so that it tricks the confused engine into rendering shadows as "low" quality, but since it's already confused and reversed, it renders it as "high" quality. But this is still useless since it means the shadow distance is 1 meter away. I wish I had answers for you, but maybe this will help point you in the right direction. I think it might be a bug in the shadow rendering engine.
This is caused by the fact that you are adjusting your model in Daz Studio with default Subdivision levels applied by Daz, but when you export it, you are not specifying the same level of Subdivisions in your figure.
To understand what is going on: Select you character in Daz Studio, then select Parameters Pane and look for "Mesh Resolution" on the left side of the pane. Then on the right side, look for "Subdivision Level". This is the number of subdivisions that are displayed by default in the Daz Studio Viewport. By default, the Bridges will set this to zero and export at base resolution (Subdivision Level 0). You have two options:
1. Set Subdivision Level to 0 in Daz Studio, then apply smoothing operators and other adjustments to fix your clothing. Then export at Subdivision Level 0. This is probably the best solution to maintain performance in your game.
2. Leave Subdivision Level at 2 or whatever the default for that figure is. Then when you use the Bridge, enable Subdivision Levels and select the SAME level for your figure as was used for the Daz Studio viewport rendering. Note: This will cause exponentially larger mesh file sizes the higher you go, and may slow down your game.
Thanks DanielAwesome help!!! Hey I have a slight question. Why are some of my Daz characters having these Spikes Come out of the Mesh(body) of the character when i apply animations to them in Unity. It looks so odd! I'll make a drawing because i don't have the software up.
Hi Daniel yo usaid this But in DAZ Studio , i set Subdivision to 2 in the parameters tab/Mesh Resolution area and then in Unofficial DTU bridge window i also selected Subdivision 2
Spikes are caused by using a bridge that does not have full subdivision support for animations. Make sure you were using the latest UDTU bridge (currently v1.2). The official DTU bridge and some earlier versions of UDTU did not have subdivision support for animations.
Make sure you did the same thing for the clothing as well (Viewport Subdivision Levels = UDTU Bridge Subdivision Levels). And make sure the check box to Enable Subdivisions is checked in the UDTU dialog window. If it still did not work, then it might be a bug: send me the exact name of the figure, morphs and clothing you are using and I will try to reproduce on my end.
So i have to apply Subdivision to the Clothing too even though I want subdivision just for making Skin Wrkinkles or Muscle definition appear? I dont know why i would need Subdivision for the clothing. I'll try it but like you said that's gonna make my export much huge in hard disk space
Hey daniel Excellent, it worked for my Guy who has no wrinkles nor needs any muscle definition, now there's no pokethroughs. But still not working with characters that do require subdivisions for wrinkles, i send the character via UDTUbridge with subdivision same as render subd level and it still the clothes , the skin pokes through
I have confirmed that the "Collision Iteration" AutoFit adjustments are not being baked and exported to clothing meshes. This is probably why some of the clothes still have poke-through -- those clothes have no Built-in support for whatever Figure or Morphs you are using, and so Daz Studio is using the AutoFit system to fix those poke-throughs. But this system is not getting exported correctly. Try using the Push Modifier as an alternative:
About the figure and clothing subdivisions: my suggestion was only to make what you see in Daz Studio to look the same as what you see in Unity. Here is what you should do: Set all "SubDivision Level" properties or "View SubD Level" properties for all objects to 0 (Except for figures that need Subdivisions like the one with Wrinkles or Muscle morphs). Then set Smoothing Iterations and Collision Iterations for all objects to 0 as well. Now what you see in Daz Studio should match up with Unity and you will get no surprises. Now you can use modifiers like the Push Modifier and fine tune them to the exact level and be confident that you will get the same result in Unity. Good luck!
One last thing: I figured out the low quality (cross-pattern) shadow rendering bug: It is a bug with Shadow Filtering Quality set to "HIGH". Set it to "Medium" and the bug goes away. You can find the setting in the Quality -> HDRP panel of Project Settings (just be sure to edit the Active HDRP asset). See the attached pictures for reference.
Ok I'm back. Daniel i got it!!! it's has to do with the Clothes. I guess some clothes are made different so they don't work with Daz to unity bridge but i switched to another shirt and now it doesn't get poke throught!!!! awesomee
Here is v1.2 compared to v1.3. uDTU v1.3 alpha 2 is available now at
I made some tests with the last update and the default "Toulouse" hair is fantastic but with some assets like the one on the attached picture there is a big issue (same issue with all Hair assets from outoftouch).
I'm using last Unity 2021.2.5 and lighting my scene with an HDRi texture.
Anayway there are some yellow alerts (for all hairs) during import with the hair materials, maybe it can helps :
Material is both double sided and transparent, you will have rendering artifacts against the two sides where they are alphad, for mat: Daz3D/Unofficial DTU/uDTU HDRP.Hair
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning (object)
Daz3D.DTU:ToggleCommonMaterialProperties (UnityEngine.Material&,string,bool,bool,bool,bool,int,bool,bool) (at Assets/DAZ3D/Scripts/Editor/DTUConverter.cs:328)
Daz3D.DTU:ConvertToUnityOOTHairblendingHair (Daz3D.DTUMaterial,string) (at Assets/DAZ3D/Scripts/Editor/DTUConverter.cs:2092)
Daz3D.DTU:ConvertToUnity (Daz3D.DTUMaterial) (at Assets/DAZ3D/Scripts/Editor/DTUConverter.cs:2212)
Daz3D.Daz3DDTUImporter/<ImportDTURoutine>d__28:MoveNext () (at Assets/DAZ3D/Scripts/Editor/Daz3DDTUImporter.cs:418)
Daz3D.Daz3DDTUImporter/<ImportRoutine>d__25:MoveNext () (at Assets/DAZ3D/Scripts/Editor/Daz3DDTUImporter.cs:243)
Daz3D.DazCoroutine:ExecuteCoroutines () (at Assets/DAZ3D/Scripts/Editor/DazCoroutine.cs:42)
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ()
A bit pixelated but working great with some other assets :-)
Thanks so much for testing! The OOT hairs use their own custom shader convesion functions. I adjusted the OOT converter functions to use the same Alpha Parameters that I made for Daz Default / Iray Uber, but it looks like from your screenshots that it was way too aggressive. How did it look before? I'll go ahead and reset it back to where it was for OOT for now. I'll try to make new custom alpha parameters for OOT if they're still not looking great.
Most of the warning messages are just debugging output to remind me about what's implemented and not implemented. I'll go over them and try to clean them up for end-users when I get more free time.
I did notice one issue for me on Unity 2020.x: The HLSL code seems to be having trouble compiling if I try to install directly from the github repository using the Package Manager. However, if I just copy the uDTU package into the Packages folder of the Unity project, then it works perfectly. Not sure what is going on yet.
Thanks again!
A bit too technical for me to understand but I'm happy if it can helps ;-)
Here is the OOT hair with the previous uDtu (1.2). Indeed, there is less issue with alpha channels, I guess.
v1.3 Alpha 3 is now posted:
This should improve OOT hair as well as bugfixes for hair based on DazDefault, OmUberSurface when using Built-In RP.
If you installed through Package Manager directly from Github URL, then you may need to remove then re-install because Unity does not have the ability to upgrade a package that was installed via github -- at least not for Unity 2020.
Hello Daniel,
This new version improves hairs a lot (see first picture), amazing !
There is an issue with another hair asset (see second picture), we can see the scalp through the hair.
With the HDPR in Lit shader mode > Deffered only :
Globally and in my humble opinion : hairs are still too pixelated (except "Toulouse" hair) even by changing some settings in Alpha material channels.
With Lit shader mode > Forward only + MSAA 8x : the OOT hair looks much more better (see third picture) but the "Pop cut hair from Swam" still pixelated.
Thank you again for your efforts.
HI Daniel, this started happening all of a sudden and it's a new project. All figures even the basic G8 ones come into Unity with parts shaded differently like half the torso will be another shade or it will be specular high etc look
What do i do?
Here's another picture...This look crazy.. graet shaded uppoer back, but thenlook how the rest looks, very weird. it's like specular highly and metalic. and it's just part of it, i dont understand how part of the torso could be, because usually the material for the torso is sseen as one in unity, it's not broken as upper torso and lower torso materials.
PS THIS IS THE BASIC G8 male. no fancy textures no ntohing
This is the error i'm getting
I wonder what it means
Based on those error messages and the screenshots, it looks like something broke with the lightmapper / shadow renderer. Make sure you are using a the correct Renderpipeline version for your version of Unity. If might be related to a file or asset that got corrupted when the project was generated. Try starting a new empty scene and drag the G8M prefab into it. If there are no problems, then maybe the HDRP Demo scene got corrupted when you started the project. If a new empty scene also has problems, try starting a new proejct to see if the problems go away.