My tales and yarns around the campfire.
Krayznar sisters's last battle
Evona goes for the eye hoping Kronk will be helpless for a few seconds and avenge her fallen sister, Eloria.
I've been getting better at combining assets to make better images. I've been buying a lot of varied stuff so i can combine them and get better stories.
Being a screenwriter, i always put a little caption to create a little backstory and tell a tale from one image.
At first, my idea was just to have a battle between the high-flying girl and the Cyclops.
then i figured i should put one character on the ground. And then since she's way high, i put a galloping horse to establish she had just
jumped from it to get that high.
I think it's going to be ideal if i get a sword in her hands. Or at least a dagger since she's aiming to destroy the eye.