Texture Pose/ Texture Preset??

Blackbirdx61Blackbirdx61 Posts: 300
edited December 1969 in New Users

One of my Favorite Characters is "Raeven" a poser Character I bought by accident when I first got started
As a result I have to apply her Makeup and Nails and all by hand; because her Poser Pz2 files don't work for her Mats;
Oddly they do for her morphs and Tats?

Anyhow does anyone know where I might find a good Tutorial for creating presets/poses for Mats.
While I have no problem creating poses for well poses; but for mats I am clue free BB.

498 x 510 - 144K


  • Blackbirdx61Blackbirdx61 Posts: 300
    edited December 1969

    My Bad, I seem to have found what I need under the Materials Menu. : ) BB.

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