Hello from me :-)

Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
edited August 2012 in Bryce Discussion

Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Been a busy month or so. My brother had surgery today to remove some bladder stones. He is doing great and feeling much better. He'll be back home hopefully tomorrow.

I'm still working which is awesome. I still love the job and the people are great. Feels like I waited my whole life to get the perfect job. LOL

Between work and my brother, I haven't had much time to do art but I haven't given up on it. Just not much time to do it lately.

Has Len been behaving himself? Somehow I doubt it. LOL Just kidding Impertinent Spore!!

I see David and Horo have been busy with Bryce stuff. You guys rock!

Anyways, I'll pop in once in awhile to say Hi. Hope all is well with everyone.


EDIT to add: I just noticed the Avatars are back. Cool!

Post edited by Muon Quark on


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,559
    edited December 1969

    Great to see you back Michele with good news from your side. Just keep it up.

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


    Yes, good news on the forum but the small font and atrociously bad misrepresenting smileys are still here, so I'm crossing my fingers they'll bring the old font and smileys back. They're so bad it's annoying because these ones don't seem to represent any emotion as accurately as the old ones did - they're pathetic. I mean look at the basic 'smile' smiley for example, it looks dumb, like you're trying to represent you've done something silly.

    I really hope they upload the original smileys otherwise I'm relegated to not using smileys. And actually, to give you an idea of just how bad the current smileys really are ...


    ...that represents a smile better than the actual 'smile' smiley they have on DAZ right now - that's how bad they are.

    Anyway, nice to see you back, and good to hear you haven't brought your new workplace to bankruptcy. I also hope you've been behaving and have not been doing stuff with the boss. Don't think that just because there is no Peasant Girl thread that you can do as you like, because you can't. God, I can't even post those hump smileys anymore because this forum wont let us embed images into the body of the text.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    good to see you again - all the best

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I just realised I lost my manners when I replied so I must indeed be an Impertinent Spore.
    I'm glad to hear your brother is doing OK, Michele :-)

    You can punish me for forgetting if you want :-P

    Yours truly,
    - Impertinent Spore

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    Glad to see you back darlin'!!!!!!

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Rashad, but don't forget to welcome Michele back as well :-)

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited August 2012

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Been a busy month or so. My brother had surgery today to remove some bladder stones. He is doing great and feeling much better. He'll be back home hopefully tomorrow.

    I'm still working which is awesome. I still love the job and the people are great. Feels like I waited my whole life to get the perfect job. LOL

    Between work and my brother, I haven't had much time to do art but I haven't given up on it. Just not much time to do it lately.

    Has Len been behaving himself? Somehow I doubt it. LOL Just kidding Impertinent Spore!!

    I see David and Horo have been busy with Bryce stuff. You guys rock!

    Anyways, I'll pop in once in awhile to say Hi. Hope all is well with everyone.


    EDIT to add: I just noticed the Avatars are back. Cool!

    You know us, always tinkering around in Bryce seeing what we can break next.

    Glad you've found your way back to the forums Michele - indeed you've timed your arrival nicely since they have sort of just started working again - sort of... mostly... a bit...

    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,559
    edited December 1969

    @Michele - and isn't it comforting to see that we all have lost our post count as you did just around the end of the old forums because of that mishap? We all started at 0.

  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the replies everyone.


    Yes Len, you are an impertinent spore!!!

  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 1969

    Hey everyone!!

    Just wanted to share some good news. A few folks know about my brother who had a heart attack last year. Since then he's had a whole bunch of odd symptoms and it appeared he wasn't recovering from the heart attack. Well today the specialist he saw may have figured out what is wrong with him. He has a benign tumor on one of his adrenal glands. They are going to do one more test to make sure that this tumor is causing the problems but the doctor seems fairly certain it's the cause. If so, they will yank out the tumor and the adrenal gland and that should be the end of all his troubles. I can't tell you what a relief it was to hear this. It's been the year from hell since his heart attack last year. Over a year actually but anyways......

    This whole last year has been dedicated to helping my brother so I haven't had much time for anything else, except working. Maybe when this is over I can really get back into 3D. I've been buying a few models here and there but not really rendering because I've been so anxious about my brother.

    Anyways, just wanted to pop in and say Hi and give an update. Keep your fingers crossed for my brother!!


  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    that sound great - wish him and you all the very best !

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    Fingers crossed!

    Glad to know you are doing well generally and that conditions are hopeful for your brother. Hang in there.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,559
    edited December 1969

    Good to see you here again, Michele. Fingers crossed that removing that tumor will sort things out for good.

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I can imagine one thing worse than being ill would be being ill and not knowing what the problem was, so this is great news, Michele, I'm pleased to hear it and hope it works out for him, well, for both of you :-)

    It is also nice to see you again, I even took my picture down recently because I thought all my Peasant Girls had left me. It's got really boring since they ruined the smileys, I can't even use the :hump: smiley anymore, so all my Peasant Girls have lost interest in me now since I can no longer effectively portray the love I have for them.


  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 1969

    You know we luv ya Len, impertinent spore! You will always be my Peasant Master. :-)

    Thanks for the replies everyone. My poor brother has been through hell this last year. He's the kind of guys that needs to understand things so he can work out how to handle them. This not knowing was absolutely driving him nuts. All he knew was that SOMETHING was wrong.

    Anyways, thanks for the support. It seems you guys are the ones I keep returning to. You're the best!!


  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited October 2012

    You know we luv ya Len, impertinent spore! You will always be my Peasant Master. :-)

    Thanks for the replies everyone. My poor brother has been through hell this last year. He's the kind of guys that needs to understand things so he can work out how to handle them. This not knowing was absolutely driving him nuts. All he knew was that SOMETHING was wrong.

    Anyways, thanks for the support. It seems you guys are the ones I keep returning to. You're the best!!


    Yes, it is because I am the most bestist!

    BTW, I'd be weary of Horo's behavior if I were you; I notice he's updated his avatar to a much cooler-looking profile view like mine was. Now that I've taken mine down, there's no competition, you see, so he might be doing it to attract all my Peasant Girls as they return to the forum.

    Even Trish appeared for about one nanosecond a while back, and now she's disappeared again!

    Post edited by pumeco on
  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 1969

    Hi everyone!!

    Just wanted to pop in and wish myself a Happy Birthday!!


  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited November 2012

    Damn, I was determined to surprise you on your Birthday this year by posting a "Happy Birthday" comment without you even mentioning it. I noted it down from last time but forgot all about it. They say men don't remember Birthdays and stuff, so I was determined to prove it wrong and impress my Peasant Girls by remembering yours!

    Just as well you mentioned it because I can't even remember where I put it now :-D

    Happy Birthday my lovely Michele, and here is your CBH (Complimentary Birthday Hump):
    :HUMP: : HUMP: :HUMP:

    BTW, did things work out as expected for your brother?

    Post edited by pumeco on
  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 1969

    pumeco said:
    Damn, I was determined to surprise you on your Birthday this year by posting a "Happy Birthday" comment without you even mentioning it. I noted it down from last time but forgot all about it. They say men don't remember Birthdays and stuff, so I was determined to prove it wrong and impress my Peasant Girls by remembering yours!

    Just as well you mentioned it because I can't even remember where I put it now :-D

    Happy Birthday my lovely Michele, and here is your CBH (Complimentary Birthday Hump):
    :HUMP: : HUMP: :HUMP:

    BTW, did things work out as expected for your brother?

    Thanks Len!!

    He is hanging in there and will have surgery the first week of December to remove one of his adrenal glands that has gone wonky. After that, he should be just fine. It's just been a very LOOONNNGGG year trying to diagnosis him and get a treatment. But it looks like we are almost there. Yea!!

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    He'll probably be home and sorted by Christmas then, so, best of luck :-)
    Also, because I forgot your Birthday I felt I needed to find something for you to make up for it.

    A little video for you:

    600 x 293 - 129K
  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 1969

    Awwww, that was so cute Len!! Thanks!!


  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 2012

    Hello all. Thought I would drop by with an update.

    My brother's surgery is next week (Dec 21) so hopefully he'll be on the mend after that. I was hoping he'd be done by now but the VA is extremely slooooowwwww. I'll pop in after the surgery to let you know!

    I've started a new project. It's in Studio but it will be along the lines of the poster I did for the emotiguys/gals. This time I'm using the Toon Generations..... That's all I'm sayin for now. LOL

    Anyways, I hope everyone has a great holiday and new year!!!

    Oh and P.S.

    This is for Len.... (Id put up a pic but this dratted forum won't do my Smileycons right!!)


    Post edited by Muon Quark on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,559
    edited December 1969

    Hi Michele. Good to see you around. Wishing your bro a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery.

    Are you saying you've abandoned Bryce? You know, you can set up your scene in Studio and render it in Bryce. Oh, and there are again freebies for the season in the commons. Don't miss out.

  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    Hi Michele. Good to see you around. Wishing your bro a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery.

    Are you saying you've abandoned Bryce? You know, you can set up your scene in Studio and render it in Bryce. Oh, and there are again freebies for the season in the commons. Don't miss out.

    Thanks Horo. No way have I given up on Bryce!!! It's just easier for me to do this particular project in DS. Bryce will always be my first love. :-) I will check out the freebies in the Commons!


  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Michele, you forgot the mistletoe, lucky I have some handy!

    I tell you Michele, my Spore gets all tingly this time of year because it's the only time I get a bloody good snogging. You always give me a Christmas Snog, unlike my other Peasant Girls what I don't even know why I bother having them sometimes.

    Anyway, hope you're ready for this, here it comes (the kiss I mean) ...

    I'm also throwing-in the usual Christmas Humpings as well.

    Great news about your brother and your new project, I probably won't see it for a while but I will eventually.
    Merry Christmas to all my Peasant Girls and Peasants as well.

    259 x 195 - 6K
  • GeroblueJimGeroblueJim Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Good luck !

  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 1969

    Hello everyone!

    I am happy to report that my brother's surgery went well and he's doing fine!! Might even be able to come home today. It will be the best Christmas present ever. Thanks for all the good thoughts and wishes! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year!!

    Much relieved,

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,559
    edited December 1969

    Great! Thanks for the update. Happy holidays for you and your brother. Let's hope for a speedy recovery.

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Sorry Michele, I was distracted earlier and just wanted to make sure I at least got a smiley in on time ;-)

    I'm really pleased to hear this and it's awesome to hear you're together for Christmas.
    Best wishes to you both, and all the best for the new year!

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