Forehead wrinkles due to eye direction? (solved)

Guys I'm stumped. For some reason this character's forehead looks like a washboard and I don't know why. It only seems to happen when her eyes follow an object. If she looks down it seems to go away. How can I fix this??
Genesis 8, all the dials pertaining to her forehead in "currently used" under perameters tab are at 0. Is there a morph for smoothing wrinkles or a way to turn this off?

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Post edited by Endlessdescent on
"Show Hidden Parameters"
I have that checked but there are no sliders that should effect the forehead. Everything is set to 0. Is there a specific parameter I am looking for?
This seems directly connected to her eye positioning. Look at this photo with the exact same parameters where only her eye position changes.

The slider doesn't necessarily need to be related to forehead. Do you have Auto Face Enhancer or something similar?
With "Show Hidden" enabled, check all the dials that have a non-zero value in "Currently used", the dial is most likely a hidden one.
I compared all the parameters in the entire head, between each of these images, both are the exact same with the exception of the "Right eye" and "Left eye" Up-down, Side-side, and Twist. Only these three parameters are changing in the entire figure. However her forehead still changes as do the eye sockets positions. This seems to be caused by the way Genesis 8 eye sockets, brow and face automatically shift when the eyes look in different directions. I have no idea how to disable that or edit it.
But did you look at all the parameters for the complete figure?
Yes, they all stay the same.
Let me ask a different way. Do you see in this video when you adjust only the eye position how the entire brow, forehead and eyesocket changes? There are no parameters visible for these changes, at least none that I can find. How is this turn off or adjusted?
The video is of very little use, the movement of the eyes is controlling a morph that makes the forehead wrinkle and you are not finding the dials that are there. I'm at work at the moment and didn't have screenshots that would fit this situation.
You didn't answer my question about the Auto Face Enhancer.
I do not have auto face enhancer installed.
If moving the eyeball changes morph dials, which dials are those exactly? I would love to be able to lock them or adjust them but this is the root of the problem. They do not seem to be visible and for the life of me I can't find them.
We don't know, it is presumably an error in the set up for the morph that is causing the wrinkles. That's why we need you to identify the actual proeprty that is kicking in when the eyes are moved. Try individually adjusting the eye proerties, se if one of those triggers the issue; if it does, click the gear icon ion the slider>Parameter Settings and copy the items in the Subcomponents list in the lower half of the dialogue, paste the result here.
It is being triggered by the "Up-Down" slider for the eyeball. Okay great, I was able to see what was being effected in the Subcomponents list for the eyeball and deleted the morphs associated with the Up-Down slider that could be effecting the forehead. For some reason these morphs are not shown in the Shaping or Parameters tab but they are visible there under Subcomponents. Literally smooth sailing now!
How do you edit the effected Subcomponents? I couldn't click or right click any seletion in Subcomponents. Could u show your steps please? It will be really helpful to me
The subcompnoents tells you what is causing the issue, but ti doesn't directly access the properties - if theya re from a product report them to support, you can then either uninstall the product or ry to fix it pending a proper fix.
I would then save that as a Character preset and use that to load the figure in future, until there is a real fix.