Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 9



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Spell checker is the icon that says ABC with a tick.    If you enable SCAYT  it Spell Checks As You Type

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,105
    Chohole said:

    Spell checker is the icon that says ABC with a tick.    If you enable SCAYT  it Spell Checks As You Type

    It also takes a moment or two to start as it is a web based system so has to contact the website, get the database and return frown 

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2015

    Ah yes, the DAZ times they are a changing.

    The new setup seems to remember the last page (the latest post etc.,) visited (well, it did when I logged off, and then came back again). So, I guess this means one will have to do this for all the threads one is interested in reading about.


    The only criticism I have is the view is just too big - before in the Bryce Discussion thread list you could see up to a dozen or so threads, but now that's halfed, and I'm not a fan of having to do too many clicks, movements of the mouse etc. Yes, I know, it may sound pity, but the best sites, in my opinion, are those with least amounts of said.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    slepalex said:


    hansmar said:

    slepalex said:

    Hans! Still, you do not understand! Endless plate or plane because so called (infinite) that does not depend on any size X, Y or Z. Only stretching or compressing of the texture depends on the size of the object along the axes XYZ, if you assign it to the object space. In any case, the endless slab or plane will go to the horizon, irrespective of compression or stretching XYZ.
    If you want to stretch the cloud, do it in the "Edit Texture", changing the scaling.


    Alex, I agree that I do not understand it all. Now, here are two examples of the same scene. One with a texture in world space and one in object space (the one with not a lot of variation). I also show the slab from top. I clearly see the horizon and no clouds in both renders.
    Then the render with the triangle is with a much wider (longer) z (texture in world mapping mode). And also this one from the top.
    Now the horizon is just not or just visible. I also tried this one with object mapping texture mode: similar result
    So, In my view, the size of the z does make a difference (not only on the texture, obviously).

    Either, I must still have some misunderstanding, or, infinite is just a word in the software and does not necessarily mean that it is infinite.

    By the way, I also tried with much higher texture frequency: no difference in the horizon view at all.


    Hans, it is obvious that you Slab tilted at -1 ° (or so) in the axis X. Either you distorted geometry. Perhaps that Slab looks like a parallelogram in any lateral projection. Use the command "Unscale" and "Unrotate" to the Slab and everything will fall into place.

    Oh, dear. How stupid of me. If I try a new file, there is indeed no visible horizon. I started with an older file and apparently had some distortion or tilt. My apologies, and, of course, Alex you are right. Thanks! 

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited July 2015

    Sorry, I don't like it... This new forum software that is.

    It insists on logging me out everytime I return and then I have to log back in to post or even to view the pictures at full size.

    The format as stated above is way too big and it's difficult to see who's posted what and when.


    But hey ho, I suppose it's more important to mess with the forum software than it is to update the real software... Luckily this place too good to simply leave and I guess I'll have to get used to it.


    More clouds... This time it's starting to look like smoke in some places.


    Edit: And apparently the preview picture is going to be minute so please feel free to click the pic to see the bigger version.

    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • Me too - logs me out everytime. May be a Mac issue. 

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433

    And the log in link is at the BOTTOM of the page?

    So I have to scroll all the way down a page I can't see properly to log in.


    Anyway, onwards and upwards:

    Same scene, different lighting, sky colours and terrain material.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538

    DAZ threatened quite a while ago that the forum software will be updated. The first one wasn't bad, images could be embedded in the text, the one now ended was a huge step backwards. And this iteration is certainly not a step forward. It appears the forum was made to look nice on a smart phone.

    Before, we could opt to get an email when that thread got a new comment. Now the inbox gets filled because each time someone adds to the thread, an email is sent.

    And when I added this comment, the forum broke down and got unavailable (06:58 utc).

    @Dave - nice render. I don't think the clouds look smoke-like. The second one is great, too. I can't decide which I prefer.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,105

    I haven't had any trouble with the change other than the layout and clunkiness of the way the software works. There are so many other forum software packages out there that are much better and user friendly, and also free :)

    What I have done is click on the cog at the top of the page; choose Recent Discussions; bookmark that page and always open that. It gives a list of the categories with the number of new posts since you last visited. I read the categories that interest me and then click on Mark Forums Viewed and go do something else :) I have also Bookmarked two categories and have only received three emails, the ones from here, letting me know that there were posts.

    It seems to be that web designers are too lazy to make two different layouts anymore. It used to be that the website was designed for computers and then a different CSS was made to lay it out for smart phones. Now it seems they only design for smart phones and the layout looks terrible on computers. I have always disliked lazy website design and usually avoid sites that don't take the time to make sure they work correctly on all devices. I don't use a smart phone and my tablet is set for normal viewing and not mobile. Even my website is passable on a smart phone and I'm not a web designer :)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538

    Under General, The Commons, is a new thread "Using the New Forums (In Progress) - Please Post Questions and Issues Here !". It appears that there is still some tinkering with the software ahead after going life without thorough testing.


  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389

    Sorry I also don’t like the forum new software. no  I use my browsers at 125% (old age) now the print is huge, it’s a pain zooming in and out.   Dave’s attachment is so small.

    Dave – both your renders are beautiful. smiley

  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited July 2015

    Oh, boy..... hopefully the new forum changes will be easier to navigate than DAZStudio! LOL  There are things I like and things I don't, so we'll see.  I do like the fact that it saves a draft of your message periodically.  I've lost several posts due to forum hiccups.

    @Horo: I love the abstract.  Everything works so well together and it was a great idea to use the lens to capture more of the HDRI. Great work.

    @Sandy:  Neat image with the house.  The elves (can we still call them elves or is that not the politically correct term? LOL) are hard at work. 

    @CTippetts:  Cloud experiments look good and the banding isn't too bad.  I wonder if bumping up the quality just a little in the material library would eliminate that.  Not too much, but maybe to 5 or so.  I don't know enough about the clouds and volumetric materials to suggest anything different.  It will increase the render time, but maybe not too much.  Also, thinking about the maximum ray depth....if you set it down would that help with render times.

    I don't have a definitive suggestion for you on the geografting, but is this link any use to you?

    @DaveSavage: I like both images.  I think I like the first best because you have the airplane trails. 

    slepalex said:

    fencepost52, the first picture is very good. Just put the camera at eye level! It would be more natural. You're not from the top of the tree is shooting. :-)
    For the rest of the images is also true, if you do not shoot from the top of the mountain. In the latter case, the high position of the camera is justified.

    Thanks for the suggestions, Alex.  You are mostly correct about the camera positioning.  The one with the killer whale was taken from the opposite side of the mountain while I was walking on a forest trail. I happened to see the killer whale playing in the water and had to take a picture through the trees. laugh   

    I've modified the marsh scene a bit by adjusting the camera angle and reducing the water plane so that it only covers the interior portion of the marsh.  The soils around the marsh are still saturated and the plant life hydrated.


    The Hills are Alive 5.jpg
    1500 x 750 - 1M
    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389

    @Art - the modified marsh scene is nice but I still prefer the 1st one.

  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509

    @Art - the modified marsh scene is nice but I still prefer the 1st one.

    Thanks, mermaid! 

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited July 2015

    Two surreal scenes, using Horo's GasClouds A2 Hdri. In the 2nd one I changed the Yaw of the Hdri and added lights from the IBLg_Rb Hdri using Make an additive background image for example scene 1 version 2 - by David Brinnen 


    Edited: I'll check back later to see how to add a link


    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2015

    Love the first one, mermaid...super.


    Very photorealistic, Art...we call that stuff on the water pond weed over here...I walked onto a carpet of it once in my youth, and got the fright of my life.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • dragonfall1221dragonfall1221 Posts: 69
    edited July 2015

    Hello everyone! After five months, starting over, uninstalling and reinstalling all my Bryce software, my garden is finally finished! Everything is rendered in a single scene. I even managed to squeak my character in. Thanks to everyone who gave advice. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you. I would mention you by name, but the new forum is making it very hard to go back and find everyone.

    asharas garden horse fountain detail.jpg
    1200 x 540 - 713K
    asharas garden arial frontal.jpg
    1200 x 540 - 657K
    asharas garden third terrace side.jpg
    1200 x 540 - 623K
    asharas garden side view.jpg
    1200 x 540 - 623K
    palace garden withh all terraces frontal.jpg
    1200 x 540 - 646K
    asharas garden with ashara.jpg
    1200 x 540 - 143K
    asharas garden with ashara detail.jpg
    1200 x 540 - 132K
    Post edited by dragonfall1221 on
  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485


    Havent been around in ages(Sorry about that its called life)

    But Hello alot of images I cant see broken and such I see...

    What happened...?

  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited July 2015

    Thanks Jamahoney.  It gets called pondweed here too.  However, I'm a wetland scientist and the only thing that worries me when I'm walking in the swamps is venomous snakes. Even the alligators aren't a bother! LOL

    @Mermaid:  For some reason you thumbnails won't open in full size.

    @dragonfall1221: Awesome renders! So glad you got your computer set back up and were able to get your scenes rendered. You've done very well. Hope to see more work from you.

    Here's my latest.  The hills are alive with the sight of wildflowers!

    Field Flowers.jpg
    850 x 850 - 830K
    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2015

    Art, I had the non-opening issue of images, too...only to discover that the damn new Daz update constantly logs me out when I log in on a new day (the images become full size, for me anyway, only when I'm logged in).

    Sigh, I do hope some of the designers are monitoring this Froum, as they seriously need to take into acount the above suggestions. As Horo mentioned above, a look at, or a comment on, the Commons ( might help the designers' in their future changes.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited July 2015

    @Art - thank you. Your Hills are Alive series is awesome.

    @mermaid - not exactly abstracts, rather a cosy place under strange skies. Well done.

    @dragonfall - your palais renders are awesome. You're really one with unending patience.

    @foleypro - hope to see you more often hanging around here.

    While I'm waiting until this forum software is debugged and actually comfortably usable, I used a bit of our sets to render something. Here, the terrain is the Helmet Nebula from the Space Construction Kit, the bushes from the Vegetation set and the sky along with the ambient light from the Skyless HDRI Skies set, that may hit the store yet this month. The main light is from the sun and rendered with TA.

    Red Cones
















    Tricky to get the image in.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    Now, I am logged in, but still several of the attachments and thumbnails point to 'Sorry, page not available". What's up doc?

    By the way, I think I can sell my glasses now, because the letters are very big indeed. I just need my glasses when I'm typing in this field laugh

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited July 2015

    We are experiencing a wee bit of static, web is working on it and the signal sjhould be clearer presently 

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited July 2015

    All attached images have now gone!.... :(


    And apparently typing smileys doesn't work.

    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,105

    All attached images have now gone!.... :(


    And apparently typing smileys doesn't work.

    They deleted the database and all new images that were loaded since the chageover were lost. You have to go back and edit any post with an image and reload them frown

    This must be the worst forum software I have ever used in all the years of computing. It is like being back in the '80's no 

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    Fishtales said:
    They deleted the database and all new images that were loaded since the chageover were lost. You have to go back and edit any post with an image and reload them frown

    This must be the worst forum software I have ever used in all the years of computing. It is like being back in the '80's no 

    Why am I not surprised?  

  • @Fencepost52 - thank you ^_^

    @Horo - Thanks! I dont know if its so much patience or an unwillingness to let a computer program win :)

    Oh, and is anyone else unable to see the images on posts? I could for a hot second, but then they were gone again. I understand from the Commons that the forum is still being debugged from the changeover.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited July 2015
    Horo said:
    Fishtales said:
    They deleted the database and all new images that were loaded since the chageover were lost. You have to go back and edit any post with an image and reload them frown

    This must be the worst forum software I have ever used in all the years of computing. It is like being back in the '80's no 

    Why am I not surprised?  

    Oh, please be fair to poor Benjam, he did own up that he made a mistake.  .


    I am sure you have all pressed the wrong button in error at some stage, and then filled the room with expletives when you realise there isn't an undo button to recover from the wrong button press.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,105
    Chohole said:
    Horo said:
    Fishtales said:

    Oh, please be fair to poor Benjam, he did own up that he made a mistake.  .


    I am sure you have all pressed the wrong button in error at some stage, and then filled the room with expletives when you realise there isn't an undo button to recover from the wrong button press.

     I wasn't refering to Benjamin when I was metioning the software and I don't think Horo was either.

    I am surprised that the incremental backup isn't set for per day or even four hours going by the amount of traffic on the forums. He says in his post that every image posted after the changeover was lost which wouldn't happen if the backup was set properly.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538

    Indeed, I did read Benjamin's post before I made mine. Such things happen, no hard feelings - been there, done that often enough. My experience is that this company has an unlucky hand quite often, that's why I don't be surprised. As it looks, the images in the thumbnail folder were lost. Mine is still there, only the thumbnail disappeared.

This discussion has been closed.