Texture files with suffices c, ms, n and o for imported OBJ

DazzleDazzle Posts: 45
edited December 2021 in Art Studio

Hello! New user here :)

I have a freebie OBJ prop which I'm trying to import into Daz Studio, but I am having trouble with the textures. Four texture files came with the prop, all named object_xxx.png, where xxx = c, ms, n and o (e.g., object_ms.png). I've deduced that 'c' is Base Colour and 'n' is Normal Map, and I have applied these successfully via the Surfaces tab. But what are 'o' and 'ms'? The prop looks quite good without them, but I'd like to do the job properly.

As a secondary question, are these standard (or widely used) suffices, are there any others in common use, and is there a list of them published somewhere?

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,291
    edited December 2021

    O might be opacity or Occlusion - are parts of the model meant to be see-through? If it's occlusion, which uses grey levels to indicate how tucked away an area is, it isn't actually needed for the Iray Uber base shader, but you could use it as a mask for the top-coat layer to add dirt in crevices or the like. If it's meant to be a PBR material then ms could be to control Metallicity/Specular - two different behaviours, with different properties, which have a mixing property near the top of the list in the Surfaces pane.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • DazzleDazzle Posts: 45

    Thank you for the reply, Richard. The prop is a handtool (just a couple of pieces of metal) with no opacity or see-through quality. It does have a patina though.

    I tried using the ms file as you suggested. There was no obvious change in quality but, having read up on what PBR means, maybe it's an effect that will only show up under certain lighting conditions and/or affect the (rough) working surfaces of the tool, as opposed to the (smooth) handheld bits.

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