Exporting a bvh to DAZ
I used the MotionBuilder trial version for one month to convert raw mocap data into DAZ. I spent almost 10 days to figure out and learn how the workflow should be. And now, as i won't spent hundreds of dollars in that license, I bought the cheaper Maya indie. The retargeting is even easier and faster, but comes the export step, and sadly I discovered there was no bvh options, only fbx. I do need a bvh in DAZ because fbx won't let me apply progressive morphs. People, any idea on how to achieve that? I heard of scripts or even using blender to convert fbx to bvh, but impossible to open the fbx I exported. Help!
can you save the FBX as an animated pose preset?
Animated pose preset is a DAZ thing only, isn't it ? Or is it an option in Maya ?
I meant in DAZ, I don't have Maya
I can get the occasonal FBX that makes the round trip out of DAZ to certain softwares to save as an animated pose imported back in
it's a rare even as most come in jumbled but I have lucked out a couple times but never discoved what was different
the app I lucked out on was iClone 3 3DXchange twice I got an FBX back in and never again
Unfortunatyely I can't get the Maya-produced fbx file work back either in DAZ or blender... but works fine with windows 3D viewer!
Just wondering if you're able to put the mocap animation to the rig from Daz to Maya because then you can export the animation from Maya back into Daz on a character. But to be clear, you have to click the rig or re-target skeleton and use that rig to export back into Daz.
I don't know very much at all about Maya and about exporting BVHs and such, I just finished the Maya basics workshop through Animation Mentor last week so that's what I know, basics lol. But I did figure out finally thanks to another thread here how to bring a character in from Daz, retarget the skeleton, and get that animtaion back into Daz and thought maybe that might work for you.