Render time with environment
in New Users
Hi all,
i have an issue with my render times when I use enviroments. I can render with 3 characters together Full HD withhin 4 minutes with great results. But when I load an enviroment (even if its a small one) my render times goes through the roof... instead of 5 minutes it takes hours.. has this something to do with the lighting? Also the skins of my characters which looked great without enviroment looks now very mad with.
Would be great if someone can help or support.
thanks in advance
Lighting is likely to be the cause, yes - if the lighting is mainly or entirely Sun/Sky or an HDR environment map then it isn't easily goign to get into an enclosed space, and even if therea re windows the light still has to bounce into the areas that are not in a direct line from the opening - the areas light has trouble reaching wil take a long time to settle on their final values. Skin sghows all sorts of scattering and transmission effects - with very directional lighting, or very weak lighting, those effects may look distorted or may not appear.
Try putting soem point lights in the scene adjacent to the actual light sources, and adjust the Tonemapping settings to reflect the lower light level.
He! Many thanks for your reply.