SSS on Network Render always give error

DondecDondec Posts: 243
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

I created a character scene that renders fine on my Carrara 8.5 Pro using built-in (manual) render and on Carrara's network render farm (3 PCs).

Adding a few finishing touches I put Sub Surface Scattering (SSS) on the figure's skin. Boom. Network render reports "an error occurred' as soon as it starts rendering the 1st skin region.

At first I though I broke something, but when I reloaded the project and rendered it manually ... it worked!! Same project file.

Trying many different things I finally tried disabling SSS and saved it out again.. that was it, network rendering started working again.

Q: Is network rendering with SSS a known problem for Carrara... anybody know?

Q: If its not, I'd like to submit my project file to DAZ for developer consideration ... hopefully get it fixed in the next Beta... but don't know how to submit it. Let me know...

Thanks in advance - Don


  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    No idea what the problem can be, but I find it funny how so many software developers apparently never took the class in school where you learn how to tell the user WHAT the problem is, rather than a "a problem has occurred".

    Thinking back to all of the years I've used computers, how many times has the software actually told me what the problem is...I can't think of any. And I especially love the automated Windows networking troubleshooter, or the general Windows troubleshooter...guaranteed that 99% of the time they can't figure out what the problem is. You always get the response, "Sorry, we can't figure out what the problem is".

    Strange world we live in.

    Anyway, if it's any help, my only thought on your problem is maybe there is a missing module in your network machine(s), or you aren't pointing to the right software or texture or something.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Can you try creating a new scene with SSS in the shader to see if it repeats? It could be a very simple scene.

    Also, are the specs on the node machines similar to the host?

    Have you tried clearing out the temp files on the nodes?

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