UVmapping tutorial
This one covers uvmapping for a picture [the kind you might put on a wall].
It is not the only way to uvmap, it is one way ... it is not probably the short way ... but we get there.
Also touches on putting the image on a template and morphing.
773 x 1000 - 149K
Hi Patience:)
Does one have to be registered to see your tuts? I've never been able to get to them!
Heavens no, just Download the zip folder via the Download button.
DA used to have a way we could upload a .pdf file so that it would not open in the browser unless requested. Then they made it so that it would start to open in the browser as soon as one landed on the page. Given that these tutorials are image intense, and I think print ready [not sure on that, seems to be something the creating program does] they are very heavy. So landing on a page for something one may or not want to look at and having a 65mb or 135 mb or whatever trying to open in the browser rather bogs down the browser [mine anyway] and so to keep friends I thought it best to put the .pdf files inside a .zip folder. Also bandwidth is not doubled then either for those who have to watch that.
Thank you again. I'm looking forward to having some me-time today so I can work on tutorials.
Thanks, Patience - OK I see the zip download way off in the corner :)
You're welcome.
I misplaced my round toit, so I haven't tried any of your tutorials yet. Maybe today...
Here's a nice wooden one you can use till you find yours :)
Thanks, Roygee. I still didn't get to a tutorial, but I did get a couple of renders done. Finally used some lights and the render time shot way up. I always wondered why everybody complained about long render times. Mine were always quick because I never used lights.
Now that I've got a round tuit I better get some work done with tutorials.
An update note concerning that quirk for how to get Hexagon to weld together a multi-piece item into one item ... it does NOT truly 'weld' it together. It just looks welded BUT "sometimes" [and I do mean sometimes] one can then "weld" AND keep the uvmap and shading domains. One could also zap everything though so "backup" files ;-)
A few other things to keep in mind while modeling are illustrated in the attached images.
Oh yes, while exporting out an .obj from D/S usually makes it smaller in size, sometimes half the weight of whatever Hexagon does ... today it outdid itself. Yessirreesir ... it made an item just over 200mb, nearly 300mb. hehehe .... back to drawing board ....
Hands up all who really thought I was going to do ALL those lines lol ...
tsk, tsk ...