49th Bryce contest (Poll)

ApocApoc Posts: 407
edited January 2022 in Bryce Discussion

THEME : *****   *Ancient Times*   *****

Its old news

DEADLINE :  ( Jan/19/2022 )
https://s.surveyplanet.com/0t1p9j13 )


Prizes :

DAZ 3D Sponsorship, in the form of Store credit
Ist Place $30
2nd Place $20
3rd place $15
$10 for up to 3 Honorable Mentions


               1                          2                     3                           4

dan-whiteside-The-History-Lesson     Drachenlords-A-day-in-pompeii      Black-Snow-Sky-flagrant-Rip-Off-1     adbc-mayan-temple

      The History Lesson                A Day in Pompeii               Flagrant Rip-Off #1             Mayan temple


               5                          6                     7                           8

   Drachenlords-polyphem   dan-whiteisde-ancient-tome    yellow-pen-ancient-ruins-no-one    adbc-ancient-egypt

      Polyphem                               Ancient Tome                    Ancient Ruins No One:             ancient Egypt


               9                          10                     11                           12

  Hansmar-meeting-at-stonehedge adbc-my-old-teddy   mermaid010-ancient-ruins   hansmar-Neanderthals

     Meeting at Stonehenge.              My old teddy                        Ancient Ruins                  Ancient Villa



               13                        14                     15                           16

horo-ruin-in-wood   Horo-Knights-Return     Drachenlords-Forgotten-cult   horo-last-chiliad 

            Ruin in Wood                  Knights Return                      Ruins of the forgotten cult.          Last Chiliad 




The Queens Chamber

Post edited by Apoc on


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,286

    Voted. Thank's Apoc for organising the poll. Superbly done great ideas as usual. Good luck to all.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Voted. Excellent entries !

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,214

    I voted too - good luck, everyone who entered!

  • Voted too - good luck to you all.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,174

    Voted too - good luck all.

  • Apoc - thank you so much for doing this! It's really appreciated. Voted.

  • Voted! - Good luck to everyone and many thanks to Apoc for his efforts. 

  • huberthubert Posts: 410

    Not easy to make a decision. Voted too.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,797

    I voted too. Very good works, though not as many as a couple of contests ago, which is really a pity, I think.


  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449

    Sorry to not be around great work everyone ...voted and best of luck to you all

  • S RayS Ray Posts: 398

    Hi all, haven't been around much lately. But the worst is behind me & I should be back to normal by the end of Feb. ( For whatever normal is now a days ) Anyway I was thrilled to see when I dropped in today that the deadline had not expired to vote in the challenge. All great entries good work & luck to all who participated.

  • ApocApoc Posts: 407
    edited January 2022

    1st place - Drachenlords - Ruins of the forgotten cult  16votes


    2nd place Hansmar -  Ancient Villa 11votes



    3rd place DanWhiteside - The History lesson / ancient tome

    dan-whiteside-The-History-Lesson dan-whiteisde-ancient-tome

    Honorable Mentions





    Results of the poll

    drachenlords 15    16votes  ruins of the forogtten cult

    drachenlords 2      11votes  A day in pompeii

    hansmar 12           11votes  ancient villa

    dan whiteside  1     7votes   The history lesson

    drachenlords 5       7votes   polyphem

    dan whiteside 6      7votes   ancient tome

    horo    14                6votes   knights return

    horo    16                6votes   last chiliad

    adbc    10               5votes   my old teddy

    yellowpen 7            4votes   anceint ruins no one

    hansmar 9              4votes   meeting at stonehedge

    mermaid010 11      4votes   ancient ruins ( judges voted on this one for tie breaker )

    horo    13                4votes   ruin in the wood

    adbc    8                 3votes   ancient egypt

    dan whiteside 17    3votes   The Queens Chamber

    blacksnowsky 3      2votes   Flagrant rip off

    adbc    4                 0votes   mayan temple

    raw results.png
    1066 x 779 - 55K
    Post edited by Apoc on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,286

    Congratulation to the winners, great entries. Thanks for all participants and voters. Special thanks to Apoc for all the work.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Wonderful entries, congrats to the winners.  Thanks Apoc for all the work.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,174
    edited January 2022

    Congrats to the winner and participants, thanks for the votes, A big thank you to Apoc for keeping these challenges alive.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to Apoc for the work.

  • Hey thanks to everyone who voted and as always a special thanks to Apoc for making this possible.
    Congratulations to all winners and participants. It was incredibly good work from everyone. 

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,797

    Thanks for the good work, Apoc!

    Congrats to all winners and participants.

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