Looking for baseball gear and uniform for DAZ (not Poser)
Posts: 299
in The Commons
Hi all,
As the title says, I’m looking for baseball gear; that includes glove/mitt, the uniform and the protective gear.
There are few bats and balls, but I have found nothing of the other stuff. There is a toon version here at DAZ but is not what I’m looking for.
Preferably G8, but anything M4/V4 and up would do.
I guess is a very small niche.
Alternatively, if anyone has ideas of how kitbashing the outfit, then that would be welcomed as well.
Thanks in advance.
No known catcher's equipment or other specialized fielding gloves & such are sold. It's the same for all sports that need more than a piece or two of specialized equipment in the 3D model sites. No American Football team could be properly outfitted from DAZ 3D. No hockey team either.
There isn't but this product without the sweater and a baseball cap and retextured would work as an old fashioned type.
Knickerbockers for Genesis 8 Male(s) | Daz 3D
cartoonish but you get a usuable bat, ball, and field. If you wanted to make this work with Genesis 3 & Genesis 8 you need to buy: Toon Generations Home Run, Toon Generations 3 Mega Bundle (or just the male or female portion depending on your wants) and then you autofit the Toon Generations Home Run to Toon Generations 3 Male or the Female and then autofit to the Genesis 8 Male or Female. The baseball cap doesn't fit right so maybe that rules that out for you.
Toon Generations Home Run | Daz 3D
baseball cap , refit to genersis 8 male or genesis 3 male if needed
Message-Shirt-Magic Bundle for Genesis 8 Female(s) | Daz 3D
Hi nonesuch00,
Thanks for the info! I've seen hockey and football gear/uniforms for M4 though. Maybe not exact replica but better than nothing (I guess).
I already have a basebal field, bat and ball from this https://www.daz3d.com/collective3d-baseball-field , and the cap from various sources one of which is the one you linked. That's why I discarded the toon generation home run asset. Also, I don't think is worth for me to spend money on the toons just to get the outfit.
However, the knickerbockers is a good start for kitbash.
Thanks again!
Oops, I forgot to list Collective 3D's baseball field after telling myself to don't forget it.
I was also looking for some baseball Items/uniform... did you ever find what you needed? The link bellow was as close as I got with some quick re-texturing on a bunch of different outfits.
There is an old one for M4 here:
Uniform for A3 here:
Uniform for G2 here:
A glove here:
Some baseball stuff here:
There's this but it looks like you'd have to rig it: