Adjusting Carrara wood shaders for flat surface.

Box8068_31c338ee4bBox8068_31c338ee4b Posts: 292
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

I know I must be missing something simple here. I am trying to use Carrara's wood shaders on a flat plank.
Picture a 1x3 3 feet long. I just can't seem to adjust the correct parameter to get the shader to look ok. It always seems that each surface looks more like the end grain of the wood rather then the flat cross cut surface. Is there something simple I am missing here?
I don't need a very realistic look for this project otherwise I would be hunting for texture maps.
Any ideas of what I am doing wrong. Even using projection mapping of a flat surface didn't seem to make it look correct.
Thank you


  • ncampncamp Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    In the Lumber Yard shader, there is a Direction where you can map X, Y, or Z axis. You can also try different values in the plank density fields

    1940 x 1049 - 1M
  • Box8068_31c338ee4bBox8068_31c338ee4b Posts: 292
    edited December 1969

    Thank you,I am now able to get it to work. I still have to play with the shader a bit. Even copying you settings didn't work the first time.
    I think I need to focus /get a tighter grip on the relationship the planes I use in the model room, and how it relates to the texture room.
    Thank you I am able to get it to work.

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