Fit Control - (Commercial)

Hi Guys. Been working on a set of universal morphs which are added to clothing to expand on their flexibility. Works with clothing that has no morphs, or gets added to list with those that do contain some. Basically you just dial them in to change any results after auto-fit. This started out as a breast re-fitter, to eliminate that shrink wrapped appearance, but I included a few other morphs to help in other areas of the body. At this stage it is for Genesis2 Female only, but a Genesis1 version is probably on the cards. What makes this system kind of cool is that once the morphs are activated, they get copied onto every item of clothing, and can be dialed at different strengths on each of them. More details as the rest gets finalized. I will be adding some more movement and adjustment morphs as I finish this off. Here are some shots of what the breast morphs can do and how they work on the clothes. Shown on v4, G1 and G2f clothing.

Ok, but have you noticed, that there is already this one:
In the current stage, your product seems to do quite the same.
If it worked the same, I would not have made this:) I am aware of that product. I have it already:) Also this works very differently. This set works with custom breast shapes as well and are not restricted to specific morphs. EG you basically dial in around 5-7 universal morphs to adjust to any custom breast shape you have on your figure. To Add, the breast area morphs are only one of the features the product contains. I will show the rest at a later stage when they are more finalized.
Oh, ok, I understand :-)
I wish we could get some morphs for the butt area, to stretch out pants in that region. Most pants look more like body paintings than actual cloth.
This has glute adjusters. Contains morphs for lower body as well.
The other product's promotional images make it seem like it can distort the textures of the clothing. See how 'bendy' the zip looks?
Unless I'm mistaken, this doesn't seem to suffer from that priblem, which makes it highly desirable, if so.
Ha I actually have that outfit. Here are some test renders. Basically, by dialing the morphs you can counter distortions in a way if things like zips are not protected by rigidity. Eg you just adjust the center height or width morphs. The following example is with breast size + Lilith6 dialled., and below that, the product morphs used to re-fit the clothes.
Sold! :)
An example of a height morph eg hip length. Won't work certain styled dresses, but for corsets and t-shirts\sweaters it should work fine. Still a lot of fine tuning to do....If all goes well, the bottom half for underwear etc will do the same. The aim is to give clothing some added flexibility to make them a bit more useful and better fitting if they lack fbm fittings for common shapes or any morphs in general.
Interesting; I'll keep an eye on this.
You mentioned glute and lower body adjustments; will this help any in cases where overenthusiastic shape following makes the clothes waistline distort into a W-shape? There are some combinations of morphs and clothes (especially bikini bottoms) I just can't use because of this.
I have those morphs to straighten the clothing line, specially on underwear area. Will have to test on lots more shapes and different clothing types before it is done though. Basically its a few equalizer morphs that moves areas up and down until the clothing is straight. The hard thing is isolating them for maximum flexibility that can be used on a wider variety of shapes..
I really like this. I'd love a groin adjuster for the men. =-)
Looks very useful and I'm sure I'll pick it up when available but the thing I have the most trouble with is [nevermind]
If it can take care of the 2 most annoying distortions with Keiko 6 (weird crease between chest, and upon the buttock, on some of the clothing made without Keiko morphs), it's... already sold :)
Sold!!! This ist exactly what I was looking for for AGES!!! :-)
At last, a proper end to cannon-ball boobage. Sold :)
Come on now, SPIT it out:)
Any specific clothing item you have in mind that causes issues on her?
Come on now, SPIT it out:)
Can I mention crotch morphs?
I just did, didn't I XD
Lol..there are crotch morphs. What I found is when you want to layer clothing they intersect each other. So there are lots of options down there as well as movement morphs:)
True, but I get problems with older models, especially M3/M4 stuff :)
But I just discovered deformers so it's a nice way to get me some practise on that :D
-- Walt Sterdan
Thanks:) Hoping to get it to store before the month is over. Would have been done sooner but got distracted with Iray lol.. Was having too much fun :cheese:
Nice! Once again, Zev0, you're filling in utility gaps that are desperately needed! :-)
Just what I need! I also have the other clothing fix but I've never gotten it to work right. It seems to just push the center between the breasts outward so instead of getting
I get
(as looking from above)
Not to mention all the morph dial names really don't tell what the morph does so it's all guessing through tons of dials. :(
When is this due in stores? I've got my CC in hand waiting!
That's the same Problem I Encounter too! I desperately Need that tool!
I know exactly what you mean. Its why I created morphs to tackle these areas separately for more control, and named them so they are easy to understand. Working day and night on this so hopefully before the month is over it will be in stores.
Any specific clothing item you have in mind that causes issues on her?
Well, I would say about 90 % of all the clothes I own lol, to various extents though. If a small list is needed, here are a few : Cute dress, Kamala outfit, Slinky Tube dress, Plunge dress, Woodland dancer (less), Hongyu's bikini 2, and I made screencaptures of the first 3 I tested today (Bowskirt, Callidora outfit, Casual denim 2), if you need to see; although I think they're not the worst I've seen on the buttock issue. Some of the clothes are really shaping a huge kind of "bump" upon the buttock.
Thanks for the shots.
Hmmm...looking at some of those clothing here, and they are way too dense (high polygon count) in areas causing these distortions or the mesh flow is wrong...I'll see what I can do from my side, but some of these clothing items refuse to play nice, even with smoothing applied :blank: If clothing was designed with a 1to1 density ratio in relation to the figure, it just fits better. What is happening is too many polygons are trying to be assigned to areas where there is no room for them, so they cause these wierd distortions. Would work if they followed the flow of the figure as well, but some of them fight it..bleh.....
See the irregularity in flow? These also cause distorsions because they are not evenly applied to the figures shape on both sides.