Problem submitting a product

alaltaccalaltacc Posts: 151


   I'm trying to submit a product through the form in the link below:

   I found the link in this page:

   The problem is: DAZ asks for ten images, but if I attach ten images to the form it says there are "too many attachments". I could try lowering the number of images until the form is accepted, but ten is already less than what I wanted to send (it's an environment and I need to show several angles and objects). I sent them a message asking for instructions, but as I don't know how long it will take to get a reply I'm also asking you guys. :-)



  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,849

    Pack the images together in a zip file and attach that.

  • alaltaccalaltacc Posts: 151

    @Ascania, thanks for the reply! They specifically say that we should NOT do that. Have you done that and it worked or is it a suggestion? I'm asking because if you already did and it worked I'll be more comfortable to do the same. smiley

  • alaltaccalaltacc Posts: 151

    I did as you suggested. Better than waiting for a reply to then do something. ;-)

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,750

    How many images can you get on the form. If its nine,  send the nine,  because the reviewers will make a determination fairly quickly with the first 4 images, and the other five will just confirm the inital assessment. I don't know how strict the guidelines are these days,  cause I became a PA over 12 years ago, and these things change,  but make sure that your promo art is store worthy and impressive.

    One chance to make a good first impression quote and all that.

    If you haven't seen this thread,  its worth a look when it comes to promo images.


  • alaltaccalaltacc Posts: 151

    Thanks for the tips, I'll take a look in the thread.

    As in my case the product is an environment, I found the proportions they ask for (1300 x 1000 in portrait) VERY limiting. Environments ask for landscape images... Even so, I've tried to follow these rules, except for two wide-angle images to show the entire room.

    The problem in sending too few images is that my environment have lots of objects inside. It's impossible to show all of them as they should be seen with less than 10 images. Anyway, I sent a ZIP file. If they reject my submission specifically because of it, I can resubmit with separate images (since the reason for the rejection was purely based on a bad submission format).

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,750
    edited March 2022

    If you get accepted you will get a link specific for PAs to update all your other images.  This is merely a step in the process. Pick your best ones that showcase the product's strengths and marketibility.

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,849

    alaltacc said:

    @Ascania, thanks for the reply! They specifically say that we should NOT do that. Have you done that and it worked or is it a suggestion? I'm asking because if you already did and it worked I'll be more comfortable to do the same. smiley

    Sorry, haven't tried submitting anything in ages.

  • alaltaccalaltacc Posts: 151

    @Ascania, no problem at all! In the end I did as you suggested and it worked, they already sent me the "default" message that the submission was received and will be vetted. Thanks!

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